From Spring, Texas, USA
aka Klein Independent School District/Campus Kids/David & Sandra Braddock/Champion Fiberglass/Rockwell Automation/Raytheon Technologies/Lockheed Martin/Texas Workforce Commision/i-Solids/Bereshkaweb Web Studio/Flash Data/Linde&Klein ISD
Rookie Year: 2011
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Event Results

Overall, Team 3735 had an average qual score of 82.49 and an average playoff score of 118.39 in 2015.

Dallas Regional

in Irving, TX, USA
to Week 1

Team 3735 was Rank 7 with an average qual score of 65.30 and an average playoff score of 91.60

Captain 3735
Pick 1 1296
Pick 2 932
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4499 4300 148 647 3370 3735 134 9
3676 624 3735 3355 987 5739 66 67
3802 1296 2613 3735 3355 5057 8 37
3676 2468 5212 3005 3037 3735 2 32
3735 5682 4300 4045 5057 4063 25 48
3310 3735 5739 5431 57 5417 82 118
4076 4364 3282 3735 5242 1477 14 58
3350 987 3735 5242 118 2950 160 90
4641 5682 4354 3735 5411 148 38 178
5786 3370 5411 3481 2613 3735 52 6
118 4499 3735 5775 932 2848
5431 1477 457 1296 3735 932 48 74
4499 4300 4364 1296 3735 932 74 79
987 148 3802 1296 3735 932 184 89
624 118 2613 1296 3735 932 107 110
1296 3735 932 2468 57 4063 106 98

Hub City Regional

in Lubbock, TX, USA
to Week 5

Team 3735 was Rank 23 with an average qual score of 61.75 and an average playoff score of 55.50

Captain 3626
Pick 1 3735
Pick 2 5454

Lone Star Regional

in Houston, TX, USA
to Week 6

Team 3735 was Rank 5 with an average qual score of 103.89 and an average playoff score of 97.00

Captain 3735
Pick 1 3478
Pick 2 5416
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Hopper Division

in St. Louis, MO, USA

Team 3735 was Rank 25 with an average qual score of 133.80

Captain 3255
Pick 1 1723
Pick 2 3042
Pick 3 3735
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Texas Robotics Invitational

in Houston, TX, USA

Team 3735 was Rank 9 with an average qual score of 78.38 and an average playoff score of 144.86

Captain 1296
Pick 1 457
Pick 2 3735
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Texas Robot Roundup

in Austin, TX, USA

Team 3735 was Rank 26 with an average qual score of 57.30 and an average playoff score of 135.14

Captain 1296
Pick 1 3310
Pick 2 3735
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3735 3997 4335 5052 3481 2158 40 0
4587 3005 6587 3481 1817 3735 90 93
2950 118 3310 2881 2583 3735 84 120
3735 4610 418 2583 3005 1817 10 13
1255 1296 3847 2950 3735 6587 167 91
2881 118 6587 647 4587 3735 158 6
5052 2468 3735 3999 2881 2587 64 90
624 457 2468 3735 3847 1477 178 58
3005 3735 3999 2158 3997 624 26 132
2158 457 3735 1255 418 647 65 65
3310 1296 3735 4335 2789 4610 25 32
3310 1296 3735 3999 3997 3005 150 48
624 118 457 3310 1296 3735 196 138
2468 3481 418 3310 1296 3735 110 144
3310 1296 3735 1817 2587 647 138 88
624 118 457 3310 1296 3735 174 146
624 118 457 3310 1296 3735 246 205

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