FIM District Woodhaven Event presented by Altair 2024

FIRST In Michigan District Event
to Week 2
Woodhaven High School in Brownstown Charter Twp, MI, USA - details on

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2620 3096 5436 9744 5697 9182 39 35
5050 8427 9736 5263 5695 815 17 17
9748 8362 1189 6618 8124 2851 13 39
5619 9747 9226 5090 8623 7191 2 36
7174 5067 3604 280 6029 5567 58 10
5498 247 6528 8426 6914 9255 44 35
1025 5555 5263 5697 2620 5053 30 43
3096 1189 815 9226 9748 5695 54 4
5619 5090 9182 8124 6029 8427 48 11
2851 280 6914 247 7191 9736 25 35
3604 8362 1025 5498 5555 9744 63 4
5050 5053 9255 5067 8623 5436 40 44
8426 5567 6528 6618 9747 7174 27 56
9182 8124 5695 9748 6029 2620 34 16
5263 5498 6914 815 5619 280 13 22
1189 5053 8623 1025 5050 3096 39 48
5555 9736 9747 6528 9226 9744 11 37
7174 5436 5567 8427 247 8426 75 43
2851 5697 8362 5067 9255 7191 39 20
6618 5090 5050 6914 3604 2620 62 43
5053 6528 1025 280 5695 9747 64 9
8124 5263 7174 5498 3096 9182 44 35
6029 247 5697 1189 9736 9744 34 47
815 2851 7191 5436 3604 5619 32 78
5555 9226 6618 9255 5090 8427 48 57
8426 8623 9748 5567 5067 8362 28 38
5263 5050 6029 280 9744 3096 43 7
3604 7191 8124 5695 247 1025 41 31
9226 9255 2851 9747 5697 815 31 55
8362 9736 5498 5053 5436 8427 9 52
5067 6528 5619 5567 1189 2620 51 67
9182 6618 8623 5090 8426 5555 54 51
247 9748 6914 7174 9226 3096 34 33
5436 815 9255 8124 1025 280 57 46
7191 9747 9744 1189 5263 8427 6 17
6528 6618 6029 5619 5498 5053 39 17
2851 8426 5067 9182 2620 5050 72 27
5695 5555 8362 5567 6914 5090 3 48
9748 5697 7174 8623 9736 3604 35 47
8427 3096 7191 5436 1025 6618 21 86
8124 9226 8426 5263 5053 2851 34 50
8362 6029 5619 815 5050 247 17 80
5567 5695 9736 5555 9255 8623 36 21
280 1189 5498 2620 9747 5090 36 41
5067 9182 9748 5697 3604 6528 43 51
9744 6914 5053 7174 8426 5619 4 65
9736 6618 815 247 8362 8124 40 24
2620 1025 8623 9747 5567 5263 62 24
3096 5090 5067 3604 5498 9226 47 49
9744 7174 5050 1189 7191 5555 51 32
5695 6914 5697 6029 9182 5436 24 53
8427 2851 9748 6528 9255 280 41 30
9226 2620 5263 8362 6618 8426 30 44
3604 815 5090 3096 5053 9736 55 21
6914 5619 8124 9747 5436 1189 29 47
9744 5067 247 9255 9748 1025 38 42
5697 5498 5567 5050 6528 5695 44 54
8427 280 7174 9182 2851 5555 42 46
6029 8623 9747 7191 5436 8362 21 53
9255 1189 3604 9736 5263 8426 62 27
6528 815 6914 5050 8124 5697 64 25
9226 280 5067 5619 5695 6618 38 37
2620 8427 5555 8623 3096 247 46 41
5053 5567 9182 5498 7191 9748 53 17
5090 9744 6029 1025 7174 2851 48 82
9736 8124 5436 6914 5050 5067 47 59
247 280 3604 8623 8427 9226 58 33
8426 9182 1189 815 8362 5053 37 50
3096 2851 9747 6618 9744 5567 61 47
9255 2620 5695 6029 7174 5498 31 54
7191 5619 5263 9748 5555 6528 10 32
5090 1025 1189 5697 8426 280 64 44
8623 9744 8124 6914 8427 6618 7 63
9736 9182 9226 2851 5567 5050 24 107
5555 815 6029 9747 5067 5498 43 21
1025 5619 5697 8362 7174 9255 56 39
5436 5263 247 5053 9748 5090 50 48
5695 3604 3096 7191 6528 2620 45 53


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 3604 5436 280
Alliance 2 815 5090 6029
Alliance 3 6528 2851 5053
Alliance 4 1025 7174 8426
Alliance 5 5050 5567 6914
Alliance 6 6618 1189 5498
Alliance 7 5067 8427 9226
Alliance 8 2620 247 9182

