From Fullerton, California, USA
aka Brown-Pacific, Inc./Boeing/Virgin Galactic/Industrial Fastener Institute/Welch and Co./Van Cline and Associates/FSD Fullerton School District & Nicolas Junior High School
Rookie Year: 2013
Last competed in 2020
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Robot Name: Phoenix

Event Results

Team 4763 was 3-6-0 in official play and 7-9-0 overall in 2018.

Los Angeles Regional

in Pomona, CA 91768, USA
to Week 3

Team 4763 was Rank 41 with a record of 3-6-0

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5818 4763 5802 3408 5107 3952 390 47
5669 4763 4964 5818 4019 1726 32 362
848 1452 4763 696 6915 5124 235 282
7042 2496 848 4763 6833 4141 123 310
968 3863 6658 4 6000 4763 311 257
4964 691 6833 4763 6668 7185 240 172
1197 687 4123 606 2493 4763 419 101
4763 968 2584 1759 1515 867 288 118
4141 6668 3512 5510 4763 702 324 265

LA Fleet Week Battleship Blast (Day 3)

in San Pedro, CA, USA

Team 4763 had a record of 4-3-0

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2637 5810 3965 4763 3309 2658 99 300
3965 4763 4123 6995 3476 3255 327 199
4486 2102 4123 4763 5805 2637 390 211
4056 4763 3255 3476 5810 2102 180 401
2637 2102 4763 6995 4056 3965 282 249
702 3476 4763 2102 9999 2658 309 287
3309 3476 5805 4486 4763 5810 379 164

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Robot Name: Phoenix

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