From Winnebago, Illinois, USA
aka Woodward/In Memory of Dale Falconer/Ginny Meyers/PCI Pharma Services/Raytheon Aerospace&Pecatonica High School&Winnebago High School
Rookie Year: 2005
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Robot Name: Heimlich

Event Results

Team 1625 was 14-4-0 in official play in 2020.

Midwest Regional

in Chicago, IL 60607, USA
to Week 2

Team 1625 was Rank 5 with a record of 14-4-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Finalists
  • Wildcard

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 4 and were eliminated in the Finals.

Captain 1732
Pick 1 1625
Pick 2 3488
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
8184 2151 5125 1625 2451 5148 39 121
6381 5133 5822 4096 1625 2136 73 106
1675 4645 8096 3352 1625 8184 90 82
2039 1625 1756 8122 7608 5934 121 79
1625 4191 7237 8014 7560 101 106 37
1675 7560 1625 6906 2022 3410 137 36
1625 4702 111 8160 7411 3488 167 124
4787 2358 2725 8160 7608 1625 70 97
6237 930 1625 1675 1739 3061 107 96
1732 8029 1625 1756 3197 1781 165 113
1625 1732 3488 4096 4645 4296 159 132
1625 1732 3488 4096 4645 4296 130 161
1625 1732 3488 4096 4645 4296 118 94
1756 5847 1675 1625 1732 3488 54 160
1756 5847 1675 1625 1732 3488 144 152
1625 1732 3488 7411 2338 2022 134 167
1625 1732 3488 7411 2338 2022 165 153
1625 1732 3488 7411 2338 2022 138 193

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Robot Name: Heimlich

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