From San Diego, California, USA
aka DoD STEM/Caterpillar/Qualcomm/Natural Networks, Inc./Solar Turbines/RDI Family/Gene Haas Foundation/Patrick Henry High School Foundation/Brain Corp/General Atomic Education Foundation/Wood Rogers/CCTE of San Diego Unified/The Royal Family&Patrick Henry High School
Rookie Year: 2013
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Robot Name: The Milkman

Event Results

Team 4738 was 12-12-0 in official play and 15-15-0 overall in 2018.

San Diego Regional presented by Qualcomm

in Del Mar, CA 92014, USA
to Week 2

Team 4738 was Rank 55 with a record of 3-5-0

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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2839 4738 4919 5137 1538 2658 124 375
3045 2613 1661 3128 4738 4201 51 315
3255 3965 4738 4984 1572 2827 398 296
3647 4014 1972 4738 812 4160 515 179
5429 5514 4738 3128 6695 3749 231 432
6995 1622 4738 2659 5209 597 379 292
5199 3704 6659 4738 1266 3328 267 244
4738 2576 1280 3341 2485 4486 284 385

Las Vegas Regional

in Las Vegas, NV 89154, USA
to Week 4

Team 4738 was Rank 11 with a record of 9-7-0

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 8 and were eliminated in the Semifinals.

Captain 4738
Pick 1 3495
Pick 2 4
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3011 4738 6821 1160 5285 5059 221 415
4792 687 2543 5429 5851 4738 308 254
1388 842 5875 6957 4738 5049 404 130
4738 7183 988 2429 3495 3011 297 332
6824 987 3255 2647 1388 4738 410 253
4738 5012 3009 5851 6825 2647 516 138
6826 2710 6824 687 4 4738 307 414
6824 4738 3577 4501 2485 6821 252 91
2659 4738 3255 988 6519 5012 412 252
6825 3011 4486 4738 6519 6411 174 411
4738 3965 987 399 3577 6411 399 270
5025 3009 60 585 2485 4738 223 334
3255 2485 6411 3495 4738 4 310 337
3255 2485 6411 3495 4738 4 351 397
3495 4738 4 399 687 6824 285 381
3495 4738 4 399 687 6824 340 409

Battle at the Border

in San Diego, CA, 92130

Team 4738 was Rank 9 with a record of 3-3-0

Captain 4738
Pick 1 4
Pick 2 2543
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4738 4486 2102 6926 1572 3255B 334 218
1622 4738 3965 2102 3647B 5199 78 338
4014 7517 5514 3255 2658 4738 196 366
4 5477 6926B 4738 2543 1572 195 369
3255B 5199 2658 4 4738 2543 429 159
3255B 5199 2658 4 4738 2543 1 0

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Robot Name: The Milkman

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