Pine Tree Regional 2013

to Week 6
Androscoggin Bank Colisée in Lewiston, ME, USA
details on

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
125 58 1153 2386 3566 176 151 53
3585 3451 4793 78 1073 2200 13 77
4546 4055 4564 1922 348 69 51 82
2648 4473 133 4041 3525 157 136 71
1058 181 716 1071 63 172 75 71
4042 3609 3467 319 4555 3930 84 54
1831 157 69 3597 3585 133 57 28
176 4473 2200 4055 716 58 79 61
319 4042 125 1153 63 3609 82 85
4793 4555 4041 3566 4546 3525 20 43
1073 348 2386 3597 1071 1831 40 64
172 3930 78 2648 1922 4564 82 105
3451 1058 69 3467 181 125 46 145
1153 348 1071 63 4555 1073 88 16
716 2386 3930 4041 1922 3566 44 39
157 2200 3451 3609 4564 78 16 92
4055 172 3467 4546 4793 319 75 53
3597 1058 4042 3585 4473 3525 42 42
2648 58 176 181 133 1831 129 40
78 63 348 125 3930 69 65 95
3597 3525 1922 1071 319 3585 50 93
3609 2200 4546 1058 2648 1153 58 139
58 4564 1831 716 3467 157 96 158
4473 3566 172 1073 176 4042 48 48
3451 133 4555 181 2386 4793 118 48
4055 1831 3609 4041 1058 3585 67 25
1073 319 4564 2200 3467 1153 67 113
172 348 3525 3566 58 157 92 115
2648 1071 4055 69 4042 63 65 47
2386 3597 4473 3930 3451 4546 58 9
181 4555 1922 4041 78 176 58 116
716 125 3566 133 4793 3467 105 110
2648 2386 63 4546 4473 348 69 54
181 3609 1073 1058 4564 176 117 107
1071 4793 1922 4055 2200 3597 38 55
3930 3585 157 125 3451 4041 67 56
69 319 1153 172 58 133 122 99
4555 3525 4042 1831 78 716 50 114
3585 181 3566 4473 4055 3930 23 65
133 1922 63 172 176 3609 77 94
4555 2386 4546 1071 4564 2200 50 88
4041 58 69 3467 1058 1073 119 79
78 3525 319 3451 348 716 98 67
125 4793 3597 4042 2648 1831 42 64
157 4473 1058 1153 1922 2386 85 128
2200 63 3585 3930 181 58 35 105
4041 1831 4546 176 348 319 58 104
4564 157 133 125 3525 4055 117 95
3597 78 3467 1153 4042 3566 141 65
1073 3451 172 4555 2648 716 110 87
69 1071 176 4793 3609 157 118 46
3566 133 348 2200 1831 1058 96 53
78 1153 181 716 3597 4546 75 31
4564 125 63 4473 4555 3467 109 125
4042 1922 3451 4793 1073 69 58 64
4041 4055 319 2386 172 3585 73 70
1071 3525 58 3930 3609 2648 93 100
716 1073 133 157 4546 1922 121 57
172 2200 69 3585 4555 125 89 70
4473 1071 181 348 1831 3467 98 103
4055 63 176 1153 3525 3451 117 60
3597 3566 3930 3609 319 1058 40 58
4793 4042 78 4041 4564 2386 32 58
2648 172 125 58 1922 2200 165 100
63 3451 1831 133 3930 176 60 91
4793 1058 3566 4473 716 69 94 97
3467 3585 2648 157 4555 1153 169 99
3609 348 3597 181 4055 4042 52 71
58 78 4546 1073 1071 4041 109 89
4564 3525 69 319 2386 2200 71 70
1922 3609 716 1831 125 4473 33 83
58 4555 1058 4055 78 3451 93 45
157 1073 2648 63 3566 319 114 67
4042 3930 4041 133 1071 4546 26 41
176 1153 3585 4564 4793 348 72 60
2386 3525 3467 3597 172 181 181 60
1922 1831 319 63 58 4473 72 92
348 1058 4055 3566 3451 2648 22 99
1153 1073 3930 4793 3525 716 124 72
2200 181 4041 157 172 4042 42 90
1071 3609 4555 133 2386 125 70 103
176 4546 3467 78 3585 69 96 71
4564 1153 716 3597 63 4041 125 68

Elimination Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2648 3467 2386 3609 1071 181 111 40
2386 3467 2648 3609 181 1071 128 48
69 4564 133 58 4473 1058 128 92
4564 133 69 58 1058 4473 113 104
176 125 63 157 3930 4055 125 86
125 63 176 3930 4055 157 149 96
1831 172 1153 1922 1073 78 122 110
1153 1831 172 78 1922 1073 108 147
1831 172 1153 1922 1073 78 88 77
2386 3467 2648 4564 133 69 179 139
3467 2386 2648 69 4564 133 181 116
63 176 125 172 1153 1831 112 91
176 125 63 1831 172 1153 119 54
3467 2386 2648 125 63 176 123 92
2386 3467 2648 125 63 176 86 159
3467 2648 2386 176 63 125 122 107

