From Windsor Locks, Connecticut, USA
aka Illinois Tool Works (ITW)/Amiel P. Zak Fund/Collins Aerospace & 4-H & Connecticut 4-H Foundation, Inc. & Windsor Locks High School & Suffield High School
Rookie Year: 1996
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Event Results

Team 176 was 18-15-1 in official play and 20-21-1 overall in 2004.

BAE SYSTEMS Granite State Regional

in Manchester, NH, USA
to Week 1

Team 176 had a record of 4-3-1 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Winner

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1152 467 811 176 25 30
1350 811 176 501 35 150
213 176 69 1073 90 95
176 1289 138 501 80 85
1152 176 1289 1277 45 75
241 663 176 69 35 35
1276 176 133 246 140 30
176 190 229 58 150 100

UTC New England Regional

in Hartford, CT, USA
to Week 3

Team 176 had a record of 5-6-0 and won the following awards:

  • Outstanding Volunteer Award (Eric Fields)

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
176 20 155 558 75 35
173 716 195 176 75 130
176 716 20 175 125 120
195 1409 121 176 60 110
1059 1409 176 177 35 30
1124 176 178 96 60 80
38 176 1100 126 50 160
546 157 176 558 60 20
176 157 571 999 135 50
121 176 177 126 173 1100 110 180
121 176 177 126 173 1100 25 95

Newton Division

in Atlanta, GA, USA

Team 176 had a record of 9-6-0 and won the following awards:

  • Division Finalist

Captain 811
Pick 1 176
Pick 2 322
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
176 456 25 862 120 95
176 240 1126 16 70 110
254 167 662 176 55 80
585 1010 176 1057 105 100
38 1030 176 67 80 210
176 88 58 281 40 130
547 176 140 234 100 30
281 456 1403 811 176 322 110 125
281 456 1403 811 176 322 100 120
364 48 710 811 176 322 55 30
364 48 710 811 176 322 30 80
364 48 710 811 176 322 50 125
1126 67 340 811 176 322 90 75
1126 67 340 811 176 322 20 75
1126 67 340 811 176 322 200 65

Battlecry@WPI 5

in Worcester, MA, USA

Team 176 had a record of 2-6-0

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
811 1257 96 176 75 45
176 175 271 96 50 70
175 238 467 176 15 20
176 228 61 1350 60 115
157 88 1124 176 70 65
157 467 236 176 80 85
811 176 1124 96 1100 40 80
811 176 1124 96 1100 75 95

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