From Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, USA
aka Shrewsbury High School/Vangy Tool/Mitre & Shrewsbury Senior High School
Rookie Year: 2000
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Event Results

Team 467 was 23-11-0 in official play and 27-15-0 overall in 2012.

WPI Regional

in Worcester, MA, USA
to Week 2

Team 467 was Rank 16 with a record of 10-7-0

Captain 348
Pick 1 230
Pick 2 467
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
467 1991 2648 246 230 23 2 6
4097 1100 1884 3623 467 3205 36 32
467 23 2067 549 1991 348 48 5
839 467 3280 190 228 1884 17 6
4042 1100 246 4410 467 558 36 32
4041 3182 467 3499 2621 2877 17 0
663 467 1687 3280 2064 2621 14 8
2370 3205 1687 467 1735 228 32 23
2877 3623 1991 246 3930 467 3 28
348 3499 467 3205 246 839 35 30
4410 839 1884 177 4097 467 40 39
190 2067 2064 467 1100 2877 10 35
177 246 1100 348 230 467 15 21
246 177 1100 348 230 467 31 50
230 467 348 549 1884 228 39 52
467 348 230 549 228 1884 51 42
348 467 230 228 1884 549 20 83

Washington DC Regional

in Washington, DC, USA
to Week 5

Team 467 was Rank 3 with a record of 13-4-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Winners
  • Team Spirit Award sponsored by Chrysler

Captain 467
Pick 1 357
Pick 2 2914
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3793 2534 4288 1218 4067 467 6 45
4099 2377 3373 467 2537 2121 4 21
4266 467 4083 1646 1123 2963 14 12
1849 2914 467 4242 141 2900 21 6
614 612 1522 888 467 53 24 31
2911 346 2961 2964 467 836 6 42
449 2914 3123 4099 87 467 36 29
3279 467 1719 2421 2912 619 32 18
467 3558 461 2849 2579 709 28 40
2914 357 467 134 2849 2377 35 47
2914 467 357 2849 2377 134 59 47
467 2914 357 134 2849 2377 66 47
467 357 2914 620 1731 3123 62 29
2914 357 467 1731 3123 620 20 28
467 357 2914 3123 620 1731 63 33
836 1218 141 2914 467 357 39 54
141 1218 836 2914 467 357 56 78

BattleCry 13

in Worcester, MA, USA

Team 467 had a record of 4-4-0

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
467 2079 228 172 238 166 3 13
467 172 3467 319 1124 61 47 58
1687 181 839 1468 190 467 44 73
2168 663 1660 2342 121 467 37 20
663 2648 467 176 125 23 45 19
1735 121 78 88 467 2791 16 35
2713 3280 558 1073 839 467 36 55
467 1058 1660 1991 3236 1100 10 15

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