From Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
aka BAE Systems/Protocase/Suborbital/Purewater Total Home Leisure&Ottawa Community Educational Robotics Association
Rookie Year: 2009
Last competed in 2022
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Event Results

Team 2994 was 14-18-0 in official play in 2013.

Greater Toronto East Regional

in Oshawa, ON, Canada
to Week 2

Team 2994 was Rank 17 with a record of 7-9-0 and won the following awards:

  • Team Spirit Award sponsored by Chrysler

Captain 2013
Pick 1 2994
Pick 2 781
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4015 1114 288 2994 216 3988 63 6
2852 244 2994 1325 2013 4343 31 59
2185 2994 3530 4001 4476 3387 38 84
2809 3386 288 781 2994 3541 38 50
4001 3386 2056 3550 2994 4685 143 27
288 865 2994 2056 3387 4015 43 108
2994 4343 4476 4718 3550 4808 114 16
2994 4807 2013 1241 4015 1547 44 97
4727 781 216 4252 2994 1114 30 127
3543 2809 3550 1241 2994 1075 36 72
3386 3543 2994 2852 4476 1547 31 126
3985 3541 244 2994 1547 3387 51 82
3541 865 4001 2013 2994 781 20 90
4001 865 3541 781 2994 2013 43 54
2056 1114 1325 2994 781 2013 200 84
2056 1114 1325 2994 2013 781 211 74

Greater Toronto West Regional

in Mississauga, ON, Canada
to Week 5

Team 2994 was Rank 25 with a record of 7-9-0 and won the following awards:

  • Quality Award sponsored by Motorola

Captain 1305
Pick 1 1503
Pick 2 2994
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2994 4783 4814 2056 3161 2013 26 128
4754 3683 4704 3560 2056 2994 85 126
772 2994 4688 4754 4069 1310 63 120
4716 4817 1815 3756 4518 2994 23 104
2994 1325 4716 4688 4659 3571 68 36
1241 4039 1075 1334 4343 2994 120 51
4825 3117 3560 190 2634 2994 77 75
2994 4069 2013 854 1503 771 85 68
190 4732 1547 1075 2994 4754 38 76
4659 2994 3705 2935 4817 4814 44 47
1503 3683 2994 1114 2185 907 153 192
3117 4039 1547 1305 2994 1503 140 118
1547 3117 4039 2994 1305 1503 123 129
3117 1547 4039 2994 1503 1305 95 104
4814 2056 1114 1305 1503 2994 205 61
2056 1114 4814 2994 1503 1305 212 77

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