PNW District Clackamas Academy Event 2025

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2471 9430 2915 1540 2898 5970 31 22
5975 10444 1425 3574 6696 3812 15 54
3636 4043 7034 6831 6443 4488 114 75
9438 1844 2635 3673 957 3663 35 108
2733 9446 4662 2557 6845 847 42 22
4488 5975 7034 3812 10444 9430 52 14
3574 3636 3673 4043 2471 1540 102 97
5970 4662 2557 3663 847 1425 10 106
6845 6831 2898 6443 9438 6696 23 76
957 2915 1844 2635 9446 2733 76 71
5975 9430 847 3636 2557 1425 64 110
6696 4488 3663 4662 3673 4043 100 69
1844 5970 2915 6443 957 6831 14 92
2635 2471 2898 3812 6845 9446 128 34
7034 3574 1540 2733 9438 10444 35 27
9430 2557 6831 2915 4488 4662 39 43
6696 9446 5975 5970 3812 3673 64 46
6443 7034 4043 3574 6845 1844 66 22
2733 2898 1425 957 9438 3636 64 91
3663 10444 2471 847 2635 1540 114 67
3574 3673 2557 2915 6845 7034 48 65
9430 6443 2733 9438 5970 5975 37 36
1425 1540 3812 4043 4488 2635 40 93
3663 3636 9446 2898 1844 10444 158 13
2471 6831 6696 847 957 4662 93 126
4488 1425 5970 5975 3574 9430 108 28
2557 2915 9438 10444 6443 2635 74 49
3673 2471 1844 3636 4662 3812 67 114
1540 2733 6845 6831 6696 4043 62 121
2898 3663 957 9446 847 7034 111 73
5970 2635 3574 10444 4488 3636 49 117
2471 4662 6845 1540 6831 2915 48 72
9446 3663 6443 9430 1425 957 98 100
3812 1844 847 3673 7034 9438 51 77
2733 4043 5975 2898 6696 2557 49 48
1540 957 4488 10444 5970 6845 111 28
6831 847 3673 9446 1425 9438 79 68
4662 2898 3574 1844 5975 6443 50 50
2635 6696 3636 7034 2557 2471 114 93
3812 2733 2915 4043 9430 3663 27 89
4662 1540 6443 2898 9446 3673 94 36
2557 2635 10444 2471 5975 957 62 55
7034 3812 3663 5970 2733 6831 84 57
6845 4043 9438 4488 847 3574 62 85
1844 3636 9430 2915 1425 6696 105 88
6443 5975 3812 9446 2471 5970 42 64
957 4043 2557 7034 4662 6831 137 77
6696 10444 847 2915 3574 2733 60 38
9438 2898 4488 1425 3673 2635 49 95
6845 9430 3636 1844 3663 1540 133 117
847 5970 4043 10444 2915 9446 79 22
1425 6831 2471 5975 2733 2898 102 50
3663 9438 3574 4488 2557 1844 91 30
2635 3812 957 3636 1540 6696 122 146
3673 6443 6845 4662 7034 9430 78 76
6831 3574 9446 2557 3663 2733 36 82
957 1540 10444 4043 1844 2898 104 81
9430 3673 4488 847 3636 6443 88 114
6845 2915 5975 9438 3812 2471 12 75
6696 7034 5970 1425 2635 4662 110 82


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 3636 3663 3574
Alliance 2 957 4043 2898
Alliance 3 6696 1540 2915
Alliance 4 1425 3673 6831
Alliance 5 7034 6443 9446
Alliance 6 4488 2471 2733
Alliance 7 847 4662 5970
Alliance 8 2635 9430 2557

Playoff Results

Round 1

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3663 3574 3636 9430 2635 2557 117 41
1425 3673 6831 6443 9446 7034 90 101
957 4043 2898 847 4662 5970 111 64
1540 6696 2915 4488 2471 2733 105 70

Round 2

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2635 2557 9430 1425 3673 6831 83 76
847 4662 5970 4488 2471 2733 75 71
3663 3574 3636 6443 9446 7034 127 82
957 4043 2898 1540 6696 2915 105 110

