From Oakville, Ontario, Canada
aka King's Christian Collegiate/Pratt & Whitney Canada/United Technologies Corporation/Trinity Trend Management&King's Christian Collegiate
Rookie Year: 2013
Last competed in 2020
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Event Results

Team 4519 was 13-6-0 in official play in 2020.

As a member of the Ontario district, Team 4519 ranked 11 having earned 60 points.

ONT District Humber College Event

in Toronto, ON M9W 5L7, Canada
to Week 2

Team 4519 was Rank 3 with a record of 13-6-0 and won the following awards:

  • District Event Finalist
  • Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 1 and were eliminated in the Finals.

Captain 5024
Pick 1 4519
Pick 2 5032

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 19
Alliance Points 16
Playoff Points 20
Award Points 5
Total Points 60
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4519 1285 5031 4343 3571 7475 85 33
746 5834 2405 2198 6977 4519 118 89
7690 6878 4519 4618 5834 1285 128 30
7690 1285 1114 2405 5032 4519 99 97
3560 7623 4519 3683 6878 4618 110 76
7558 4519 4308 5032 6878 5834 210 71
2405 7475 4308 7623 4519 4618 88 107
2386 4618 3571 4519 6009 7174 29 131
4519 2852 1241 7558 2198 3571 149 94
1114 6978 2852 5834 4519 3571 95 111
4519 7558 6978 5024 1241 3683 91 177
1114 4519 5024 1285 3560 2198 239 64
4519 5024 5032 4308 3560 2852 120 109
4519 5024 5032 4308 3560 2852 150 55
4519 5024 5032 7558 1285 2386 145 163
4519 5024 5032 7558 1285 2386 175 166
4519 5024 5032 7558 1285 2386 153 103
4519 5024 5032 1114 3683 2405 144 182
4519 5024 5032 1114 3683 2405 173 179

No matches played.

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