St. Louis Regional 2007

to Week 1
St. Charles Family Arena in St. Charles, MO, USA - details on

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1706 1178 148 1098 45 1658 66 6
1182 1723 217 1747 292 1208 22 16
1250 1752 461 525 1769 1288 2 4
1329 829 1985 1315 1939 547 16 4
830 1986 1444 2011 1451 868 19 2
931 2133 1502 1472 2014 888 32 0
939 2167 1602 2177 967 1625 0 0
1646 1094 2219 45 1723 1178 4 44
1752 217 1208 148 1182 1747 8 22
1939 1288 461 1769 1250 292 30 8
547 1986 1329 1985 525 1315 23 8
829 2011 1444 1451 2014 830 34 4
1502 888 2167 868 1472 2133 50 5
2219 1625 939 1602 931 2177 0 30
1646 967 1658 1098 1094 1706 0 16
148 1769 1208 45 1752 1182 32 14
292 1985 1288 217 1939 1250 0 2
1986 461 1315 2011 1329 525 19 24
2133 829 1451 547 2014 1444 7 48
2177 868 1502 1472 830 2167 2 0
1625 1658 931 888 1602 2219 0 0
1723 1098 967 1706 1646 939 6 4
45 1939 1208 1747 1178 1094 128 4
1250 148 1985 1986 217 1288 128 2
2011 1315 292 2014 461 1329 5 8
1444 2133 525 1451 547 2167 20 2
2219 1502 830 2177 1472 829 0 30
868 1602 1658 1706 888 1625 4 2
1646 1723 931 939 1747 1098 8 2
1752 1178 967 1182 1094 1769 8 16
1288 148 2011 45 1986 1250 64 10
292 1329 2133 2014 1315 217 8 16
2177 1451 525 461 1444 2167 0 72
1658 1502 829 547 2219 1472 15 8
868 1723 1625 1706 1602 830 27 4
1098 931 1752 1747 888 1646 8 17
1182 1939 967 1178 1769 939 28 16
1288 45 2014 1985 1094 1208 11 16
217 1329 2167 1315 148 2133 6 128
2177 1444 292 2219 1451 461 64 2
1658 525 1472 1706 547 1502 20 8
1723 1602 829 1747 1625 830 22 45
888 1769 1098 1752 868 1646 19 0
1182 939 1985 1178 931 1939 8 49
1094 2011 1250 967 1986 1208 32 0
1329 148 2177 2167 45 1315 56 2
1444 2219 217 1451 1658 292 26 8
525 1502 1723 1472 1706 461 20 0
829 1625 1752 547 1747 1602 0 8
868 1098 1939 1769 830 1646 0 2
888 1985 1178 1182 1986 931 100 43
2011 939 1208 967 1250 2014 8 31
1329 2219 45 2133 1094 1288 20 26
217 1706 1451 1444 148 1658 12 132
1472 292 1723 1502 1747 461 0 17
1769 1625 547 525 1602 1752 20 8
1646 829 1939 830 1985 1098 0 46
2011 1182 888 1178 1986 868 16 58
1250 939 2133 2014 1208 931 0 16
2167 967 1288 2177 1094 1315 12 0
1723 45 1444 1451 1747 148 28 8
292 1502 1769 217 1752 1472 31 8
1602 1939 461 1625 1985 525 6 21
1098 829 2011 547 1986 1646 4 32

Elimination Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
217 148 2133 461 547 1747 128 20
2133 217 148 461 1747 547 68 36
1723 1625 525 1182 931 1502 83 4
525 1625 1723 931 1182 1502 18 8
829 45 1444 1985 888 1178 92 54
45 1444 829 1178 1985 888 92 54
967 1769 1208 1094 2177 830 16 0
1208 967 1769 830 2177 1094 0 38
967 1208 1769 1094 830 2177 0 8
217 148 2133 1723 525 1625 128 24
148 217 2133 1723 525 1625 14 0
1444 45 829 1094 2177 830 36 12
829 1444 45 2177 830 1094 38 28
217 148 2133 829 45 1444 32 36
2133 148 217 1444 829 45 16 66

