From Heath, Texas, USA
aka Innovation First International/Rockwall ISD and Rockwall - Heath High School/Texas Instruments/Boeing/Gene Haas Foundation/Texas Workforce Commission/Optimum&Rockwall-Heath High School
Rookie Year: 2010
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Event Results

Team 3310 was 25-19-0 in official play and 40-30-0 overall in 2014.

Dallas Regional

in Irving, TX, USA
to Week 3

Team 3310 was Rank 26 with a record of 6-8-0

Captain 704
Pick 1 3310
Pick 2 4206
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Colorado Regional

in Denver, CO, USA
to Week 6

Team 3310 was Rank 6 with a record of 14-3-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Winner
  • Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation

Captain 1138
Pick 1 3310
Pick 2 2543
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3648 3403 2543 3310 2275 4593 17 100
4550 1157 3310 2261 1303 649 135 41
3310 1583 1410 1157 4388 1245 145 16
1583 3243 4068 1332 3310 1138 88 145
2972 3729 2996 3200 3310 4418 150 95
1987 4153 1339 3243 3310 2972 108 96
3703 3310 662 2259 1977 2036 215 11
4388 3648 3310 4072 2240 2083 120 48
3310 4944 4928 4418 4499 662 270 39
2036 4153 3310 1584 1619 3562 110 131
2945 4944 3643 1303 1245 3310 159 180
1138 2543 3310 4550 1339 2240 115 97
2543 1138 3310 4550 1339 2240 80 62
1138 2543 3310 1011 2972 3200 136 68
2543 3310 1138 2972 3200 1011 195 99
2543 1138 3310 662 1410 2996 126 88
1138 2543 3310 662 2996 1410 141 119

Galileo Division

in St. Louis, MO, USA

Team 3310 was Rank 71 with a record of 5-8-0

Captain 2052
Pick 1 70
Pick 2 3310
Pick 3 3360
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Robot Roundup

in Austin, TX, USA

Team 3310 had a record of 8-7-0

Captain 3310
Pick 1 2848
Pick 2 457
Pick 3 4335
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
9999 2583 3735 3481 3310 2158 186 54
2805 3999 5052 2848 3310 148 205 53
3310 2950 1296 2881 1817 4335 161 101
3310 2721 1817 2468 5052 624 98 116
418 1477 5414 3310 9999 2587 186 170
4335 3310 4610 3997 3103 3481 115 48
457 3310 3735 3005 2789 4610 121 30
9999 118 148 3310 3847 3999 190 161
2881 5052 3310 5414 2789 5287 200 30
1477 3997 3310 2721 2848 2158 155 107
3310 2848 457 3999 1817 2468 317 132
3310 2848 457 3999 1817 2468 241 150
2789 624 118 3310 2848 457 171 101
2789 624 118 3310 2848 457 92 201
2789 624 118 3310 2848 457 182 115

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