From Van Nuys, California, USA
aka Gene HAAS Foundation/Raytheon/Aerojet Rocketdyne/Sawing Services/Full Scale Effects/Environtology/Walt Disney Imagineers/NASA/Department of Defense STEM&High Tech Los Angeles
Rookie Year: 1997
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Event Results

Overall, Team 4 had an average qual score of 49.41 and an average playoff score of 107.38 in 2015.

Los Angeles Regional sponsored by The Roddenberry Foundation

in Long Beach, CA, USA
to Week 3

Team 4 was Rank 66 with an average qual score of 19.33

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4 1148 848 5647 2439 1197 6 69
687 4574 4 1148 5102 1138 16 0
3752 4415 5540 4 3759 3882 34 12
5100 4 4019 2443 968 1452 6 30
867 5432 4 5669 995 4574 11 36
4201 330 4276 1160 4 5669 94 16
3863 4501 5634 4913 599 4 14 14
2576 5512 4 1661 2637 3512 78 112
2839 4322 1160 597 702 4 47 15

Ventura Regional

in Ventura, CA, USA
to Week 5

Team 4 was Rank 25 with an average qual score of 63.08 and an average playoff score of 123.40

Captain 399
Pick 1 1458
Pick 2 4
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1515 5137 207 5678 1159 4 52 33
4 1717 1515 2339 589 3970 48 61
1323 981 4201 4 3863 2429 101 76
4 599 3925 399 4619 4276 58 102
1266 589 4 2429 3925 4711 44 55
1266 1458 2761 4619 1759 4 88 72
980 4964 1836 4 1388 3970 26 77
3501 5529 3512 4 1323 696 94 110
981 5529 4 3027 4413 5136 28 18
4413 4 207 696 1759 3120 77 95
330 3953 399 4964 4276 4 124 2
691 4 399 4201 4711 3953 132 121
1458 399 4 2429 1388 599 70 80
1458 399 4 1323 1266 3863 133 76
4201 3512 3970 1458 399 4 156 123
1717 330 2761 1458 399 4 180 136
1836 696 5137 1458 399 4 160 155

Fall Classic (Saturday)

in Placentia, CA, USA

Team 4 had an average qual score of 67.17 and an average playoff score of 80.67

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2493 3255 4 330 687 3476 46 61
4486 4 4470B 597 3476B 585B 56 88
599 1138 4470B 4 3759 585 0 62
331 3476 4 1452 4470B 4276 142 14
4619 4 4276 4079 331 3309 6 122
3473 1197 585 4 691 330 19 91
3309 3476 981 4486 4 687 178 106
3476B 330 597 4486 4 687 134 66
3255 331 1138 4486 4 687 114 70

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