FIN District Columbus Event 2024

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3494 7657 6498 8116 8430 1555 43 15
7454 4580 8742 7198 2171 7617 38 20
71 292 1018 3559 9491 4982 45 22
7457 1720 4272 9453 1024 5188 95 33
1646 447 5010 8564 45 4926 68 50
6498 3147 8103 3487 1741 4580 40 60
9491 9453 1555 7457 8430 4982 30 38
8564 7198 4272 71 3559 7454 50 37
8116 4926 5010 45 1018 8103 57 53
3494 3147 3487 7657 8742 292 62 27
1741 447 2171 1024 1720 1646 34 53
5188 6498 7454 7617 8103 3559 22 26
1018 8742 4926 3487 71 8564 37 26
7198 1024 45 292 1555 2171 56 46
7457 7617 4580 4982 1720 3147 61 27
5188 1741 1646 7657 9491 8430 47 25
4272 8116 447 5010 9453 3494 55 64
4926 1720 2171 71 6498 7457 31 72
7454 3487 1555 4580 1024 9491 68 49
4982 7657 7198 8103 5010 4272 38 77
1018 3494 5188 292 1646 3147 58 54
8430 7617 8742 1741 45 8116 39 56
1720 3559 9453 7657 8564 447 13 25
4580 3494 7198 1018 4982 3487 15 35
3147 5010 8430 7617 4926 7454 51 38
8103 9491 7457 45 447 9453 74 39
1741 8564 3559 2171 4272 5188 36 69
6498 292 1024 1646 8742 71 55 39
8116 7454 9491 1555 7457 1018 22 79
5188 7617 8564 1720 8103 8430 25 52
8742 3487 447 1741 4272 7657 35 81
4982 292 3494 3559 6498 45 73 65
4926 1646 9453 3147 7198 1555 33 42
71 1024 8116 5010 2171 4580 60 54
3487 7457 45 3559 5188 7657 69 36
9491 1018 4272 4926 6498 1741 57 51
4580 292 1720 2171 7454 8430 57 36
9453 8742 4982 1555 1646 5010 30 68
7198 8116 8103 3147 8564 1024 42 58
7617 71 1741 3494 447 7457 49 45
8430 4580 1018 292 4272 9453 36 80
9491 45 1646 5010 3559 7198 25 65
8564 4982 6498 1024 3487 7657 41 61
5188 3147 4926 8116 2171 8742 52 11
1555 8103 71 7617 3494 1720 38 42
7454 7457 7657 447 7198 6498 71 34
45 8430 292 9491 5010 8564 62 51
8103 2171 3487 1646 1018 7617 57 42
8742 5188 1720 4272 1555 3494 32 61
3147 9453 71 1024 1741 7454 30 64
447 4926 3559 4982 4580 8116 38 44
4272 7617 45 7457 8564 292 72 62
1720 7657 5010 8742 7198 9491 64 53
1646 7454 4982 1024 3494 4926 48 62
4580 1555 6498 1018 3147 447 45 31
8430 5188 71 3487 9453 8116 38 29
2171 3559 7457 8103 1741 8742 17 85
7657 45 3147 1720 7454 1018 47 42
8564 1646 3494 6498 9491 7617 74 36
1555 4982 1741 5010 5188 3487 58 69
292 8116 3559 4272 71 4580 37 56
447 8103 1024 8430 4926 7198 68 40
9453 7657 7617 45 4982 2171 15 43
3494 71 9491 8742 4272 3147 44 62
3559 8430 1024 4926 4580 8103 55 51
7454 5010 292 9453 7457 1741 92 59
2171 1018 8564 447 1555 5188 39 36
7198 3487 1646 6498 8116 1720 48 42


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 4272 45 8430
Alliance 2 1024 5010 7617
Alliance 3 7457 292 3147
Alliance 4 3494 1741 4982
Alliance 5 3487 1646 6498
Alliance 6 4580 1720 71
Alliance 7 8103 7657 5188
Alliance 8 1555 7454 1018

Playoff Results

Round 1

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
8430 45 4272 7454 1555 1018 90 40
4982 1741 3494 3487 1646 6498 82 55
5010 1024 7617 7657 8103 5188 73 63
292 7457 3147 4580 71 1720 84 36

