From TORREON, Coahuila, Mexico
aka Metalurgica Met-Mex Peñoles S.A. de C.V./Universidad Tecmilenio&Preparatoria Tecmilenio Campus Laguna
Rookie Year: 2013
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Robot Name: EVA

Event Results

Team 4735 was 16-14-0 in official play in 2018.

Laguna Regional

in Torreon, COA 27250, Mexico
to Week 4

Team 4735 was Rank 27 with a record of 7-8-0

They competed in the playoffs as the 2nd Pick of Alliance 2 and were eliminated in the Semifinals.

Captain 4603
Pick 1 4400
Pick 2 4735
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4735 3480 6702 5705 7161 4355 244 140
5705 4735 7217 7018 4010 6896 15 274
7299 6702 5526 3472 6608 4735 153 340
7161 6606 4735 6199 4635 4401 60 469
7037 6837 4010 4735 5093 7299 138 278
4400 7040 4603 6837 4735 4262 333 136
5093 4401 6604 3354 4400 4735 264 116
3354 6708 5959 4735 6832 7037 298 171
7040 4735 5312 3794 3354 4371 363 184
6444 5526 5312 7046 4401 4735 277 331
6896 4735 5526 6017 6647 4723 266 350
4400 4603 4735 3933 4010 5312 486 196
4400 4603 4735 3933 4010 5312 410 226
4400 4603 4735 4401 7018 3472 247 355
4400 4603 4735 4401 7018 3472 266 426

El Paso Regional

in El Paso, TX 79901, USA
to Week 5

Team 4735 was Rank 11 with a record of 9-6-0 and won the following awards:

  • Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 7 and were eliminated in the Quarterfinals.

Captain 1817
Pick 1 4735
Pick 2 6133
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4735 4063 5783 3366 1828 3335 384 37
6131 5613 3310 3029 4735 3366 473 179
4735 7059 6974 3043 1164 5783 367 227
6133 5431 3335 3481 4378 4735 263 307
6974 3481 2613 418 4735 6832 121 248
4735 6682 3545 418 4063 2613 102 412
7059 3481 6682 5613 4735 1828 438 299
624 5431 4735 6974 5613 6171 462 234
4735 5866 6133 3158 624 2468 150 481
5047 4735 1164 5866 7059 6144 253 148
5344 5047 3029 2613 2583 4735 206 443
6200 6377 6682 6171 4183 4735 297 376
3481 4183 7059 4735 1817 6133 324 174
3481 4183 7059 4735 1817 6133 352 398
3481 4183 7059 4735 1817 6133 361 290

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