Cold Spring, Minnesota, USA
aka Medtronic/Flexible Pipe Tools & Equipment/Cold Spring Lions/UMC/Home Town Pride/COLDSPRING/DCI/Richmond Lions Club/Bicknell and Lehn Family Dentistry/Lakes Eye Clinic/Femrite Enterprises/CMMA/IPM/JV Tooling/Stang Precision/Kerzman Exteriors/Landwehr Tax and Accounting/Cold Spring Family Dentistry/Avon Plastics/Lois Industries/Fall Fabrication/Fastenal&Rocori High School&Rocori Middle School
Rookie Year: 2013
Details on
No matches played.
in Manchester, NH, USA
to INFINITE RECHARGE At Home Challenge
No matches played.
in Manchester, NH, USA
to INFINITE RECHARGE At Home Challenge
Team 4728 was Rank 3 and won the following awards:
No matches played.