From Waco, Texas, USA
aka Girl Scouts of Central Texas/First in Texas/Dell/CC Carlton&GSCTX&Greater Waco Advanced Manufacturing Academy
Rookie Year: 2012
Last competed in 2018
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Robot Name: Storm

Event Results

Overall, Team 4335 had an average qual score of 46.00 and an average playoff score of 20.00 in 2015.

Alamo Regional sponsored by Rackspace Hosting

in San Antonio, TX, USA
to Week 3

Team 4335 was Rank 35 with an average qual score of 35.33

Texas Robot Roundup

in Austin, TX, USA

Team 4335 was Rank 23 with an average qual score of 55.60 and an average playoff score of 20.00

Captain 2789
Pick 1 4335
Pick 2 4610
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Robot Name: Storm

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