From Irvine, California, USA
aka JPL / Walt Disney Imagineering / Boeing / Northrop/Grumman / Beckman Coulter Foundation / Psomas / Beckman Robotics Organization, Inc. & Arnold O Beckman High School
Rookie Year: 2008
Last competed in 2020
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Event Results

Team 2496 was 14-15-0 in official play in 2011.

Las Vegas Regional

in Las Vegas, NV, USA
to Week 5

Team 2496 was Rank 31 with a record of 7-10-0 and won the following awards:

  • Finalist

Captain 1572
Pick 1 359
Pick 2 2496
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1011 991 1572 3569 585 2496 27 0
1631 955 1158 2057 3011 2496 18 2
1572 2496 3009 3341 1703 988 24 9
2984 3453 3128 2496 166 3341 57 18
2496 60 988 2637 1726 1266 15 57
1726 3155 2496 2057 2102 2174 51 6
1572 3155 2485 1266 2496 1669 87 30
2984 991 2496 2520 4 2403 32 0
2496 2174 3453 3019 1158 60 18 19
2429 1669 1197 359 3128 2496 36 33
987 3569 1457 2496 2403 1631 72 18
1572 2496 359 4 3155 991 98 6
1572 2496 359 991 4 3155 112 21
1572 359 2496 1197 1158 3009 89 63
359 1572 2496 1197 1158 3009 80 70
2984 60 987 359 2496 1572 121 65
60 987 2984 1572 359 2496 116 60

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