From Worthington, Ohio, USA
aka ATS Automations Ohio Inc./AEP Ohio/Lake Shore Cryotronics Inc./L3Harris/Rage Plastics/Columbus Power Coat/JP Morgan and Chase/Vivacolor/The Electric Connection&Thomas Worthington High School&Worthington Kilbourne High Sch
Rookie Year: 2012
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Robot Name: Cube Crusher
1 CAD Model

Event Results

Team 4145 was 38-19-0 in official play and 52-27-0 overall in 2018.

Miami Valley Regional

in Dayton, OH 45435, USA
to Week 1

Team 4145 was Rank 8 with a record of 9-4-0 and won the following awards:

  • Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 3 and were eliminated in the Semifinals.

Captain 3010
Pick 1 4145
Pick 2 4521
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Greater Pittsburgh Regional

in California, PA 15419, USA
to Week 4

Team 4145 was Rank 6 with a record of 11-5-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Finalists
  • Wildcard

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 5 and were eliminated in the Finals.

Captain 4145
Pick 1 5472
Pick 2 337
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2053 4145 6414 4467 48 3062 385 191
5077 3955 4991 4145 117 156 187 392
4991 4145 5811 1787 2252 4049 401 269
4150 4145 3171 7274 4269 2656 397 172
5811 7165 4050 2051 3260 4145 251 335
3954 3504 3957 4145 337 6054 338 288
4027 6947 1308 4145 3492 870 275 452
4028 3260 3492 7274 5472 4145 433 269
2641 4467 4145 3511 4930 1743 255 233
870 3171 2656 5472 4145 337 382 340
870 3171 2656 5472 4145 337 318 373
870 3171 2656 5472 4145 337 312 416
5842 5811 3260 5472 4145 337 223 358
5842 5811 3260 5472 4145 337 213 345
5472 4145 337 4027 303 6032 336 365
5472 4145 337 4027 303 6032 313 361

Buckeye Regional

in Cleveland, OH 44115, USA
to Week 5

Team 4145 was Rank 4 with a record of 14-4-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Winners

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 4 and won the event.

Captain 4145
Pick 1 3314
Pick 2 5030
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1758 2228 4780 7043 4145 3814 170 409
4150 1592 4145 4085 6355 2783 323 232
4145 2010 3266 7165 6027 6916 347 331
4121 4145 379 2614 3814 4119 336 370
6460 5973 6964 4780 4145 1405 230 390
4611 1126 3193 4145 3314 695 312 283
4145 4119 1126 2010 3484 6936 409 277
1590 6460 4145 5413 3324 2172 292 267
3266 6181 7055 120 4020 4145 142 451
451 3138 4601 4145 6490 2340 145 373
3314 4145 5030 120 2783 4085 460 250
3314 4145 5030 120 2783 4085 313 442
3314 4145 5030 120 2783 4085 392 386
2614 4150 2399 3314 4145 5030 288 451
2614 4150 2399 3314 4145 5030 345 371
3314 4145 5030 291 379 6490 371 392
3314 4145 5030 291 379 6490 405 229
3314 4145 5030 291 379 4121 332 244

Carson Division

in Detroit, MI, USA

Team 4145 was Rank 58 with a record of 4-6-0

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5123 3604 6548 1885 4145 5016 292 291
133 2586 4145 88 103 1640 273 418
2846 6806 5404 4145 5254 217 240 435
862 2771 4145 3624 217 6909 293 454
6880 4145 1100 2771 5484 4230 356 290
3359 4253 1918 4145 2338 272 326 253
272 2604 2234 5505 4145 2502 224 481
4145 2137 191 3276 2586 4967 439 305
2225 7028 4145 422 1731 1507 361 376
4476 25 3990 190 4145 4361 413 237

WOW Alliance District Championship

in Westerville, OH, USA

Team 4145 was Rank 8 with a record of 6-3-0

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 4 and were eliminated in the Semifinals.

Captain 4085
Pick 1 4145
Pick 2 677
Pick 3 4467
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2018 CORI Invitational

in Columbus, OH, USA

Team 4145 was Rank 4 with a record of 8-5-0

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 3 and were eliminated in the Finals.

Captain 4467
Pick 1 4145
Pick 2 1787
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3324 447 1014 677 4467 4145 118 427
6916 4145 6567 4150 4611 4028 196 348
3138 379 3591 3324 4145 4121 211 396
4145 3814 5811 6567 677 3266 264 211
4145 4028 3266 3484 4121 1787 *
6936 6916 4467 2252 4269 4145 *
4145 4467 1787 2252 4150 3484 378 299
4145 4467 1787 2252 4150 3484 329 381
4145 4467 1787 2252 4150 3484 383 310
3266 4611 3814 4145 4467 1787 369 344
3266 4611 3814 4145 4467 1787 256 425
3266 4611 3814 4145 4467 1787 183 382
379 5811 3324 4145 4467 1787 316 253
379 5811 3324 4145 4467 1787 272 428
379 5811 3324 4145 4467 1787 302 182

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Robot Name: Cube Crusher