From Albany, New York, USA
aka National Grid/Gene Haas Foundation/Albany Public Schools/Simmons Machine Tool Corporation/Turner Construction/International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers/CDPHP/RPI Electrical, Computer and Systems Engineering/Albany Booster Club/South End Powder Coating/Stewart's Shops/AM&J Digital Graphic Solutions/Price Chopper/Curtis Lumber&Albany High School
Rookie Year: 2004
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Event Results

Team 1493 was 13-15-0 in official play and 17-20-0 overall in 2014.

New York Tech Valley Regional

in Troy, NY, USA
to Week 3

Team 1493 was Rank 24 with a record of 6-9-0 and won the following awards:

  • Woodie Flowers Finalist Award (Paul Schoch)

Captain 3003
Pick 1 379
Pick 2 1493
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4134 1493 2791 4122 3003 1126 59 80
1493 5149 5030 340 4975 2053 40 47
870 1665 1493 250 5149 145 97 101
578 5030 3059 229 1493 3003 36 106
3990 379 3936 1493 3059 2053 56 102
1665 1126 174 3990 1493 4508 141 112
4975 1493 3193 53 3044 3015 63 116
4203 1493 1126 174 340 1708 245 117
358 3193 229 3015 1493 2911 56 26
527 3990 5236 20 1493 2228 106 181
358 3687 1493 1511 116 1708 135 133
1493 3936 116 2791 2911 4975 60 62
379 1493 3003 1511 3015 578 57 152
379 3003 1493 1511 3015 578 230 107
3003 1493 379 3015 1511 578 111 152

Tech Valley Robot Rumble

in NY, USA

Team 1493 had a record of 4-5-0

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
145 190 839 2809 2370 1493 102 51
1493 3044 20 839 2370 1511 142 121
4203 1493 2370 5236 3044 190 71 82
2809 145 4203 1493 5236 20 68 100
250 839 1493 1511 2791 4203 82 150
2370 145 20 5236 1493 2791 183 114
1493 145 1511 20 4203 190 154 83
250 1511 2791 190 1493 2809 111 116
20 1493 2370 190 839 145 95 108

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