From Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
aka Fastenal/Area 31 Career Center/Ben Davis High School&Ben Davis High School
Rookie Year: 2013
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Robot Name: Banshee

Event Results

Team 4580 was 20-26-0 in official play in 2017.

As a member of the FIRST Indiana Robotics district, Team 4580 ranked 27 having earned 99 points.

IN District - Tippecanoe Event

in West Lafayette, IN 47906, USA
to Week 1

Team 4580 was Rank 38 with a record of 3-9-0

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 4
Alliance Points 0
Playoff Points 0
Award Points 0
Total Points 4
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IN District - St. Joseph Event

in Mishawaka, IN 46545, USA
to Week 2

Team 4580 was Rank 23 with a record of 9-10-0 and won the following awards:

  • District Event Finalist
  • Quality Award sponsored by Motorola Solutions Foundation

They competed in the playoffs as the 2nd Pick of Alliance 2 and were eliminated in the Finals.

Captain 5502
Pick 1 3147
Pick 2 4580

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 11
Alliance Points 2
Playoff Points 20
Award Points 5
Total Points 38
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1720 71 5403 2960 4580 2054 256 327
3357 2867 4824 6721 4580 135 110 259
3940 2909 4580 5110 5502 3494 232 285
3936 503 2054 1720 4580 6012 165 147
2909 2960 2197 74 2867 4580 195 158
226 4004 2197 4580 503 2171 90 296
4580 71 3865 4982 3147 6721 259 195
4580 3494 226 503 461 3865 200 255
4485 3357 4580 1720 1501 461 275 294
135 4004 1720 461 4580 5110 268 167
4580 2771 5484 5403 1646 2171 148 155
4824 6012 5502 4580 1747 3147 235 267
4580 5502 3147 3494 503 6721 235 240
4580 5502 3147 3494 503 6721 306 252
4580 5502 3147 3494 503 6721 266 147
4580 5502 3147 135 461 3865 305 281
4580 5502 3147 135 461 3865 310 265
5484 2960 2054 3147 5502 4580 240 0
5484 2960 2054 3147 5502 4580 270 255

Indiana State Championship

in Huntington, IN 46750, USA
to Week 6

Team 4580 was Rank 16 with a record of 8-7-0 and won the following awards:

  • Woodie Flowers Finalist Award (Chris Noble)

They competed in the playoffs as the 2nd Pick of Alliance 6 and were eliminated in the Quarterfinals.

Captain 4485
Pick 1 4103
Pick 2 4580

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 39
Alliance Points 18
Playoff Points 0
Award Points 0
Total Points 57
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1741 1024 4580 3494 1018 71 235 305
1501 2197 4580 4485 1529 135 155 305
234 1501 3147 135 4580 4926 255 290
4580 868 234 3865 3940 3176 435 285
3176 447 461 1747 1529 4580 205 308
6451 1720 4926 4272 4580 3494 372 210
4982 4272 2197 3147 1720 4580 265 309
829 4580 1018 2197 4103 292 350 332
5188 3865 4580 1529 3176 4982 185 244
1741 4926 1747 4580 6721 4485 299 311
4982 4580 5484 6498 868 1501 305 248
4580 3940 4103 1741 234 6451 221 331
4982 71 4272 4103 4485 4580 395 316
4982 71 4272 4103 4485 4580 255 395
4982 71 4272 4103 4485 4580 395 265

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Robot Name: Banshee

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