New York Tech Valley Regional 2023

to Week 5
MVP Arena in Albany, NY, USA - details on

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
250 1511 7522 229 6648 287 136 67
28 1493 2791 1860 1796 333 122 135
3015 639 7504 3624 6911 4571 124 99
191 7030 810 3003 340 5016 78 85
3044 7718 578 6300 4458 424 83 94
5881 7031 7318 7004 358 263 42 88
5149 3950 6621 4860 4122 20 55 144
2601 8739 144 6401 4930 9099 96 82
333 250 340 28 5016 4571 103 39
3015 287 1511 3044 7030 7504 92 46
1796 7031 6911 7522 5881 3003 89 120
6648 5149 3624 578 191 229 48 94
639 6621 144 7004 2791 7718 115 49
8739 4930 4860 4122 810 263 88 97
6300 3950 7318 1493 424 6401 90 116
358 4458 20 1860 9099 2601 98 114
3015 7522 3624 5016 1511 5149 117 38
7718 4571 6621 7031 3044 6648 75 46
340 287 578 4930 263 2791 110 107
7030 6300 4860 333 7318 28 56 66
9099 1796 250 191 424 7004 107 75
8739 6401 358 4122 4458 639 71 113
7504 1493 3003 3950 144 20 109 150
810 229 1860 6911 5881 2601 91 111
7031 6300 2791 6648 4930 3015 87 96
287 333 5016 7004 9099 6621 121 47
1511 191 4860 639 7718 8739 62 66
5149 28 250 4458 3950 3003 94 100
1493 358 3624 810 3044 6911 112 78
20 263 7030 6401 1796 229 102 109
2601 7318 7522 144 424 340 120 109
7504 4122 4571 5881 578 1860 88 84
1511 639 9099 3950 250 4930 104 132
5149 358 7031 2791 333 8739 47 119
263 28 6401 810 3624 7004 95 53
287 20 3044 144 6300 6911 102 100
7718 7522 1796 578 7504 2601 122 119
5016 229 424 4571 4860 1860 87 111
6621 3003 4122 6648 1493 7318 80 79
191 3015 5881 4458 7030 340 91 103
9099 6911 358 263 250 6300 86 106
7031 7004 4930 3624 7504 3950 62 100
4571 2601 424 8739 28 1511 118 54
7318 4122 229 287 3003 7718 88 68
7030 639 578 340 5149 1493 90 117
4458 1860 144 6648 6621 1796 90 88
3044 2791 5881 6401 4860 5016 97 101
7522 333 191 810 20 3015 99 127
3003 8739 7004 4571 1511 6300 70 106
424 28 4930 5149 263 6911 100 76
578 1796 3950 229 6621 358 133 63
2791 144 4122 250 7030 3624 131 84
4860 3015 7718 1860 287 6401 139 130
1493 2601 20 5016 7031 191 156 82
4458 7504 9099 7318 340 810 70 92
5881 6648 333 639 7522 3044 86 79
6911 7004 578 7030 4122 8739 98 83
424 3003 3015 358 2791 287 143 108
229 4571 4930 6621 191 6401 63 86
250 144 810 20 7031 1511 133 99
5016 2601 4458 333 263 639 99 115
6300 7718 1493 9099 5881 5149 131 43
3624 7318 3044 28 1860 7522 86 112
3950 6648 4860 7504 340 1796 79 103
3003 6401 7030 6621 424 7031 104 89
4930 578 4122 144 3015 333 113 150
1511 7004 1493 2791 229 4458 80 98
9099 8739 287 5881 3624 28 87 75
340 4571 6648 20 6911 7718 80 104
358 5016 6300 4860 7504 7522 110 63
1796 810 5149 7318 250 639 126 123
3044 1860 263 2601 3950 191 89 116
229 9099 28 4122 3015 7031 60 114
6911 6401 340 333 6621 1511 131 127
4930 5016 7030 7718 358 6648 53 71
639 20 5881 424 578 7318 113 93
6300 3624 3003 1796 4860 2601 89 151
7522 810 4458 2791 4571 3950 98 61
263 8739 7504 1493 3044 250 82 113
191 5149 1860 287 144 7004 94 105


