From Dublin, Ohio, USA
aka American Electric Power/Dublin AM Rotary/Denso/OSU FIRST/Honda/Dublin Foundation/Dublin Robotics Boosters/Exxon Mobil&Dublin Scioto High School&Dublin Coffman High School&Dublin Jerome High School
Rookie Year: 2003
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Event Results

Team 1014 was 7-9-0 in official play in 2004.

Pittsburgh Regional

in Pittsburgh, PA, USA
to Week 2

Team 1014 had a record of 4-5-0 and won the following awards:

  • Engineering Inspiration Award

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
578 398 1014 1114 5 115
128 1014 120 301 75 15
1014 120 379 486 10 40
486 1014 382 5 15 100
808 117 1014 247 70 20
247 204 1243 1014 40 30
188 1185 1008 1014 50 60
1 1034 1014 1185 45 105
772 1014 1030 272 90 120

Galileo Division

in Atlanta, GA, USA

Team 1014 had a record of 3-4-0

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
177 1014 59 135 125 25
173 1014 64 1031 15 20
1014 192 980 1405 35 130
1014 314 93 384 15 125
469 1014 686 245 120 80
80 1014 569 27 15 90
422 714 1014 1493 30 70

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