Elimination Bracket



Rank Team Qual Score Auto Climb Teleop Record (W-L-T) DQ Played Qual Score/Match*
1 2648 24 438 300 703 12-1-0 0 13 1.85
2 3467 24 396 450 733 12-1-0 0 13 1.85
3 176 21 298 220 706 10-2-1 0 13 1.62
4 1153 20 438 150 770 10-3-0 0 13 1.54
5 69 20 374 230 474 10-3-0 0 13 1.54
6 133 18 392 300 485 9-4-0 0 13 1.38
7 4473 18 300 290 472 8-3-2 0 13 1.38
8 58 16 398 250 714 8-5-0 0 13 1.23
9 78 16 316 240 561 8-5-0 0 13 1.23
10 3930 16 276 200 426 8-5-0 0 13 1.23
11 3609 16 246 280 430 8-5-0 0 13 1.23
12 4055 16 244 180 438 8-5-0 0 13 1.23
13 1073 15 386 210 470 7-5-1 0 13 1.15
14 4564 14 376 260 510 7-6-0 0 13 1.08
15 1071 14 338 190 488 7-6-0 0 13 1.08
16 157 14 334 240 518 7-6-0 0 13 1.08
17 2386 14 302 260 410 7-6-0 0 13 1.08
18 1831 14 292 370 269 7-6-0 0 13 1.08
19 172 13 352 300 493 6-6-1 0 13 1.00
20 125 12 418 280 603 6-7-0 0 13 0.92
21 181 12 378 150 429 6-7-0 0 13 0.92
22 716 12 366 250 530 6-7-0 0 13 0.92
23 319 12 320 240 453 6-7-0 0 13 0.92
24 2200 12 258 230 387 6-7-0 0 13 0.92
25 348 10 264 160 501 5-8-0 0 13 0.77
26 4042 10 234 210 315 4-7-2 0 13 0.77
27 3566 9 346 170 371 4-8-1 0 13 0.69
28 3525 9 336 220 462 4-8-1 0 13 0.69
29 3597 9 292 170 269 4-8-1 0 13 0.69
30 1058 9 258 220 440 4-8-1 0 13 0.69
31 3585 9 230 190 358 4-8-1 0 13 0.69
32 4041 8 336 180 305 4-9-0 0 13 0.62
33 63 8 310 240 412 4-9-0 0 13 0.62
34 4546 8 236 200 274 4-9-0 0 13 0.62
35 4555 6 264 290 356 3-10-0 0 13 0.46
36 1922 6 250 210 437 3-10-0 0 13 0.46
37 3451 6 242 200 315 3-10-0 0 13 0.46
38 4793 4 178 210 304 2-11-0 0 13 0.31

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Team Location Image
South Portland, Maine, USA
Erie, Pennsylvania, USA
Quincy, Massachusetts, USA
Newport, Rhode Island, USA
Revere, Massachusetts, USA
Standish, Maine, USA
Marlborough, Massachusetts, USA
Falmouth/Gorham, Maine, USA
Windsor Locks, Connecticut, USA
Hartford, Connecticut, USA
Alton, New Hampshire, USA
Norwell, Massachusetts, USA
Falls Village, Connecticut, USA
Londonderry, New Hampshire, USA
Wolcott, Connecticut, USA
Hollis, New Hampshire, USA
Walpole, Massachusetts, USA
Gilford, New Hampshire, USA
Contoocook, New Hampshire, USA
Team Location Image
Burlington, Ontario, Canada
Burlington, Ontario, Canada
Oakland, Maine, USA
Sanford, Maine, USA
Windham, New Hampshire, USA
Waterbury, Connecticut, USA
Southborough, Massachusetts, USA
Charlestown, New Hampshire, USA
Kittery, Maine, USA
Portland, Maine, USA
Jay, Maine, USA
Gardiner, Maine, USA
South China, Maine, USA
Winchester, Connecticut, USA
Richmond, Maine, USA
Dover, New Hampshire, USA
Skowhegan, Maine, USA
Brewer, Maine, USA
old Orchard Beach, ME, USA
Award Winner
Regional Chairman's Award 78
Engineering Inspiration Award 2648
Rookie All Star Award 4564
Woodie Flowers Finalist Award Mike Pettengill (1058)
Volunteer of the Year Steve Martin
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Eli Wootten (4055)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Sabine Fontaine (2648)
Regional Winners 2386
Regional Winners 3467
Regional Winners 2648
Regional Finalists 63
Regional Finalists 125
Regional Finalists 176
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 2200
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 4055
Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi 3467
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 1071
Highest Rookie Seed 4473
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 1922
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 58
Industrial Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 3930
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 172
Judges' Award 3930
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola 1153
Rookie Inspiration Award 4793
Team Spirit Award sponsored by Chrysler 3525

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
3467 72.79
2648 56.54
58 50.41
125 48.35
1153 47.96
176 40.04
78 38.35
133 38.31
319 34.79
172 33.52
157 33.32
4564 33.07
69 32.23
716 30.51
1071 28.61
4473 28.05
3525 26.84
1073 26.49
181 23.27
3609 22.16
2386 21.20
1922 20.70
1058 18.75
348 18.42
3566 17.83
4041 17.22
63 16.99
1831 16.48
4555 15.96
3930 15.60
2200 13.81
3451 11.48
4055 11.44
3597 10.74
4042 3.54
4793 3.20
4546 2.98
3585 2.48
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