From Wuhan, Hubei, China
aka Constant Robotics Club/Yangtze 5308&Constant Robotics
Rookie Year: 2014
Last competed in 2023
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Event Results

Team 5165 was 6-8-0 during the 2020 offseason.

WE RoboStar

in Guangdong, Guangzhou, China

Team 5165 had a record of 6-8-0

Captain 8214
Pick 1 6941
Pick 2 5165
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5737 8101 8214 6941 5165 7522 70 91
8214 7047 6940 5165 5823 7601 71 55
7591 5165 6353 6766 6940 8110 14 53
7047 8172 5165 7006 8101 4953 50 10
5823 6941 7006 8164 8110 5165 94 0
6907 5165 5737 8101 6766 8164 94 53
5165 5516 7006 8011 5737 7601 21 37
7522 4953 8110 5165 6766 8011 10 105
6941 8214 5165 7047 8110 5823 ? ?
6941 8214 5165 7047 8110 5823 ? ?
6941 8214 5165 7047 8110 5823 ? ?
7047 8110 5823 6941 8214 5165 166 91
7047 8110 5823 6941 8214 5165 91 68
7047 8110 5823 6941 8214 5165 109 143
7522 8011 7591 6941 8214 5165 169 248
7522 8011 7591 6941 8214 5165 154 115
7522 8011 7591 6941 8214 5165 185 111

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