From Albany, New York, USA
aka &Troy High School
Rookie Year: 2014
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Event Results

Team 5149 was 10-7-0 in official play in 2017.

New York Tech Valley Regional

in Troy, NY 12180, USA
to Week 3

Team 5149 was Rank 8 with a record of 10-7-0

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 6 and were eliminated in the Semifinals.

Captain 5149
Pick 1 5236
Pick 2 3044
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
6459 3044 5149 1493 145 514 146 147
6300 5149 333 5952 514 3117 245 155
195 5964 6484 5881 3624 5149 245 270
6024 4508 5149 3550 250 1665 155 145
4508 145 6484 5149 4458 5585 255 195
5943 3990 20 5149 195 358 305 196
6621 5240 358 5149 1665 4083 140 195
6463 5149 5964 2791 5236 3550 235 190
3117 5149 5236 3044 5585 5881 260 215
5149 5123 250 1493 5952 3044 195 255
5123 4083 6621 514 3986 5149 95 245
6621 5952 6459 6484 4203 5149 135 235
250 358 5881 5236 5149 3044 445 205
250 358 5881 5236 5149 3044 205 240
250 358 5881 5236 5149 3044 230 235
4458 4508 3624 5236 5149 3044 205 145
4458 4508 3624 5236 5149 3044 255 205

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