From Gravataí, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
aka General Motors/Prefeitura de Gravataí/Metalúrgica FIMAC/Qualcomm&AIDTEC
Rookie Year: 2006
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Robot Name: MAGRINHO

Event Results

Team 1772 was 28-8-2 in official play and 37-11-2 overall in 2017.

Southern Cross Regional

in Sydney Olympic Park, NSW 2127, Australia
to Week 2

Team 1772 was Rank 2 with a record of 18-1-0 and won the following awards:

  • FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award (Gabriela Tomaz Do Amaral Ribeiro)
  • Regional Winners
  • Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 1 and won the event.

Captain 4613
Pick 1 1772
Pick 2 6523
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5087 4774 1772 5985 4253 4801 215 110
4253 1772 4739 5983 6061 6522 250 160
6523 4774 6204 6083 1772 5087 15 225
6035 4739 5983 1772 5593 6204 47 205
4817 1772 6035 6579 6522 5331 170 165
1772 5331 5584 5087 4801 4739 255 95
1772 6520 6523 5331 6191 6118 180 155
5983 1772 5087 4817 6062 5593 230 155
6522 6191 1772 6520 5983 6525 205 95
6525 5893 6520 4817 4613 1772 95 262
5893 4253 6523 1772 4537 5985 170 285
3132 6579 5584 6061 5893 1772 210 235
6523 4613 1772 5593 6520 5893 168 140
6523 4613 1772 5593 6520 5893 315 150
6523 4613 1772 5331 4253 6083 261 205
6523 4613 1772 5331 4253 6083 290 300
6523 4613 1772 5331 4253 6083 400 235
6523 4613 1772 3132 6061 6191 224 217
6523 4613 1772 3132 6061 6191 383 326

South Pacific Regional

in Sydney Olympic Park, NSW 2127, Australia
to Week 3

Team 1772 was Rank 9 with a record of 10-7-2 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Finalists

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 3 and were eliminated in the Finals.

Captain 4253
Pick 1 1772
Pick 2 6434
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
6510 5606 5331 6770 1772 5564 280 145
6035 4613 6524 6476 6579 1772 190 185
6063 4774 4529 4614 1772 5663 95 215
6575 6524 6447 1772 4253 4774 175 295
5985 4774 6432 6449 6508 1772 195 255
4614 6434 6050 1772 6432 5087 146 295
1772 6447 5333 5606 6007 6508 105 235
4739 6187 1772 5663 6579 6434 155 255
4802 1772 4613 5648 5333 6509 247 140
1772 6434 6007 3132 6770 5876 235 201
5988 1772 6440 6063 3132 6449 120 130
6434 4253 1772 5331 6063 6476 305 280
6434 4253 1772 5331 6063 6476 305 205
6510 4774 5663 1772 4253 6434 305 305
6510 4774 5663 1772 4253 6434 160 305
6510 4774 5663 1772 4253 6434 305 305
6510 4774 5663 1772 4253 6434 165 306
5648 4613 3132 1772 4253 6434 308 225
5648 4613 3132 1772 4253 6434 260 256

China Robotics Challenge

in Zhengzhou, China

Team 1772 was Rank 4 with a record of 9-3-0

Captain 1772
Pick 1 5453
Pick 2 5823
Pick 3 6304

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Robot Name: MAGRINHO

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