Lapeer Robotics ROBOCON Competition 1 2021

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5084 3534 33 1684 9999 5460 98 116
9990 8332 862 2834 4130 548 102 130
5843 1188 7491 4381 5084 5166 65 58
862 548 1188 3534 2834 1684 38 163
33 7491 9990 9999 4381 5460 84 187
5166 5843 2834 4130 8332 5460 105 180
33 5843 4381 9990 548 3534 124 87
5166 1684 862 7491 1188 8332 165 40
862 4381 4130 548 9999 5084 123 78
2834 5460 33 5843 4130 1684 211 172
1188 9990 9999 8332 5084 7491 59 154
7491 5166 9990 3534 862 5843 132 130
548 33 1684 3534 2834 8332 109 93
5084 1188 5460 9999 5166 4130 158 158
1684 7491 4381 8332 862 9999 85 109
4130 33 4381 1188 548 5166 232 115
2834 9990 5084 5460 3534 5843 70 178
9990 5166 1684 4381 1188 2834 108 65
33 3534 4130 8332 9999 5843 112 65
7491 5084 862 5460 548 33 165 199
862 5460 2834 9999 3534 1188 163 58
4381 9990 8332 5084 5843 548 118 94
5166 7491 3534 1684 4130 5084 126 185
7491 9999 2834 33 8332 5166 65 125
9990 5843 862 4130 1684 1188 124 143
4130 5460 7491 548 4381 3534 156 100
5460 5166 9990 8332 1684 548 167 166
4381 2834 5843 33 862 5084 128 175
5843 33 9999 1188 9990 548 178 93


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 4130 1684 9999
Alliance 2 5460 33 3534
Alliance 3 862 4381 2834
Alliance 4 8332 5843 5166

Playoff Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1684 4130 9999 5843 8332 5166 180 134
1684 4130 9999 5843 8332 5166 176 79
33 5460 3534 4381 862 2834 156 125
33 5460 3534 4381 862 2834 204 129
1684 4130 9999 33 5460 3534 163 268
1684 4130 9999 33 5460 3534 113 109
1684 4130 9999 33 5460 3534 155 185

Playoff Bracket



Rank Team Ranking Score Auto End Game Teleop Cell + CPanel DQ Played Total Ranking Points*
1 4130 2.30 406 600 432 0 10 23
2 5460 2.20 389 480 726 0 10 22
3 33 2.00 384 465 578 0 10 20
4 1684 1.80 391 505 426 0 10 18
5 862 1.60 318 550 297 0 10 16
6 4381 1.50 323 455 364 0 10 15
7 8332 1.40 286 530 234 0 10 14
8 5166 1.30 447 430 262 0 10 13
9 2834 1.10 408 425 282 0 10 11
10 7491 1.10 380 435 164 0 10 11
11 9999 1.10 345 310 331 0 10 11
12 5084 1.10 312 495 353 0 10 11
13 9990 1.00 383 330 182 0 10 10
14 3534 0.90 300 495 299 0 10 9
15 5843 0.80 415 345 389 0 10 8
16 548 0.70 324 395 289 0 10 7
17 1188 0.50 372 225 195 0 10 5

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, USA
Northville, Michigan, USA
Canton, Michigan, USA
Royal Oak, Michigan, USA
Lapeer, Michigan, USA
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, USA
Davison, Michigan, USA
Auburn Hills, Michigan, USA
Richmond, Michigan, USA
Richland, Michigan, USA
Corunna, Michigan, USA
Freeland, Michigan, USA
Lapeer, Michigan, USA
East China, Michigan, USA
Burton, Michigan, USA
Auburn Hills, Michigan, USA
Manchester, NH, USA
Manchester, NH, USA

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
5460 92.14
4130 68.60
33 61.04
1684 54.98
862 49.47
5166 46.79
5843 43.11
5084 40.47
8332 36.09
4381 34.73
2834 32.22
548 30.75
3534 30.61
7491 27.12
9990 26.70
9999 21.45
1188 6.20
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