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 3015 1796 4930
Alliance 2 2601 20 263 287
Alliance 3 144 3950 810
Alliance 4 333 250 6401
Alliance 5 340 1493 424
Alliance 6 4122 2791 4571
Alliance 7 7522 1860 4860
Alliance 8 639 3003 578

Playoff Results

Round 1

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4930 1796 3015 639 578 3003 159 113
333 6401 250 340 1493 424 102 146
263 2601 20 7522 4860 1860 137 121
810 3950 144 4122 2791 4571 146 130

Round 2

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3003 578 639 250 6401 333 66 105
1860 4860 7522 4122 2791 4571 100 122
4930 1796 3015 340 1493 424 161 143
263 2601 20 144 3950 810 128 134

Round 3

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
424 1493 340 4122 2791 4571 107 135
263 2601 20 250 6401 333 140 106

Round 4

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4930 1796 3015 144 3950 810 170 111
287 2601 20 4122 2791 4571 117 119

Round 5

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
810 3950 144 4122 2791 4571 96 121


Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4930 1796 3015 4122 2791 4571 116 125
4930 1796 3015 4122 2791 4571 167 128
4930 1796 3015 4122 2791 4571 152 120

Playoff Bracket

Match 1
1 3015-1796-4930 1
8 639-3003-578 0
Match 7
1 3015-1796-4930 1
5 340-1493-424 0
Match 2
4 333-250-6401 0
5 340-1493-424 1
Match 11
1 3015-1796-4930 1
3 144-3950-810 0
Match 3
2 2601-20-263-287 1
7 7522-1860-4860 0
Match 8
2 2601-20-263-287 0
3 144-3950-810 1
1 3015-1796-4930 2
6 4122-2791-4571 1
Match 4
3 144-3950-810 1
6 4122-2791-4571 0
Match 13
3 144-3950-810 0
6 4122-2791-4571 1
Match 10
2 2601-20-263-287 1
4 333-250-6401 0
Match 5
8 639-3003-578 0
4 333-250-6401 1
Match 12
2 2601-20-263-287 0
6 4122-2791-4571 1
Match 9
5 340-1493-424 0
6 4122-2791-4571 1
Match 6
7 7522-1860-4860 0
6 4122-2791-4571 1
Ranking Score
Avg Match
Avg Charge Station
Avg Auto
Record (W-L-T)
Total Ranking Points*
1 3015 3.40 115.10 32.40 31.70 9-1-0 0 10 34
2 1796 3.10 112.80 29.60 31.70 8-2-0 0 10 31
3 2601 3.00 117.50 31.40 33.40 8-2-0 0 10 30
4 144 3.00 112.70 29.20 31.40 8-2-0 0 10 30
5 20 2.80 115.30 29.80 33.10 7-3-0 0 10 28
6 333 2.70 105.40 27.80 29.80 8-2-0 0 10 27
7 340 2.70 101.80 25.80 27.80 8-2-0 0 10 27
8 4122 2.70 101.60 28.80 30.40 8-2-0 0 10 27
9 1493 2.60 103.60 30.40 28.00 6-4-0 0 10 26
10 250 2.50 109.60 24.40 29.70 7-3-0 0 10 25
11 7522 2.40 103.40 27.80 31.30 7-3-0 0 10 24
12 639 2.30 100.70 27.40 28.70 6-4-0 0 10 23
13 3950 2.20 95.70 24.60 26.50 6-4-0 0 10 22
14 6401 2.20 95.40 23.80 26.70 7-3-0 0 10 22
15 287 2.20 94.50 28.40 29.40 6-4-0 0 10 22
16 4458 2.20 93.10 26.60 28.50 7-3-0 0 10 22
17 3003 2.20 92.60 28.40 30.10 6-4-0 0 10 22
18 7718 2.20 82.80 27.20 21.70 7-3-0 0 10 22
19 7504 2.00 88.40 26.80 24.80 4-6-0 0 10 20
20 1860 1.90 102.00 29.40 24.50 5-5-0 0 10 19
21 810 1.90 95.30 22.80 27.60 6-4-0 0 10 19
22 424 1.90 95.00 24.80 27.80 5-5-0 0 10 19
23 578 1.80 99.70 28.60 26.20 4-6-0 0 10 18
24 4860 1.80 95.90 24.00 24.00 5-5-0 0 10 18
25 6911 1.80 93.70 31.00 33.90 4-6-0 0 10 18
26 263 1.80 91.00 25.20 27.90 5-5-0 0 10 18
27 7318 1.70 85.90 27.80 24.70 4-6-0 0 10 17
28 4571 1.70 80.00 25.20 21.20 5-5-0 0 10 17
29 6300 1.70 79.40 25.60 24.60 5-4-0 1 10 17
30 2791 1.60 95.20 23.60 27.60 3-7-0 0 10 16
31 28 1.60 80.70 29.40 22.90 4-6-0 0 10 16
32 8739 1.60 76.40 28.60 26.40 4-6-0 0 10 16
33 5881 1.50 80.70 26.20 21.30 4-6-0 0 10 15
34 3624 1.50 80.60 24.00 21.40 3-7-0 0 10 15
35 1511 1.40 86.80 25.60 29.00 3-7-0 0 10 14
36 358 1.40 79.70 20.00 25.80 4-6-0 0 10 14
37 5016 1.40 77.50 25.00 21.20 4-6-0 0 10 14
38 229 1.40 77.50 20.60 19.70 4-6-0 0 10 14
39 4930 1.30 88.10 23.20 22.40 3-7-0 0 10 13
40 191 1.30 85.00 25.60 21.00 3-7-0 0 10 13
41 6621 1.30 77.80 18.00 25.00 4-6-0 0 10 13
42 9099 1.20 78.50 22.80 26.50 3-7-0 0 10 12
43 5149 1.10 71.80 20.00 20.50 2-8-0 0 10 11
44 6648 1.10 70.00 20.80 21.70 3-7-0 0 10 11
45 7030 1.00 75.40 22.60 18.80 2-8-0 0 10 10
46 7004 0.90 66.50 19.00 21.20 3-7-0 0 10 9
47 3044 0.80 78.40 20.00 26.40 2-8-0 0 10 8
48 7031 0.70 74.20 19.20 23.90 1-9-0 0 10 7

