From zhenjiang, Jiangsu, China
aka Zhenjiang Investment Consulting Co., Ltd (BAIC Group)/Bank of Jiangsu/Zhenjiang Federation of Trade Unions/KYB/Beijing C.H.L. Robotics Co.,Ltd./SOFA/The Argosy Foundation/AEC/Anhui Hiseed Robot Co.,Ltd/Xihe Digital Co.,Ltd./Phoenix Publishing & Media Group/Zhenjiang Media &Culture Industrial Group/Jiangsu University&Zhenjiang Vocational & Technical School
Rookie Year: 2017
Last competed in 2023
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Event Results

Team 6304 was 14-14-0 in official play and 17-18-0 overall in 2017.

Shenzhen Regional

in Shenzhen City, 44 518000, China
to Week 2

Team 6304 was Rank 20 with a record of 11-7-0 and won the following awards:

  • Rookie All Star Award
  • Regional Finalists

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 4 and were eliminated in the Finals.

Captain 5839
Pick 1 6304
Pick 2 5516
Backup for 6304 6441
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
6304 1884 6376 5453 6383 6354 120 140
1797 6394 6365 5453 6304 6375 135 165
6766 6386 4613 6304 6393 6356 161 165
6360 6354 6304 6362 4613 6392 160 229
6439 6766 5839 5823 6304 5737 175 210
6374 5737 6393 5516 6304 5522 100 190
6304 6374 6433 5849 6494 6385 180 140
6399 6441 1884 6304 6487 6028 140 120
5522 5453 5515 6304 6385 6766 210 140
6304 6361 5820 6356 5451 1884 140 230
6450 6487 6766 5445 5449 6304 145 215
5516 5839 6304 5308 6399 6383 280 95
5516 5839 6304 5308 6399 6383 220 115
5453 5449 6375 6304 5839 5516 240 190
5453 5449 6375 6304 5839 5516 145 265
5453 5449 6375 6304 5839 5516 165 280
5516 5839 6304 1884 4613 6361 305 165
5516 5839 6304 1884 4613 6361 215 219

Roebling Division

in Houston, TX, USA

Team 6304 was Rank 60 with a record of 3-7-0

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China Robotics Challenge

in Zhengzhou, China

Team 6304 was Rank 56 with a record of 3-4-0

Captain 1772
Pick 1 5453
Pick 2 5823
Pick 3 6304
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
6360 5308 6304 9083 9060 9081 50 130
9068 9062 6399 6383 6304 2204 50 115
6304 5453 9090 5452 9088 9072 205 195
9079 6354 6375 5344 6304 9059 145 120
9077 1986 9080 6304 9070 9082 243 95
6393 771 9047 6487 9066 6304 245 255
6304 9073 6801 5849 2826 359 115 330

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