From Toronto, ON, Canada
aka TDSB & Albert Campbell CI
Rookie Year: 2005
Last competed in 2009
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Event Results

Team 1558 was 8-16-0 in official play in 2008.

Waterloo Regional

in Waterloo, ON, Canada
to Week 4

Team 1558 was Rank 23 with a record of 6-10-0

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
68 1558 1305 2361 1680 2609 30 28
1141 2200 772 1558 2056 1680 54 44
758 1241 2056 1558 772 1310 54 40
1006 1281 1558 1605 1535 1846 20 14
2609 2013 772 1114 1565 1558 62 124
1114 2609 1310 1846 854 1558 134 6
1075 2609 1558 2361 1605 188 30 50
2200 2361 1558 188 1565 2013 38 66
1605 1141 1558 2166 1246 1281 22 50
2013 758 1006 781 1558 188 12 68
771 1241 1558 854 1334 781 16 26
1334 2166 772 1558 1565 2609 90 88
2166 1334 772 2609 1565 1558 34 42
772 2166 1334 2609 1565 1558 44 54
1680 1114 2056 1558 1565 2609 130 50
2056 1114 1680 1565 2609 1558 106 8

Greater Toronto Regional

in Mississauga, ON, Canada
to Week 5

Team 1558 was Rank 55 with a record of 2-6-0

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