Lenape FIRST Robotics District Competition 2012

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
365 321 2191 304 3167 1626 25 17
1712 1640 103 1089 1647 25 18 30
2495 316 816 87 272 1370 0 25
204 2180 2590 423 2559 1807 46 37
1391 293 3607 136 203 3151 7 22
223 224 3974 484 2607 433 50 30
4128 2180 1626 2729 3167 1089 6 27
204 203 1712 3151 1807 103 14 12
87 25 1391 223 2495 293 44 12
136 2590 2191 316 484 1370 5 36
2559 2607 365 4128 1647 304 53 38
433 2729 224 3974 1640 272 27 33
321 423 1089 3607 816 136 40 14
223 2590 3151 293 316 365 18 50
304 1807 25 2559 103 87 46 30
2729 1647 204 224 816 1370 0 32
1626 433 272 2607 2180 3607 19 22
2191 1640 3167 4128 1391 484 9 41
2495 203 423 321 3974 1712 24 40
204 1626 3151 87 136 223 2 28
103 433 2191 816 2559 2590 21 17
25 3167 3974 1640 304 293 40 26
2607 1391 1089 321 1807 1370 28 11
272 316 4128 3607 224 1712 40 20
2495 365 2180 1647 203 484 50 12
2729 103 293 423 2607 3974 15 22
316 321 1640 136 2559 204 35 18
365 1647 3151 2180 1807 87 33 38
3167 1712 223 203 2729 1370 24 32
304 816 484 433 4128 25 30 39
423 224 1391 2191 1089 1626 25 31
272 3607 2729 2495 2590 321 43 35
25 1370 293 1807 316 433 45 44
203 2607 4128 204 365 1089 11 69
224 2180 1640 423 2191 816 49 26
3607 1626 484 87 3151 1712 13 20
1647 223 272 136 3167 103 21 33
304 2559 2495 3974 1391 2590 11 29
204 1370 423 484 321 3151 25 37
316 103 2607 136 25 2180 53 45
1712 293 2559 1626 224 365 41 62
816 3167 1807 3974 2495 3607 18 42
1647 2590 87 4128 1089 1640 43 33
223 1391 203 2191 272 304 24 52
2729 321 2559 433 293 3151 26 6
365 4128 1370 25 423 103 35 47
224 136 1807 2590 272 3167 19 35
2495 1640 484 204 2607 304 31 12
1647 816 3974 316 1391 1626 45 34
1089 2180 1712 223 433 3607 67 12
2729 87 2607 203 2191 2559 26 6
136 1626 321 1807 204 272 6 18
223 316 25 423 4128 3607 83 26
304 3151 1370 224 2495 3167 33 17
365 103 2590 1391 2729 1640 39 44
1089 816 293 1712 484 2191 45 18
203 87 3974 1647 2180 433 14 23
1370 2495 136 1626 2559 223 12 15
365 3607 3167 103 1391 204 28 45
2191 3151 3974 1712 25 2607 18 58
321 272 293 1647 423 1640 18 51
224 4128 2590 203 2180 816 37 9
1807 484 1089 316 304 2729 28 20
433 1391 1712 87 204 3167 22 24
2607 293 2191 2590 3607 1370 34 49
1640 1626 816 223 365 1807 34 35
433 304 87 136 423 2729 9 43
103 1647 2495 316 224 3151 34 20
2559 25 484 1089 272 203 33 23
4128 321 204 3974 2180 293 18 24
316 3167 423 2607 2590 1626 44 24
433 2559 1089 272 2495 3151 36 28
3974 304 136 365 1712 816 8 92
1807 3607 1647 2191 2729 4128 23 23
1391 2180 1370 203 1640 25 41 29
484 87 224 321 103 223 27 46


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 1089 25 1712
Alliance 2 2180 103 3974
Alliance 3 365 2590 816
Alliance 4 2607 224 2559
Alliance 5 87 2729 1640
Alliance 6 316 272 1647
Alliance 7 223 423 484
Alliance 8 2191 1391 1370

