Boiler Bot Battle 2024

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
461 3940 3176 5010 868 8096 67 66
9985 5822 1720 135 5188 1747 33 16
9097 6956 6721 4926 1024 7617 24 34
8742 4485 292 4272 7457 45 52 76
234 1646 7657 2867 5402 1741 56 69
135 1024 6956 1747 3176 868 2 74
5822 7617 5010 7457 9985 292 73 63
8096 4272 4926 234 2867 6721 44 37
7657 1720 5402 3940 45 8742 46 48
5188 461 9097 1646 1741 4485 29 52
4272 9985 2867 1024 5822 868 25 59
6721 292 5010 8742 5402 135 57 20
9097 4926 1646 1720 3176 7457 34 61
45 6956 5188 8096 7657 461 33 48
1741 234 1747 7617 3940 4485 76 51
5402 1646 7457 868 135 4272 72 63
9985 8742 9097 2867 8096 6956 9 48
3176 45 1741 3940 6721 5822 48 59
1024 4485 234 1720 5010 5188 33 42
1747 7657 7617 292 461 4926 69 52
7457 135 2867 6956 1741 3940 40 45
3176 6721 5402 4485 5188 9985 65 11
5010 1747 4272 45 9097 7657 81 33
461 868 8742 5822 4926 234 62 48
7617 292 8096 1646 1720 1024 74 45


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 1747 7457 4926
Alliance 2 5010 868 1024
Alliance 3 7617 461 135
Alliance 4 3176 4272 6721
Alliance 5 1741 3940 45
Alliance 6 8096 5822 1646
Alliance 7 5402 292 5188
Alliance 8 1720 7657 234

Playoff Results

Round 1

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1747 4926 7457 1720 234 7657 59 51
3176 6721 4272 3940 45 1741 87 92
868 1024 5010 292 5402 5188 86 60
135 7617 461 8096 1646 5822 65 65

Round 2

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
7657 234 1720 4272 6721 3176 49 67
5402 5188 292 461 7617 135 54 82
1747 4926 7457 3940 45 1741 74 72
868 1024 5010 8096 1646 5822 59 91

Round 3

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1741 45 3940 7617 461 135 64 85
868 1024 5010 4272 6721 3176 48 71

Round 4

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1747 4926 7457 8096 1646 5822 82 75
3176 6721 4272 7617 461 135 62 73

Round 5

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5822 1646 8096 7617 461 135 31 63


Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1747 4926 7457 7617 461 135 68 62
1747 4926 7457 7617 461 135 82 68

Playoff Bracket

Match 1
1 1747-7457-4926 1
8 1720-7657-234 0
Match 7
1 1747-7457-4926 1
5 1741-3940-45 0
Match 2
4 3176-4272-6721 0
5 1741-3940-45 1
Match 11
1 1747-7457-4926 1
6 8096-5822-1646 0
Match 3
2 5010-868-1024 1
7 5402-292-5188 0
Match 8
2 5010-868-1024 0
6 8096-5822-1646 1
1 1747-7457-4926 2
3 7617-461-135 0
Match 4
3 7617-461-135 0
6 8096-5822-1646 1
Match 13
6 8096-5822-1646 0
3 7617-461-135 1
Match 10
2 5010-868-1024 0
4 3176-4272-6721 1
Match 5
8 1720-7657-234 0
4 3176-4272-6721 1
Match 12
4 3176-4272-6721 0
3 7617-461-135 1
Match 9
5 1741-3940-45 0
3 7617-461-135 1
Match 6
7 5402-292-5188 0
3 7617-461-135 1
Rank Team Ranking Score Avg Coop Avg Match Avg Auto Avg Stage Record (W-L-T) DQ Played Total Ranking Points*
1 1747 2.80 0.20 56.40 25.00 8.00 4-1-0 0 5 14
2 5010 2.40 0.40 60.80 26.80 4.60 4-1-0 0 5 12
3 7617 2.20 0.40 56.20 20.60 6.40 4-1-0 0 5 11
4 3176 2.20 0.20 54.00 25.00 4.40 4-1-0 0 5 11
5 4272 2.00 0.40 53.40 26.00 3.60 3-2-0 0 5 10
6 1741 2.00 0.40 50.20 19.20 6.40 4-1-0 0 5 10
7 8096 2.00 0.20 55.00 26.40 6.00 4-1-0 0 5 10
8 3940 1.80 0.80 51.00 15.00 3.20 4-1-0 0 5 9
9 868 1.80 0.60 61.40 32.00 5.00 3-2-0 0 5 9
10 7457 1.80 0.60 58.00 26.00 3.20 3-2-0 0 5 9
11 5822 1.80 0.40 51.40 23.20 4.00 4-1-0 0 5 9
12 5402 1.80 0.40 47.00 19.20 6.00 3-2-0 0 5 9
13 292 1.40 0.20 56.20 25.00 3.40 2-3-0 0 5 7
14 461 1.40 0.20 49.20 20.00 2.60 3-2-0 0 5 7
15 1720 1.40 0.20 41.40 21.00 5.40 3-2-0 0 5 7
16 6721 1.40 0.00 46.40 17.00 3.80 3-2-0 0 5 7
17 7657 1.20 0.20 47.40 19.20 7.00 2-3-0 0 5 6
18 1646 1.00 0.20 50.40 20.00 4.80 2-3-0 0 5 5
19 45 1.00 0.20 44.60 18.00 2.60 2-3-0 0 5 5
20 8742 1.00 0.20 36.20 17.80 2.60 2-3-0 0 5 5
21 2867 0.80 0.40 38.80 20.80 5.20 2-3-0 0 5 4
22 234 0.80 0.20 48.20 23.00 4.60 1-4-0 0 5 4
23 1024 0.80 0.20 32.60 14.40 4.20 2-3-0 0 5 4
24 6956 0.80 0.20 29.40 11.00 4.00 2-3-0 0 5 4
25 4926 0.80 0.00 39.00 19.80 3.00 2-3-0 0 5 4
26 9985 0.60 0.40 28.20 12.00 2.00 1-4-0 0 5 3
27 4485 0.60 0.20 36.80 15.20 3.20 1-4-0 0 5 3
28 5188 0.40 0.00 26.20 8.40 2.00 1-4-0 0 5 2
29 135 0.20 0.40 26.80 12.00 2.80 0-5-0 0 5 1
30 9097 0.00 0.00 25.80 8.40 3.20 0-5-0 0 5 0

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Kokomo, Indiana, USA
Mishawaka, Indiana, USA
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Russiaville, Indiana, USA
West Lafayette, Indiana, USA
Carmel, Indiana, USA
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Lafayette, Indiana, USA
Matthews, Indiana, USA
Greenwood, Indiana, USA
West Lafayette, Indiana, USA
Elkhart, Indiana, USA
Brownsburg, Indiana, USA
Kokomo, Indiana, USA
Lafayette, Indiana, USA
Danville, Indiana, USA
Columbus, Indiana, USA
Fishers, Indiana, USA
Terre Haute, Indiana, USA
Walton, Indiana, USA
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Westfield, Indiana, USA
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Carmel, Indiana, USA
Evansville, Indiana, USA
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Fairmount, Indiana, USA
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Manchester, NH, USA

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