From Rutland, Vermont, USA
aka GE Aerospace Volunteers/Alderman Chevrolet and Toyota/Killington Ski Resort&Stafford Technical Center&Family/Community
Rookie Year: 2008
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Event Results

Team 2370 was 12-6-5 in official play in 2010.

WPI Regional

in Worcester, MA, USA
to Week 2

Team 2370 was Rank 4 with a record of 12-6-5 and won the following awards:

  • Finalist
  • Quality Award sponsored by Motorola

Captain 1735
Pick 1 2370
Pick 2 663
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2370 571 157 663 228 20 0 2
2523 2621 716 2370 3125 190 0 5
529 2523 2370 3205 1124 3125 2 0
2791 1735 2370 839 716 1687 7 0
195 2621 2104 716 2370 3273 5 4
358 228 2370 195 1124 571 1 3
663 2079 1735 2370 2104 172 2 5
190 2370 3280 663 3205 157 4 1
1735 190 2877 1995 3205 2370 4 7
2370 230 1687 2523 157 3280 1 1
2523 839 2370 2079 348 358 3 0
228 571 3273 1124 2370 2079 0 2
663 2370 1735 358 2621 716 3 3
1735 2370 663 358 716 2621 1 2
663 2370 1735 2621 358 716 4 0
663 2370 1735 358 2621 716 2 2
663 2370 1735 358 2621 716 3 3
663 2370 1735 358 2621 716 3 1
663 2370 1735 157 3280 348 3 3
663 1735 2370 3280 157 348 6 3
663 1735 2370 3280 157 348 7 3
20 228 230 1735 2370 663 9 0
20 228 230 1735 663 2370 4 1

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