Round 2

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
7454 1555 1018 3487 1646 6498 59 99
5188 8103 7657 4580 71 1720 77 50
8430 45 4272 3494 1741 4982 66 73
5010 1024 7617 3147 7457 292 62 72

Round 3

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
8430 45 4272 7657 8103 5188 79 35
5010 1024 7617 3487 1646 6498 87 79

Round 4

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4982 1741 3494 3147 7457 292 75 73
5010 1024 7617 4272 45 8430 67 85

Round 5

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
292 7457 3147 4272 45 8430 61 83


Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4982 1741 3494 4272 45 8430 94 83
4982 1741 3494 4272 45 8430 61 93
4982 1741 3494 4272 45 8430 67 94

Playoff Bracket

Match 1
1 4272-45-8430 1
8 1555-7454-1018 0
Match 7
1 4272-45-8430 0
4 3494-1741-4982 1
Match 2
4 3494-1741-4982 1
5 3487-1646-6498 0
Match 11
4 3494-1741-4982 1
3 7457-292-3147 0
Match 3
2 1024-5010-7617 1
7 8103-7657-5188 0
Match 8
2 1024-5010-7617 0
3 7457-292-3147 1
4 3494-1741-4982 1
1 4272-45-8430 2
Match 4
3 7457-292-3147 1
6 4580-1720-71 0
Match 13
3 7457-292-3147 0
1 4272-45-8430 1
Match 10
2 1024-5010-7617 1
5 3487-1646-6498 0
Match 5
8 1555-7454-1018 0
5 3487-1646-6498 1
Match 12
2 1024-5010-7617 0
1 4272-45-8430 1
Match 9
1 4272-45-8430 1
7 8103-7657-5188 0
Match 6
7 8103-7657-5188 1
6 4580-1720-71 0
Rank Team Ranking Score Avg Coop Avg Match Avg Auto Avg Stage Record (W-L-T) DQ Played Total Ranking Points*
1 4272 2.75 0.67 63.33 25.92 3.25 11-1-0 0 12 33
2 1024 2.67 0.75 54.33 20.08 5.25 10-2-0 0 12 32
3 7457 2.42 0.50 57.50 27.58 6.33 8-4-0 0 12 29
4 5010 2.33 0.67 62.00 19.92 4.67 10-2-0 0 12 28
5 3494 2.33 0.42 49.08 15.83 6.42 9-3-0 0 12 28
6 3487 2.25 0.67 48.25 16.50 4.75 9-3-0 0 12 27
7 4580 1.92 0.92 43.00 16.67 3.83 7-5-0 0 12 23
8 292 1.75 0.50 54.42 21.50 2.33 7-5-0 0 12 21
9 1741 1.75 0.50 51.75 21.67 5.58 7-5-0 0 12 21
10 8103 1.75 0.42 50.25 19.58 4.83 7-5-0 0 12 21
11 1646 1.58 0.75 47.25 17.42 5.83 6-6-0 0 12 19
12 1555 1.58 0.50 45.92 18.00 3.00 6-6-0 0 12 19
13 7657 1.58 0.50 43.42 20.17 4.67 7-5-0 0 12 19
14 45 1.58 0.33 47.92 19.50 5.25 7-5-0 0 12 19
15 3147 1.50 0.58 45.33 17.08 4.83 7-5-0 0 12 18
16 1018 1.50 0.50 41.33 14.83 5.33 7-5-0 0 12 18
17 7454 1.42 0.58 45.33 18.50 4.92 5-7-0 0 12 17
18 1720 1.42 0.58 41.92 15.42 5.67 6-6-0 0 12 17
19 71 1.33 0.58 41.83 16.00 2.75 6-6-0 0 12 16
20 8430 1.25 0.58 36.42 14.75 2.67 6-6-0 0 12 15
21 8564 1.25 0.42 39.83 15.25 3.33 5-7-0 0 12 15
22 5188 1.17 0.42 40.75 15.83 4.17 6-6-0 0 12 14
23 7198 1.08 0.75 37.83 15.33 5.33 5-7-0 0 12 13
24 6498 1.08 0.58 41.00 16.75 4.25 4-8-0 0 12 13
25 7617 1.08 0.25 36.00 14.58 3.92 5-7-0 0 12 13
26 4982 1.00 0.67 40.00 19.00 5.42 5-7-0 0 12 12
27 4926 0.92 0.58 42.92 18.58 3.92 4-8-0 0 12 11
28 8116 0.92 0.58 38.00 13.50 3.83 4-8-0 0 12 11
29 447 0.83 0.50 40.75 11.50 7.00 3-9-0 0 12 10
30 2171 0.83 0.33 35.67 12.50 3.42 4-8-0 0 12 10
31 8742 0.83 0.33 34.83 14.83 5.00 4-8-0 0 12 10
32 9491 0.67 0.67 37.58 15.08 4.17 2-10-0 0 12 8
33 3559 0.67 0.42 32.92 13.42 4.58 3-9-0 0 12 8
34 9453 0.50 0.50 36.08 13.67 3.50 2-10-0 0 12 6

