Robot Name: Cond谩

Event Results

Team 5800 was 0-8-0 in official play in 2017.

Orlando Regional

in Orlando, FL 32816, USA
to Week 2

Team 5800 was Rank 63 with a record of 0-8-0

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
79 21 2797 5800 3653 5816 230 130
4064 1872 1065 1592 4024 5800 260 140
6145 5800 4013 5145 1972 2425 85 196
1557 5800 6527 4481 5472 2916 200 230
3556 5276 1744 5842 5872 5800 216 195
1523 3932 86 5800 6609 801 325 215
4065 456 6145 5800 21 5283 220 165
5800 6473 3627 3242 4592 6232 215 305

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Robot Name: Cond谩

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