Elimination Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
25 1712 1089 2191 1391 1370 25 28
1089 25 1712 1370 2191 1391 25 35
2559 2607 224 2729 87 1640 48 44
2607 2559 224 87 1640 2729 41 18
103 3974 2180 223 423 484 51 45
103 3974 2180 423 223 484 61 11
365 2590 816 272 316 1647 50 19
816 365 2590 316 1647 272 42 38
2191 1370 1391 2607 2559 224 33 20
2191 1391 1370 2607 224 2559 30 11
3974 103 2180 365 816 2590 61 64
3974 2180 103 2590 816 365 58 47
3974 2180 103 2590 816 365 50 70
1391 2191 1370 816 2590 365 31 53
1391 2191 1370 2590 365 816 25 62

Elimination Bracket



Qual Score
Record (W-L-T)
Qual Score/Match*
1 1089 34 177 140 140 10-2-0 0 12 2.83
2 2180 33 202 80 138 9-3-0 0 12 2.75
3 365 31 214 150 207 8-4-0 0 12 2.58
4 25 28 175 100 264 10-2-0 0 12 2.33
5 2607 27 138 140 95 7-5-0 0 12 2.25
6 87 26 110 80 138 8-4-0 0 12 2.17
7 316 24 162 130 167 7-5-0 0 12 2.00
8 223 24 158 80 130 6-6-0 0 12 2.00
9 2590 24 121 120 136 6-6-0 0 12 2.00
10 2191 24 101 80 87 4-7-1 0 12 2.00
11 1640 22 176 90 126 6-6-0 0 12 1.83
12 1647 22 131 110 112 6-5-1 0 12 1.83
13 484 22 130 100 106 6-6-0 0 12 1.83
14 423 21 162 70 178 6-6-0 0 12 1.75
15 2729 21 133 90 103 7-4-1 0 12 1.75
16 204 21 125 60 106 6-6-0 0 12 1.75
17 1370 21 112 100 164 8-4-0 0 12 1.75
18 103 21 82 110 201 7-5-0 0 12 1.75
19 1807 20 160 50 119 5-6-1 0 12 1.67
20 272 20 144 90 121 7-5-0 0 12 1.67
21 321 20 124 90 123 7-5-0 0 12 1.67
22 1391 20 116 140 128 7-5-0 0 12 1.67
23 1626 20 103 100 60 3-9-0 0 12 1.67
24 1712 18 173 70 191 6-6-0 0 12 1.50
25 3974 18 148 110 107 9-3-0 0 12 1.50
26 4128 18 135 90 122 4-7-1 0 12 1.50
27 816 17 148 90 124 4-8-0 0 12 1.42
28 224 17 143 100 142 5-7-0 0 12 1.42
29 3167 17 127 60 129 6-6-0 0 12 1.42
30 2559 17 115 80 128 5-7-0 0 12 1.42
31 3151 17 75 90 84 4-8-0 0 12 1.42
32 304 16 102 100 100 3-9-0 0 12 1.33
33 203 16 94 50 76 3-9-0 0 12 1.33
34 293 16 92 70 161 4-8-0 0 12 1.33
35 136 16 82 40 131 4-8-0 0 12 1.33
36 433 15 136 70 82 4-8-0 0 12 1.25
37 2495 15 120 110 66 4-8-0 0 12 1.25
38 3607 13 163 50 86 4-7-1 0 12 1.08