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Team Location Image
Kokomo, Indiana, USA
Hammond, Indiana, USA
Russiaville, Indiana, USA
Anderson, Indiana, USA
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Elkhart, Indiana, USA
Lafayette, Indiana, USA
Matthews, Indiana, USA
Greenwood, Indiana, USA
Crown Point, Indiana, USA
Munster, Indiana, USA
Plainfield, Indiana, USA
Bloomington, Indiana, USA
Jasper, Indiana, USA
Lafayette, Indiana, USA
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Team Location Image
Columbus, Indiana, USA
Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA
Fishers, Indiana, USA
Terre Haute, Indiana, USA
Newburgh, Indiana, USA
Monticello, Indiana, USA
Evansville, Indiana, USA
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Carmel, Indiana, USA
Evansville, Indiana, USA
Kendallville, Indiana, USA
Washington, Indiana, USA
Washington, Indiana, USA
Princeton, Indiana, USA
Fairmount, Indiana, USA
Mount Vernon, Indiana, USA
Sellersburg, Indiana, USA
Award Winner
District FIRST Impact Award 4926
District Engineering Inspiration Award 1720
Rookie All Star Award 9491
District Championship Dean's List Semi-Finalist Roman H (1720)
District Championship Dean's List Semi-Finalist Sarah H (1741)
District Event Winner 4272
District Event Winner 45
District Event Winner 8430
District Event Finalist 3494
District Event Finalist 1741
District Event Finalist 4982
Autonomous Award 4272
Creativity Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 447
Excellence in Engineering Award 5188
Gracious Professionalism Award 3487
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 1018
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 3494
Innovation in Control Award 7457
Judges' Award 5010
Quality Award 1024
Rookie Inspiration Award 9453
Team Spirit Award 71
Team Sustainability Award sponsored by Dow 4982
Rank Team Qual Points Playoff Points Alliance Points Award Points Total Points
1 4272 22 30 16 5 73
2 45 14 30 16 0 60
3 3494 18 20 13 5 56
4 7457 20 13 14 5 52
5 1741 16 20 13 0 49
6 1024 21 7 15 5 48
7 5010 19 7 15 5 46
8 292 17 13 14 0 44
9 8430 12 30 1 0 43
10 4982 9 20 4 5 38
11 3487 18 0 12 5 35
12 1720 12 0 11 8 31
13 3147 14 13 3 0 30
14 4580 17 0 11 0 28
15 1646 15 0 12 0 27
16 8103 16 0 10 0 26
17 1018 13 0 8 5 26
18 7657 14 0 10 0 24
19 1555 15 0 9 0 24
20 5188 11 0 7 5 23
21 71 12 0 6 5 23
22 7454 13 0 9 0 22
23 7617 10 7 2 0 19
24 4926 9 0 0 10 19
25 6498 10 0 5 0 15
26 9491 6 0 0 8 14
27 447 8 0 0 5 13
28 8564 11 0 0 0 11
29 7198 11 0 0 0 11
30 9453 4 0 0 5 9
31 8116 8 0 0 0 8
32 8742 7 0 0 0 7
33 2171 7 0 0 0 7
34 3559 5 0 0 0 5

* Although points are calculated for all teams at this event, not all teams may receive points in the District Ranking System for this event.

COPRs (?)

# Team COPR