From Bayrampasa, Istanbul, Türkiye
aka İstanbul Ticaret Odası Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi
Rookie Year: 2016
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Event Results

Team 6038 was 12-5-0 in official play in 2018.

Istanbul Regional

in Bati Atasehir, 34 34746, Turkey
to Week 2

Team 6038 was Rank 6 with a record of 12-5-0

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 4 and were eliminated in the Semifinals.

Captain 6038
Pick 1 7239
Pick 2 6303
Backup for 6303 6232
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
7086 7298 7227 6064 7010 6038 115 225
2905 7086 6038 7228 7035 6838 330 155
6038 6232 7296 6014 3646 7298 125 390
6415 6038 7291 5655 7297 6232 335 155
7296 7293 7294 6038 7140 7290 203 207
4191 6303 6064 7293 6038 7108 123 290
5665 6038 7071 7297 7291 7108 267 190
6038 5655 6429 3646 7239 7010 335 234
7295 6415 5665 6038 5558 3646 224 287
7070 7294 2905 7298 6038 6989 305 247
6038 7228 6436 6697 7290 6014 319 209
7297 7294 5558 7292 6014 6038 305 161
7239 6038 6303 7291 7297 7296 356 138
7239 6038 6303 7291 7297 7296 341 27
7140 6429 7293 7239 6038 6303 350 430
7140 6429 7293 7239 6038 6303 501 269
7140 6429 7293 7239 6038 6232 448 93

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