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

North Brunswick, New Jersey, USA
Mount Holly, New Jersey, USA
Kintnersville, Pennsylvania, USA
Plainfield, New Jersey, USA
Sicklerville, New Jersey, USA
Voorhees, New Jersey, USA
Wanaque, New Jersey, USA
Piscataway, New Jersey, USA
Lansdale, Pennsylvania, USA
Pennington, New Jersey, USA
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Carneys Point, New Jersey, USA
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Wilmington, Delaware, USA
Glenside, Pennsylvania, USA
Flourtown, Pennsylvania, USA
Havertown, Pennsylvania, USA
Mount Holly, New Jersey, USA
Newark, New Jersey, USA
Hightstown, New Jersey, USA
Middletown, Delaware, USA
West Chester, Pennsylvania, USA
Metuchen, New Jersey, USA
Downingtown, Pennsylvania, USA
Vincentown, New Jersey, USA
Ardmore, Pennsylvania, USA
Allentown, New Jersey, USA
Hamilton, New Jersey, USA
Hamilton, New Jersey, USA
Hamilton, New Jersey, USA
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA
Robbinsville, New Jersey, USA
Warminster, Pennsylvania, USA
Marlton, New Jersey, USA
Sewell, New Jersey, USA
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Philadelphia, PA, USA
Lambertville, NJ, USA
Wyncote, Pennsylvania, USA
Holmdel, NJ, USA
Award Winner
Regional Chairman's Award 2590
Engineering Inspiration Award 433
Rookie All Star Award 4128
Volunteer of the Year Jim Judd
Regional Winners 365
Regional Winners 2590
Regional Winners 816
Regional Finalists 1370
Regional Finalists 2191
Regional Finalists 1391
Coopertition Award 1626
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 2180
Engineering Excellence Award sponsored by Delphi 365
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 2729
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 3151
Highest Rookie Seed 3974
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 223
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 484
Industrial Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 3974
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 1391
Judges' Award 103
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola 2607
Rookie Inspiration Award 3974
Team Spirit Award sponsored by Chrysler 203
Website Award 2590
Rank Team Qual Points Elim Points Alliance Points Award Points Total Points
1 365 16 30 14 5 65
2 2590 12 30 14 2 58
3 1391 14 20 9 5 48
4 2180 18 10 15 5 48
5 1370 16 20 8 0 44
6 2607 14 10 13 5 42
7 103 14 10 15 2 41
8 816 8 30 3 0 41
9 2191 9 20 9 0 38
10 3974 18 10 2 6 36
11 25 20 0 16 0 36
12 1089 20 0 16 0 36
13 224 10 10 13 0 33
14 2729 15 0 12 5 32
15 87 16 0 12 0 28
16 316 14 0 11 0 25
17 272 14 0 11 0 25
18 223 12 0 10 2 24
19 2559 10 10 4 0 24
20 484 12 0 7 5 24
21 423 12 0 10 0 22
22 1647 13 0 6 0 19
23 1640 12 0 5 0 17
24 321 14 0 0 0 14
25 1712 12 0 1 0 13
26 3167 12 0 0 0 12
27 204 12 0 0 0 12
28 1807 11 0 0 0 11
29 1626 6 0 0 5 11
30 3151 8 0 0 2 10
31 3607 9 0 0 0 9
32 4128 9 0 0 0 9
33 136 8 0 0 0 8
34 203 6 0 0 2 8
35 293 8 0 0 0 8
36 433 8 0 0 0 8
37 2495 8 0 0 0 8
38 304 6 0 0 0 6

* Although points are calculated for all teams at this event, not all teams may receive points in the District Ranking System for this event.

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
365 29.98
25 25.75
1089 18.71
316 17.93
1712 16.47
423 16.03
2180 15.59
272 14.70
2590 13.48
103 12.97
1640 12.08
224 11.97
3974 11.88
223 11.87
1370 11.09
1391 10.69
816 10.55
484 10.30
2729 10.10
2607 9.52
304 8.62
87 8.21
1647 7.84
321 7.29
2559 7.23
4128 6.73
1807 5.05
3607 4.61
204 4.37
2495 4.16
136 3.72
433 3.54
293 3.53
3167 3.17
2191 3.01
3151 2.33
1626 1.75
203 -2.74
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