From Hadera, M, Israel
aka Alliance Industries/GM UMI Israel & Sciences & Arts Amal1 H.S.
Rookie Year: 2006
Last competed in 2008
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Event Results

Team 1947 was 10-5-1 in official play in 2006.

GM/Technion Israel Regional

in Tel Aviv, TA, Israel
to Week 4

Team 1947 had a record of 10-5-1 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Finalist
  • General Motors Industrial Design Award
  • Highest Rookie Seed Award

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1576 1944 1947 1948 1573 1943 0 0
1577 1947 1954 1950 1937 1957 0 14
1957 1573 1952 1578 1947 1582 6 69
1944 1582 1956 1580 1947 1945 11 24
1946 1955 1944 1952 1951 1947 8 31
1937 1956 1951 1947 1579 1577 12 37
1950 1951 1948 1690 1579 1947 8 18
1945 1690 1947 1574 1943 1577 13 15
1949 1947 1942 1657 1950 1574 30 58
1949 1573 1690 1942 1945 1947 11 64
1947 1943 1957 1582 1944 1954 32 18
1947 1943 1957 1582 1944 1954 25 20
1578 1577 1956 1947 1943 1957 1 25
1578 1577 1956 1947 1943 1957 4 5
1657 1574 1955 1947 1943 1957 51 10
1657 1574 1955 1947 1943 1957 42 0

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