From Kingsport, TN, USA
aka Eastman Chemical / ESG / TVA / ASME & Sullivan South
Rookie Year: 2013
Last competed in 2013
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Event Results

Team 4642 was 8-7-0 in official play in 2013.

Smoky Mountains Regional

in Knoxville, TN, USA
to Week 5

Team 4642 was Rank 22 with a record of 8-7-0

Captain 1249
Pick 1 1311
Pick 2 4642
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4642 3783 4092 4740 4554 4479 40 0
4462 4642 4479 3843 2393 1311 30 58
4642 4025 3829 3227 2856 3972 29 8
4264 4265 4642 3140 4462 3675 48 19
1249 2190 4264 2856 4642 4721 47 29
3824 4630 3516 1225 4489 4642 68 53
3961 4265 4576 4642 3516 3196 73 72
4642 4098 3984 3196 3797 4504 48 77
829 3843 4396 2614 4642 4576 59 78
3259 3984 4489 547 4642 4306 12 35
3227 4092 3821 4642 4020 3966 35 41
4642 1249 1311 3227 3259 4020 73 30
4642 1249 1311 4020 3259 3227 84 21
829 4092 2393 1311 4642 1249 98 83
2393 4092 829 1311 4642 1249 100 74

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