From Corvallis, MT, USA
aka NASA/Innovative Manufacturing Solutions & Corvallis High School
Rookie Year: 2000
Last competed in 2012
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Competition List:

Year Event Awards
2012 Spokane Regional
2012 Utah Regional co-sponsored by NASA and Platt Judges' Award
2011 Seattle Olympic Regional Industrial Design sponsored by General Motors
2010 Las Vegas Regional
2009 Las Vegas Regional
2008 Las Vegas Regional Motorola Quality Award
2008 Oregon Regional Regional Finalist
Judges Award
2007 Las Vegas Regional
2006 Las Vegas Regional Judge's Award (Day 1)
2005 Las Vegas Regional DaimlerChrysler Team Spirit
2005 Florida Regional
2004 Silicon Valley Regional DaimlerChrysler Team Spirit Award
2004 Pacific Northwest Regional Xerox Creativity Award
2003 Galileo Division
2003 Pacific Northwest Regional
2002 Pacific Northwest Regional
2001 Silicon Valley Regional
2000 NASA Ames Regional Featherweight in the Finals