From Cadillac, Michigan, USA
aka Cadillac Area Industrial Group / Cadillac Area Community Foundation / Cadillac Castings / Rexair / Borg Warner / Kendall Electric Supply / Avon Automotive / Baker College of Cadillac / DK Design, Stagg Machine, Cadillac ENT, Exxon Mobile, Godfrey Chevrolet & Cadillac High School
Rookie Year: 2014
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Robot Name: Sidewinder

Event Results

Team 5086 was 11-6-0 in official play in 2020.

As a member of the FIRST In Michigan district, Team 5086 ranked 63 having earned 46 points.

FIM District Traverse City Event

in Traverse City, MI 49686, USA
to Week 1

Team 5086 was Rank 7 with a record of 11-6-0 and won the following awards:

  • Autonomous Award sponsored by Ford

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 4 and were eliminated in the Semifinals.

Captain 5086
Pick 1 3688
Pick 2 6122

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 18
Alliance Points 13
Playoff Points 10
Award Points 5
Total Points 46
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3618 5086 4398 5560 5504 5562 103 89
5086 6087 7790 4376 6121 4377 101 103
3572 6074 6121 5086 7208 7808 68 57
6121 5086 4983 3357 3767 5183 74 71
5247 5086 5314 3688 5525 8041 83 73
6122 6087 3767 1918 1711 5086 89 145
5086 8328 7160 5247 4398 1711 86 72
7855 7790 1596 5086 3767 5504 78 83
3767 5110 7155 6599 3572 5086 84 201
5525 6561 5086 7160 8400 3572 60 152
7602 5086 5110 6561 4983 5314 137 42
5247 7808 3618 8400 6122 5086 91 93
3688 5086 6122 7244 6121 5560 140 124
3688 5086 6122 7244 6121 5560 133 145
3688 5086 6122 7244 6121 5560 170 140
3572 1918 5247 3688 5086 6122 152 124
3572 1918 5247 3688 5086 6122 136 126

No matches played.

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Robot Name: Sidewinder

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