Round 3

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
6443 9446 7034 847 4662 5970 88 57
957 4043 2898 2635 2557 9430 122 71

Round 4

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3663 3574 3636 1540 6696 2915 147 127
957 4043 2898 6443 9446 7034 107 88

Round 5

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1540 6696 2915 957 4043 2898 116 118


Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3663 3574 3636 957 4043 2898 125 104
3663 3574 3636 957 4043 2898 139 105

Playoff Bracket

Match 1
1 3636-3663-3574 1
8 2635-9430-2557 0
Match 7
1 3636-3663-3574 1
5 7034-6443-9446 0
Match 2
4 1425-3673-6831 0
5 7034-6443-9446 1
Match 11
1 3636-3663-3574 1
3 6696-1540-2915 0
Match 3
2 957-4043-2898 1
7 847-4662-5970 0
Match 8
2 957-4043-2898 0
3 6696-1540-2915 1
1 3636-3663-3574 2
2 957-4043-2898 0
Match 4
3 6696-1540-2915 1
6 4488-2471-2733 0
Match 13
3 6696-1540-2915 0
2 957-4043-2898 1
Match 10
2 957-4043-2898 1
8 2635-9430-2557 0
Match 5
8 2635-9430-2557 1
4 1425-3673-6831 0
Match 12
2 957-4043-2898 1
5 7034-6443-9446 0
Match 9
5 7034-6443-9446 1
7 847-4662-5970 0
Match 6
7 847-4662-5970 1
6 4488-2471-2733 0
Ranking Score
Avg Coop
Avg Match
Avg Auto
Avg Barge
Record (W-L-T)
Total Ranking Points*
1 3636 4.50 0.00 108.00 23.58 7.33 12-0-0 0 12 54
2 3663 4.25 0.00 100.33 22.17 10.00 10-2-0 0 12 51
3 957 4.08 0.00 101.25 26.67 13.67 10-2-0 0 12 49
4 6696 3.42 0.00 87.33 16.42 7.00 9-3-0 0 12 41
5 4043 3.00 0.00 86.08 15.42 7.17 8-4-0 0 12 36
6 1540 3.00 0.00 79.25 18.17 11.50 6-6-0 0 12 36
7 1425 3.00 0.00 78.33 19.33 11.83 6-6-0 0 12 36
8 7034 3.00 0.00 75.83 13.42 10.17 8-4-0 0 12 36
9 6443 3.00 0.00 71.58 15.42 11.50 7-4-1 0 12 36
10 4488 2.83 0.00 76.25 18.08 7.17 8-4-0 0 12 34
11 847 2.83 0.00 72.00 14.58 8.83 7-5-0 0 12 34
12 2471 2.58 0.00 77.75 14.33 12.17 6-6-0 0 12 31
13 4662 2.58 0.00 61.08 14.00 9.50 5-6-1 0 12 31
14 3673 2.42 0.00 70.75 11.67 8.33 6-6-0 0 12 29
15 2635 2.33 0.00 74.75 12.00 13.33 5-7-0 0 12 28
16 6831 2.33 0.00 71.50 14.50 10.00 5-7-0 0 12 28
17 9438 2.33 0.00 59.42 12.42 8.17 6-6-0 0 12 28
18 9430 2.17 0.00 62.50 14.58 6.50 6-6-0 0 12 26
19 5970 2.17 0.00 50.25 11.83 12.33 4-8-0 0 12 26
20 10444 2.00 0.00 50.25 13.25 8.17 5-7-0 0 12 24
21 2915 2.00 0.00 45.17 11.17 5.00 6-6-0 0 12 24
22 2557 1.83 0.00 61.42 11.25 7.67 5-7-0 0 12 22
23 9446 1.83 0.00 59.00 11.33 8.17 4-8-0 0 12 22
24 3574 1.75 0.00 46.17 8.33 6.83 5-6-1 0 12 21
25 3812 1.67 0.00 53.58 10.58 8.67 4-8-0 0 12 20
26 2733 1.50 0.00 48.50 9.50 5.67 4-8-0 0 12 18
27 6845 1.50 0.00 45.92 10.08 8.17 3-9-0 0 12 18
28 2898 1.33 0.00 51.58 13.33 5.67 2-9-1 0 12 16
29 1844 1.08 0.00 51.42 13.33 6.50 2-9-1 0 12 13
30 5975 0.92 0.00 39.75 8.50 5.50 3-8-1 0 12 11

