From Saint Joseph, Michigan, USA
aka Bosch/St. Joseph Public Schools Foundation/Art & Image/Lions Club of St. Joseph/Midwest Glass and Mirror/TPC Technologies/Leco Corporation/TIG Master/Colson/Eagle Technologies/Niza/Zennove&St Joseph High School
Rookie Year: 2011
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Robot Name: Joe Bot

Event Results

Team 3620 was 38-26-0 in official play and 49-29-0 overall in 2018.

As a member of the FIRST In Michigan district, Team 3620 ranked 66 having earned 169 points.

FIM District St. Joseph Event

in St. Joseph, MI 49085, USA
to Week 2

Team 3620 was Rank 11 with a record of 12-7-0 and won the following awards:

  • District Event Finalist
  • Judges' Award

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 2 and were eliminated in the Finals.

Captain 2474
Pick 1 3620
Pick 2 5927

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 16
Alliance Points 15
Playoff Points 20
Award Points 5
Total Points 56
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
288 3620 216 5535 3546 3452 253 385
5204 6137 3620 4409 288 2337 194 310
470 3658 216 7210 3620 5927 192 266
3620 1254 5056 85 5110 4237 234 398
5610 5676 7210 3620 1940 4409 119 390
5110 3620 6568 4988 3658 5980 307 220
2767 5927 2474 2611 4988 3620 450 187
6615 6137 5056 3620 470 85 30 410
3452 244 3620 5152 1940 2611 409 210
7203 6128 6568 4325 5610 3620 151 466
2959 5204 1254 6128 5980 3620 303 467
3620 5182 5069 2611 4325 2959 307 274
3620 2474 5927 470 4409 5980 279 425
3620 2474 5927 470 4409 5980 314 275
3620 2474 5927 470 4409 5980 405 277
3620 2474 5927 85 5501 244 312 209
3620 2474 5927 85 5501 244 383 336
3452 2767 6615 3620 2474 5927 439 259
3452 2767 6615 3620 2474 5927 464 191

FIM District West Michigan Event

in Allendale, MI 49401, USA
to Week 4

Team 3620 was Rank 2 with a record of 9-5-0 and won the following awards:

  • Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 2 and were eliminated in the Quarterfinals.

Captain 3620
Pick 1 2075
Pick 2 5173

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 21
Alliance Points 15
Playoff Points 0
Award Points 5
Total Points 41
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Michigan State Championship - DTE Energy Foundation Division

in University Center, MI, USA
to Week 7

Team 3620 was Rank 15 with a record of 7-8-0

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 8 and were eliminated in the Quarterfinals.

Captain 4384
Pick 1 3620
Pick 2 2474

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 45
Alliance Points 27
Playoff Points 0
Award Points 0
Total Points 72
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5517 6117 3620 3572 4392 5155 291 358
3656 67 5709 3535 5555 3620 405 238
5046 1596 1701 7056 6087 3620 330 388
1596 3620 33 1918 1023 7244 291 501
3620 5501 5230 33 2337 5460 173 478
5230 4384 6099 3707 3620 5709 121 425
3620 4392 1918 5501 3535 4381 377 256
6090 4819 4384 4216 3620 7244 421 245
5460 3620 5980 7226 5517 4819 482 133
67 2474 6117 3620 7187 6121 387 352
4362 5555 4392 7226 70 3620 317 336
6087 4216 70 3620 3656 5561 328 454
4362 2337 6121 3620 4384 2474 417 69
4362 2337 6121 3620 4384 2474 293 402
4362 2337 6121 3620 4384 2474 347 316

Archimedes Division

in Detroit, MI, USA

Team 3620 was Rank 16 with a record of 10-6-0 and won the following awards:

  • Championship Subdivision Finalist

They competed in the playoffs as the 2nd Pick of Alliance 4 and were eliminated in the Finals.

Captain 1756
Pick 1 4237
Pick 2 3620
Pick 3 1322
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1259 3620 2202 6968 1262 5413 403 197
5407 3620 894 5531 2620 4392 374 220
1218 7329 2016 2075 1756 3620 275 432
67 4541 694 3620 6875 447 507 194
2177 1756 4776 2377 3620 67 361 286
6328 2081 3620 5674 3656 1660 234 410
3620 694 5216 6329 2200 2377 342 316
2202 868 5436 3767 3618 3620 367 383
3620 6237 5422 1493 1325 1923 317 369
58 555 4909 3620 4237 3928 332 384
3620 1756 4237 1923 3656 6328 440 306
3620 1756 4237 1923 3656 303 387 365
4557 1114 67 3620 1756 4237 313 527
4557 1114 67 3620 1756 4237 348 405
3620 1756 4237 4541 868 4003 356 361
3620 1756 4237 4541 868 4003 356 397

Grand Rapids Girls Robotics Competition

in Wyoming, MI, USA

Team 3620 was Rank 3 with a record of 11-3-0

Captain 3620
Pick 1 2771
Pick 2 5501
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2405 5046 5084 3620 4855 5152 260 334
3770 5046 3620 5166 5167 3357 367 271
3620 5084 5166 6094 7160 5501 329 149
3620 5980 858 2405 5205 3770 346 248
5152 2771 5205 7160 3620 5567 393 302
3875 2405 3620 3534 5166 7166 263 262
6094 858 4855 5167 3620 5860 236 364
904 5501 3875 3620 5205 3539 234 471
2771 3620 5501 3534 5205 5167 365 289
2771 3620 5501 3534 5205 5167 356 257
2771 3620 5501 2405 5084 7166 383 317
2771 3620 5501 2405 5084 7166 371 248
3539 5152 5980 2771 3620 5501 421 244
3539 5152 5980 2771 3620 5501 416 230

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