From Santa Barbara, California, USA
aka Architectural Millwork/Corning Corporation/FLIR/Check Yourself Inc./Lockheed Martin/Neal Feay Company/Subsea Circuits/Gracewood/L3/Arthrex/Seek Thermal Inc./ARMABOT&Riviera Robotics
Rookie Year: 2016
Last competed in 2022
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Robot Name: Sherman Crab

Event Results

Team 5818 was 21-12-0 in official play and 58-25-0 overall in 2019.

Los Angeles North Regional

in Valencia, CA, USA
to Week 3

Team 5818 was Rank 5 with a record of 10-5-0

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 1 and were eliminated in the Quarterfinals.

Captain 6560
Pick 1 5818
Pick 2 2429
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Ventura Regional

in Ventura, CA 93003, USA
to Week 5

Team 5818 was Rank 8 with a record of 11-7-0 and won the following awards:

  • Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 3 and were eliminated in the Semifinals.

Captain 599
Pick 1 5818
Pick 2 5678
Backup for 5678 4470
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3925 599 5818 1138 5857 5477 67 53
5818 5107 114 7887 3473 4201 59 67
5137 5818 5136 4470 7323 5107 76 22
5136 294 6764 1138 5818 3473 45 71
5102 5818 2543 7327 4414 1138 80 84
2486 5678 7326 5818 4470 6560 55 86
7650 6560 114 5818 580 3863 79 51
5102 3328 580 5510 5818 6398 30 68
3303 7887 5818 599 5137 5700 78 69
5869 5199 4486 5818 6553 7323 106 59
6934 5869 5818 5136 7326 7324 72 32
3863 6398 4711 115 7324 5818 53 84
5818 599 5678 1138 4201 3512 67 72
5818 599 5678 1138 4201 3512 67 59
5818 599 5678 1138 4201 3512 57 44
114 294 7887 5818 599 4470 81 74
114 294 7887 5818 599 4470 65 66
114 294 7887 5818 599 4470 76 74

Wings Over Camarillo

in Camarillo, CA, USA

Team 5818 was Rank 2 with a record of 15-3-0

Captain 4414
Pick 1 5818
Pick 2 6821
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
6821 5818 980 4 3925 4414 36 56
7327 7326 5818 2102B 6821 3328 77 26
2102 5818 3863B 7327 4414B 7326 64 18
4414 2102 980 2102B 5818 3863B 62 55
4 5199 3759 5818 599 7326 62 46
4414B 4414 5818 980 2584 3759 89 39
3759 2584 7327 4 5818 2102 50 75
3925 3863 5818 2584B 2102 2102B 68 32
5199 2584B 5818 2659 2102 6821 79 67
7326 980 2659 5818 691 2584 54 76
2659 2584B 4414B 5818 5199 3328 56 80
3863B 599 7327 2584 5818 2659 65 68
5818 4414 6821 9998 9999 9997 1 0
5818 4414 6821 9998 9999 9997 1 0
5818 4414 6821 2102 3863 3925 76 50
5818 4414 6821 2102 3863 3925 71 62
5818 4414 6821 2659 5199 2102B 86 70
5818 4414 6821 2659 5199 2102B 95 75

Chezy Champs

in San Jose, CA, USA

Team 5818 was Rank 17 with a record of 8-7-0

Captain 4414
Pick 1 846
Pick 2 5818
Pick 3 5199
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1710 1072 5818 1197 3647 4414 48 59
1868 4183 5818 4414 6443 604 42 75
649 1671 971 2928 846 5818 69 71
5818 1197 2557 2910 973 2928 67 77
1072 3309 2557 5818 1619 2930 57 103
498 2733 115 4414 5700 5818 57 70
5818 1678 971 3647 846 5940 102 46
2102 3218 5818 2557 1868 5026 70 87
1197 5700 114 254 5818 972 51 105
5199 5507 2659 115 5940 5818 62 81
1678 2928 1619 846 4414 5818 94 69
1678 2928 1619 846 4414 5818 55 80
1678 2659 1619 846 4414 5818 87 88
2733 498 5507 846 4414 5818 78 47
2733 498 5507 5818 4414 5199 83 82

Beach Blitz

in Huntington Beach, CA, USA

Team 5818 was Rank 1 with a record of 14-3-0 and won the following awards:

  • Winner

Captain 5818
Pick 1 3476
Pick 2 6072
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3309 6535 5818 7230 5966 6904 76 46
5818 6220 6960 968 399 3473 73 59
7157 6560 687 5966 5818 5012 67 76
6904 968 5818 5012 7230 4201 69 48
1138 2659 5012 4079 7042 5818 54 77
5818 687 1138 3476 3647 4276 90 91
294 4619 3309 2122 5818 399 51 58
5818 6072 4276 4079 6535 4322 75 33
696 5818 7447 6960 4 2122 85 41
696 4276 687 5810 5818 1836 68 63
5818 6072 3476 6904 7042 294 94 50
5818 6072 3476 6904 7042 294 79 74
5818 6072 3476 3647 399 4201 79 81
5818 6072 3476 3647 399 4201 90 57
5818 6072 3476 3647 399 4201 73 60
5818 6072 3476 3473 4079 2659 74 64
5818 6072 3476 3473 4079 2659 81 55

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Robot Name: Sherman Crab

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