Playoff Results

Round 1

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3604 5436 280 247 9182 2620 64 64
7174 1025 8426 6914 5567 5050 80 50
5090 815 6029 5067 9226 8427 61 52
2851 6528 5053 1189 5498 6618 61 79

Round 2

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3604 5436 280 6914 5567 5050 59 47
8427 9226 5067 2851 6528 5053 47 63
2620 9182 247 8426 1025 7174 51 72
5090 815 6029 1189 5498 6618 55 65

Round 3

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2620 9182 247 2851 6528 5053 44 45
5090 815 6029 280 5436 3604 37 64

Round 4

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
7174 1025 8426 1189 5498 6618 58 74
3604 5436 280 2851 6528 5053 93 69

Round 5

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
7174 1025 8426 280 5436 3604 75 88


Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
6618 5498 1189 280 5436 3604 68 81
6618 5498 1189 280 5436 3604 63 42
6618 5498 1189 280 5436 3604 51 78

Playoff Bracket

Match 1
1 3604-5436-280 0
8 2620-247-9182 1
Match 7
8 2620-247-9182 0
4 1025-7174-8426 1
Match 2
4 1025-7174-8426 1
5 5050-5567-6914 0
Match 11
4 1025-7174-8426 0
6 6618-1189-5498 1
Match 3
2 815-5090-6029 1
7 5067-8427-9226 0
Match 8
2 815-5090-6029 0
6 6618-1189-5498 1
6 6618-1189-5498 1
1 3604-5436-280 2
Match 4
3 6528-2851-5053 0
6 6618-1189-5498 1
Match 13
4 1025-7174-8426 0
1 3604-5436-280 1
Match 10
2 815-5090-6029 0
1 3604-5436-280 1
Match 5
1 3604-5436-280 1
5 5050-5567-6914 0
Match 12
1 3604-5436-280 1
3 6528-2851-5053 0
Match 9
8 2620-247-9182 0
3 6528-2851-5053 1
Match 6
7 5067-8427-9226 0
3 6528-2851-5053 1
Ranking Score
Avg Coop
Avg Match
Avg Auto
Avg Stage
Record (W-L-T)
Total Ranking Points*
1 3604 2.58 0.42 49.50 15.75 4.83 10-2-0 0 12 31
2 5436 2.33 0.25 55.42 22.50 6.25 11-1-0 0 12 28
3 815 2.25 0.25 41.83 17.83 4.75 10-1-1 0 12 27
4 6528 2.08 0.25 43.08 16.25 6.25 9-3-0 0 12 25
5 1025 2.00 0.17 55.17 24.67 6.00 9-3-0 0 12 24
6 5050 2.00 0.17 38.00 14.50 6.25 8-3-1 0 12 24
7 2851 1.83 0.25 44.83 16.58 4.00 9-3-0 0 12 22
8 7174 1.67 0.58 50.00 17.33 5.58 8-4-0 0 12 20
9 5567 1.67 0.25 41.67 14.17 5.50 7-5-0 0 12 20
10 6618 1.67 0.08 48.75 21.50 4.92 9-3-0 0 12 20
11 1189 1.58 0.58 40.50 15.08 3.25 7-5-0 0 12 19
12 5090 1.50 0.08 48.17 22.83 4.42 8-4-0 0 12 18
13 5067 1.42 0.33 40.42 15.83 4.08 6-6-0 0 12 17
14 8427 1.33 0.25 32.25 11.92 4.50 6-5-1 0 12 16
15 2620 1.33 0.08 38.25 15.08 4.92 7-5-0 0 12 16
16 247 1.25 0.42 38.50 15.08 4.50 6-6-0 0 12 15
17 6914 1.25 0.25 30.58 11.25 4.17 5-7-0 0 12 15
18 5053 1.25 0.17 35.75 14.17 4.67 6-6-0 0 12 15
19 9182 1.17 0.33 39.75 14.83 4.42 6-6-0 0 12 14
20 8362 1.17 0.08 29.42 11.75 3.08 6-6-0 0 12 14
21 5697 1.08 0.42 37.33 14.75 4.58 5-7-0 0 12 13
22 5619 1.00 0.33 32.50 13.00 3.58 5-7-0 0 12 12
23 8623 1.00 0.25 33.42 14.08 3.58 5-7-0 0 12 12
24 9747 1.00 0.17 28.08 12.00 3.75 5-7-0 0 12 12
25 6029 0.92 0.17 29.17 11.33 4.42 5-7-0 0 12 11
26 7191 0.92 0.17 27.00 12.00 2.25 5-7-0 0 12 11
27 5263 0.92 0.08 25.00 9.42 3.25 5-6-1 0 12 11
28 3096 0.83 0.25 35.00 13.50 4.33 4-8-0 0 12 10
29 5498 0.83 0.17 25.08 6.25 4.25 3-9-0 0 12 10
30 9736 0.83 0.17 23.17 9.83 2.50 4-6-0 2 12 10
31 5695 0.83 0.08 24.67 9.67 4.00 3-8-1 0 12 10
32 9226 0.75 0.33 27.83 9.58 2.00 3-9-0 0 12 9
33 9748 0.75 0.25 24.25 10.75 2.25 4-5-0 3 12 9
34 9255 0.75 0.17 33.92 12.50 3.25 4-8-0 0 12 9
35 280 0.67 0.42 28.08 8.42 3.17 3-9-0 0 12 8
36 8426 0.67 0.33 39.42 14.17 3.33 3-9-0 0 12 8
37 8124 0.67 0.17 30.42 13.50 3.58 4-8-0 0 12 8
38 5555 0.67 0.17 28.83 11.00 2.67 4-8-0 0 12 8
39 9744 0.58 0.17 26.75 12.67 3.50 3-9-0 0 12 7

