Ferris State Roboday 2024 2024

Jim Wink Arena in Big Rapids`, MI, USA
https://www.facebook.com/FSURoboday/ - details on firstinspires.org

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
7166 5641 9176 6121 1918 4967 46 48
4004 6114 5702 1711 3357 141 26 89
5183 3767 4398 5260 5926 7911 38 34
5162 3603 1711 5084 7211 7160 54 56
4967 5641 3767 6121 5926 6114 54 64
5702 5183 5084 1918 5260 3603 16 54
7166 4398 3357 7911 141 7211 52 44
7160 5162 6114 9176 4004 5926 66 45
4967 1711 5183 7166 7211 3603 54 49
4398 5702 7160 7911 3357 5084 33 45
5260 141 3767 1918 4004 5641 65 37
9176 5162 4398 7166 6121 4004 45 44
3767 7911 1918 3603 7160 3357 36 99
5162 6121 5183 141 5084 5641 30 54
6114 9176 7211 5260 5702 4967 95 36
1711 4004 7911 5926 1918 5183 41 52
4398 3603 6114 5702 7211 6121 67 31
5162 7166 5260 3357 5641 5926 30 75
4967 9176 141 5084 3767 1711 48 62
7160 6121 5260 3357 5183 7211 32 94
3603 3767 4004 1918 7166 5084 96 51
6114 4967 7911 5641 5702 5162 26 28
9176 1711 7160 141 4398 5926 46 42
7211 4967 4004 3357 1918 5162 41 44
3767 9176 6121 5702 7911 3603 85 43
5641 6114 1711 4398 5084 5260 50 59
5183 7160 141 5926 7166 4967 37 67
7211 1711 1918 5641 4398 6121 65 73
6114 141 7166 3603 5183 9176 52 78
3767 3357 5702 5084 5926 5162 62 46
7160 7911 7166 4004 5260 5183 27 17


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 3357 3767 5260
Alliance 2 3603 1711 5162
Alliance 3 9176 7211 5183
Alliance 4 7160 4967 7166
Alliance 5 6114 4398 141
Alliance 6 5926 5084 1918
Alliance 7 5641 6121 4004
Rank Team Ranking Score Avg Coop Avg Match Avg Auto Avg Stage Record (W-L-T) DQ Played Total Ranking Points*
1 3357 2.88 0.50 64.25 13.50 6.50 8-0-0 0 8 23
2 3603 2.25 0.38 59.50 21.13 4.25 5-3-0 0 8 18
3 3767 2.00 0.50 52.63 21.50 2.88 6-2-0 0 8 16
4 9176 1.88 0.63 59.25 23.13 5.00 5-3-0 0 8 15
5 1711 1.88 0.63 54.13 20.25 5.25 4-4-0 0 8 15
6 7160 1.88 0.38 39.75 13.00 5.00 5-3-0 0 8 15
7 6114 1.75 0.38 48.88 24.38 6.00 4-4-0 0 8 14
8 4398 1.75 0.25 44.13 17.25 3.50 6-2-0 0 8 14
9 5926 1.50 0.50 48.25 19.38 6.38 4-4-0 0 8 12
10 5641 1.50 0.38 48.88 20.88 4.50 4-4-0 0 8 12
11 5084 1.50 0.38 40.25 17.75 4.63 5-3-0 0 8 12
12 1918 1.38 0.63 45.13 12.13 4.50 4-4-0 0 8 11
13 6121 1.38 0.25 47.13 21.00 4.75 4-4-0 0 8 11
14 7211 1.38 0.13 54.25 16.88 5.63 3-5-0 0 8 11
15 5183 1.38 0.13 42.38 11.00 5.75 4-4-0 0 8 11
16 141 1.13 0.38 47.75 17.00 6.13 3-5-0 0 8 9
17 5162 1.13 0.38 39.88 19.25 4.50 4-4-0 0 8 9
18 4967 1.00 0.38 43.50 18.38 6.25 3-5-0 0 8 8
19 7166 1.00 0.38 42.13 20.63 4.13 3-5-0 0 8 8
20 5260 1.00 0.25 35.00 16.00 3.25 3-5-0 0 8 8
21 4004 0.63 0.63 40.00 16.38 3.75 1-7-0 0 8 5
22 7911 0.63 0.38 33.63 11.25 3.75 2-6-0 0 8 5
23 5702 0.63 0.25 32.38 12.75 2.75 2-6-0 0 8 5

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Holland, Michigan, USA
Traverse City, Michigan, USA
Fremont, Michigan, USA
Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA
Reed City, Michigan, USA
Traverse City, Michigan, USA
Muskegon, Michigan, USA
Traverse City, Michigan, USA
Belmont, Michigan, USA
Corunna, Michigan, USA
Big Rapids, Michigan, USA
Gaylord, Michigan, USA
Owosso, Michigan, USA
Byron, Michigan, USA
Wilson, Michigan, USA
Port Huron, Michigan, USA
Hamilton, Michigan, USA
Grayling, Michigan, USA
Ludington, Michigan, USA
Laingsburg, Michigan, USA
Holly, Michigan, USA
Belding, Michigan, USA
Traverse City, Michigan, USA

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