Elimination Bracket



Qual Score
Seeding Score
Match Points
Record (W-L-T)
Qual Score/Match*
1 1444 18 6.11 132 9-0-0 0 9 2.00
2 148 16 7.56 132 8-1-0 0 9 1.78
3 1769 14 7.78 32 7-2-0 0 9 1.56
4 1723 14 6.67 44 7-2-0 0 9 1.56
5 1502 14 5.44 50 7-2-0 0 9 1.56
6 1985 12 12.44 128 6-3-0 0 9 1.33
7 525 12 7.00 24 6-3-0 0 9 1.33
8 931 11 8.63 49 5-2-1 0 8 1.38
9 2177 11 1.00 64 5-2-1 0 8 1.38
10 1178 10 13.13 100 5-3-0 0 8 1.25
11 1329 10 10.25 56 5-3-0 0 8 1.25
12 1747 10 9.56 45 5-4-0 0 9 1.11
13 1094 10 8.88 32 5-3-0 0 8 1.25
14 2014 10 8.13 48 5-3-0 0 8 1.25
15 1288 10 7.13 64 5-3-0 0 8 1.25
16 1625 10 6.89 45 4-3-2 0 9 1.11
17 547 10 6.56 48 5-4-0 0 9 1.11
18 1939 10 5.78 128 5-4-0 0 9 1.11
19 888 9 10.75 100 4-3-1 0 8 1.12
20 1658 9 5.50 132 4-3-1 0 8 1.12
21 967 9 5.00 31 4-3-1 0 8 1.12
22 1182 8 16.13 43 4-4-0 0 8 1.00
23 1986 8 11.56 58 4-5-0 0 9 0.89
24 1208 8 10.38 128 4-4-0 0 8 1.00
25 217 8 8.22 26 4-5-0 0 9 0.89
26 2011 8 8.00 64 4-5-0 0 9 0.89
27 461 8 6.67 72 4-5-0 0 9 0.89
28 2133 8 6.25 128 4-4-0 0 8 1.00
29 830 8 5.75 46 4-4-0 0 8 1.00
30 829 8 5.44 34 4-5-0 0 9 0.89
31 1602 8 5.11 30 3-4-2 0 9 0.89
32 1250 8 5.00 128 4-4-0 0 8 1.00
33 868 8 3.63 58 4-4-0 0 8 1.00
34 1098 8 2.89 46 4-5-0 0 9 0.89
35 1646 8 2.89 32 4-5-0 0 9 0.89
36 2167 7 3.63 72 3-4-1 0 8 0.88
37 45 6 8.78 128 3-6-0 0 9 0.67
38 1315 4 6.50 128 2-6-0 0 8 0.50
39 292 4 6.11 64 2-7-0 0 9 0.44
40 1706 4 4.50 66 2-6-0 0 8 0.50
41 1472 4 3.22 30 2-7-0 0 9 0.44
42 2219 3 5.25 26 1-6-1 0 8 0.38
43 939 1 4.75 16 0-7-1 0 8 0.12
44 1752 0 6.22 14 0-9-0 0 9 0.00
45 1451 0 5.00 12 0-9-0 0 9 0.00

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Team Location Image
Kokomo, Indiana, USA
Greenville, Texas, USA
Sterling Heights, Michigan, USA
Russiaville, Indiana, USA
West Lafayette, Indiana, USA
Cedar Falls, Iowa, USA
Fayetteville, Tennessee, USA
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Carmel, Indiana, USA
Glenelg, Maryland, USA
Saint Louis, Missouri, USA
Sisseton, SD, USA
Marion, Iowa, USA
O Fallon, Missouri, USA
Wildwood, MO, USA
Saint Louis, Missouri, USA
Manchester, MO, USA
O Fallon, Illinois, USA
Dearborn, Michigan, USA
Saint Charles, Missouri, USA
Pacific, MO, USA
Saint Louis, Missouri, USA
Team Location Image
Saint Louis, Missouri, USA
Troy, IL, USA
Baton Rouge, LA, USA
Chelsea, Michigan, USA
Detroit, MI, USA
Winnebago, Illinois, USA
Lafayette, Indiana, USA
St. Louis, Missouri, USA
Wentzville, Missouri, USA
Independence, Missouri, USA
West Lafayette, Indiana, USA
Kansas City, MO, USA
Kansas City, Kansas, USA
Kansas City, Missouri, USA
Florissant, Missouri, USA
Lees Summit, Missouri, USA
Independence, MO, USA
St. Louis, MO, USA
Hohenwald, TN, USA
Maryville, Missouri, USA
Mendota Heights, Minnesota, USA
Carbondale, IL, USA
Award Winner
Regional Chairman's Award 931
Regional Engineering Inspiration Award 461
Rookie All Star Award 1985
Woodie Flowers Award Allison Babcock
Outstanding Volunteer Award Richard Wallace
Regional Winner 1444
Regional Winner 829
Regional Winner 45
Regional Finalist 148
Regional Finalist 217
Regional Finalist 2133
Autodesk Visualization Award 1182
DaimlerChrysler Team Spirit Award 547
Delphi "Driving Tomorrow's Technology" Award 1208
General Motors Industrial Design Award 1444
Highest Rookie Seed Award 2177
Imagery Award 1094
Johnson & Johnson Sportsmanship Award 1178
Judges Award 1747
Judges Award 1706
Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers Entrepreneurship Award 1250
Motorola Quality Award 45
Rockwell Automation Innovation in Control Award 1625
Rookie Inspiration Award 2177
Underwriters Laboratory Industrial Safety Award 1723
Website Award 461
Xerox Creativity Award 148

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
148 50.14
1178 43.47
1444 43.28
1208 26.95
1502 24.62
1625 22.37
1250 21.53
1182 18.92
1098 18.78
1646 18.06
1985 17.67
1602 16.46
2133 12.25
1472 11.80
1329 11.13
1315 10.93
1288 10.34
1939 9.99
45 6.60
888 5.69
2177 5.32
2167 4.21
1451 3.96
2011 3.73
1986 2.64
1658 2.21
461 2.20
547 1.39
2014 0.17
1723 -0.18
830 -2.78
931 -3.13
217 -3.62
292 -3.88
1094 -6.53
525 -7.74
1769 -7.93
1706 -9.49
2219 -9.57
829 -9.57
868 -10.81
1752 -11.00
967 -13.60
1747 -14.76
939 -18.08
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