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Berkley, Michigan, USA
Taylor, Michigan, USA
Allen Park, Michigan, USA
Ferndale, Michigan, USA
Grosse Pointe, Michigan, USA
Southgate, Michigan, USA
Sterling Heights, Michigan, USA
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Brownstown, Michigan, USA
Carleton, Michigan, USA
Waterford, Michigan, USA
Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Trenton, Michigan, USA
Riverview, Michigan, USA
Rochester Hills, Michigan, USA
Grosse Ile, Michigan, USA
Warren, Michigan, USA
Milan, Michigan, USA
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Redford, Michigan, USA
Bridgeport, Michigan, USA
Lincoln Park, Michigan, USA
Gibraltar, Michigan, USA
Flat Rock, Michigan, USA
Allen Park, Michigan, USA
Dearborn Heights, Michigan, USA
Melvindale, Michigan, USA
Wyandotte, Michigan, USA
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Novi, Michigan, USA
Dearborn Heights, Michigan, USA
Dearborn Heights, Michigan, USA
New Boston, Michigan, USA
Riverview, Michigan, USA
Grosse Pointe, Michigan, USA
Tawas City, Michigan, USA
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Center Line, Michigan, USA
Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Award Winner
District FIRST Impact Award 3604
District Engineering Inspiration Award 7174
Rookie All Star Award 9744
District Championship Dean's List Semi-Finalist Hala K (7174)
District Event Winner 3604
District Event Winner 5436
District Event Winner 280
District Event Finalist 6618
District Event Finalist 1189
District Event Finalist 5498
Autonomous Award 5090
Creativity Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 815
Excellence in Engineering Award 2851
Gracious Professionalism Award 5436
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 5053
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 6618
Innovation in Control Award 6528
Judges' Award 5567
Quality Award 1025
Rookie Inspiration Award 9747
Team Spirit Award 9255
Team Sustainability Award sponsored by Dow 5498
Rank Team Qual Points Playoff Points Alliance Points Award Points Total Points
1 3604 22 30 16 10 78
2 5436 21 30 16 5 72
3 6618 16 20 11 5 52
4 7174 17 13 13 8 51
5 1025 19 13 13 5 50
6 1189 16 20 11 0 47
7 6528 19 7 14 5 45
8 2851 18 7 14 5 44
9 5498 10 20 6 5 41
10 815 20 0 15 5 40
11 280 7 30 1 0 38
12 5090 15 0 15 5 35
13 5567 17 0 12 5 34
14 5050 18 0 12 0 30
15 5053 13 7 3 5 28
16 5067 15 0 10 0 25
17 8427 15 0 10 0 25
18 2620 14 0 9 0 23
19 247 14 0 9 0 23
20 8426 6 13 4 0 23
21 9182 13 0 8 0 21
22 6914 14 0 5 0 19
23 9747 11 0 0 5 16
24 9226 8 0 7 0 15
25 8362 13 0 0 0 13
26 6029 11 0 2 0 13
27 5697 12 0 0 0 12
28 5619 12 0 0 0 12
29 8623 12 0 0 0 12
30 9255 7 0 0 5 12
31 9744 4 0 0 8 12
32 7191 11 0 0 0 11
33 5263 10 0 0 0 10
34 3096 10 0 0 0 10
35 9736 9 0 0 0 9
36 5695 9 0 0 0 9
37 9748 8 0 0 0 8
38 8124 6 0 0 0 6
39 5555 5 0 0 0 5

* Although points are calculated for all teams at this event, not all teams may receive points in the District Ranking System for this event.

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