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Team Location Image
Philomath, Oregon, USA
Albany, Oregon, USA
Wilsonville, Oregon, USA
Portland, Oregon, USA
Portland, Oregon, USA
Camas, Washington, USA
Tacoma, Washington, USA
Lake Oswego, Oregon, USA
Portland, Oregon, USA
Portland, Oregon, USA
Portland, Oregon, USA
Renton, Washington, USA
Portland, Oregon, USA
Bothell, Washington, USA
Seaside, Oregon, USA
Team Location Image
Longview, Washington, USA
Lafayette, Oregon, USA
Hillsboro, Oregon, USA
Scappoose, Oregon, USA
Beaverton, Oregon, USA
Portland, Oregon, USA
Hillsboro, Oregon, USA
Corbett, Oregon, USA
Hood River, Oregon, USA
Astoria, Oregon, USA
West Linn, Oregon, USA
Salem, Oregon, USA
Cove, Oregon, USA
Puyallup, Washington, USA
Gresham, Oregon, USA
Award Winner
District FIRST Impact Award 2557
District Engineering Inspiration Award 6831
Rookie All Star Award 10444
District Championship Dean's List Semi-Finalist Ella N (3663)
District Championship Dean's List Semi-Finalist Owen G (2557)
District Event Winner 3636
District Event Winner 3663
District Event Winner 3574
District Event Finalist 957
District Event Finalist 4043
District Event Finalist 2898
Autonomous Award 957
Creativity Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 9430
Excellence in Engineering Award 7034
Gracious Professionalism Award 2471
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 6443
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 4488
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by nVent 1425
Judges' Award 2635
Quality Award 3673
Rising All-Star Award 3574
Team Spirit Award 9446
Team Sustainability Award sponsored by Dow 5970
Rank Team Qual Points Playoff Points Alliance Points Award Points Total Points
1 3636 22 30 16 0 68
2 3663 21 30 16 0 67
3 957 20 20 15 5 60
4 4043 18 20 15 0 53
5 6696 19 13 14 0 46
6 3574 9 30 1 5 45
7 1540 17 13 14 0 44
8 7034 16 7 12 5 40
9 6443 16 7 12 5 40
10 1425 17 0 13 5 35
11 3673 13 0 13 5 31
12 4488 15 0 11 5 31
13 2471 14 0 11 5 30
14 2898 6 20 2 0 28
15 2557 10 0 8 10 28
16 2635 13 0 9 5 27
17 2915 10 13 3 0 26
18 9446 9 7 5 5 26
19 9430 12 0 9 5 26
20 847 15 0 10 0 25
21 4662 14 0 10 0 24
22 6831 12 0 4 8 24
23 5970 11 0 7 5 23
24 10444 11 0 0 8 19
25 2733 8 0 6 0 14
26 9438 12 0 0 0 12
27 3812 8 0 0 0 8
28 6845 7 0 0 0 7
29 1844 5 0 0 0 5
30 5975 4 0 0 0 4

* Although points are calculated for all teams at this event, not all teams may receive points in the District Ranking System for this event.

COPRs (?)

# Team OPR


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Auto RP 60 120 50.00%
Barge RP 46 120 38.33%
Coral RP 8 120 6.67%
Coopertition 11 120 9.17%
6 RP 3 120 2.50%

Match Statistics

High Score 158 in Q24
Average Match Score 70.73
Average Winning Score 89.48
Average Win Margin 37.50


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Auto RP 0 30 0.00%
Barge RP 0 30 0.00%
Coral RP 0 30 0.00%
Coopertition 0 30 0.00%
6 RP 0 30 0.00%

Match Statistics

High Score 147 in SF11-1
Average Match Score 98.07
Average Winning Score 111.67
Average Win Margin 27.20