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Clifton Park, New York, USA
Sag Harbor, New York, USA
Hamilton, Ohio, USA
Rochester, New York, USA
Potsdam, New York, USA
Colonie, New York, USA
Ronkonkoma, New York, USA
Mastic Beach, New York, USA
Brooklyn, New York, USA
Churchville, New York, USA
Hauppauge, New York, USA
Buffalo, New York, USA
Fairport, New York, USA
Ithaca, New York, USA
Smithtown, New York, USA
Albany, New York, USA
Penfield, New York, USA
Queens, New York, USA
Sao Jose dos Campos, São Paulo, Brazil
Flushing, New York, USA
Latham, New York, USA
Canandaigua, New York, USA
Spencerport, New York, USA
Ballston Spa, New York, USA
Huntington Station, New York, USA
Glen Head, New York, USA
Ossining, New York, USA
Center Moriches, New York, USA
New York, New York, USA
New Rochelle, New York, USA
Buffalo, New York, USA
Huntington, New York, USA
Albany, New York, USA
Albany, New York, USA
Lake Placid, New York, USA
New City, New York, USA
Chatham, New York, USA
Ozone Park, New York, USA
Orangeburg, New York, USA
Ossining, New York, USA
Lake Placid, New York, USA
Delanson, New York, USA
Nanuet, New York, USA
Brewster, New York, USA
Shanghai, Shanghai, China
New Paltz, New York, USA
Ozone Park, New York, USA
ÇANKAYA, Ankara, Türkiye
Award Winner
Regional FIRST Impact Award 4930
Regional Engineering Inspiration Award 1511
Woodie Flowers Finalist Award Arianna Rothfuss (4930)
Volunteer of the Year Rose Barra (20)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Nicolle Palacios (4122)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Ethan Waters (20)
Regional Winners 3015
Regional Winners 1796
Regional Winners 4930
Regional Finalists 4122
Regional Finalists 2791
Regional Finalists 4571
Autonomous Award sponsored by Ford 4122
Creativity Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 340
Excellence in Engineering Award 2791
Gracious Professionalism Award 4571
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 578
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 144
Innovation in Control Award 639
Judges' Award 6911
Quality Award 20
Rookie Inspiration Award 9099
Team Spirit Award 333
Team Sustainability Award 2601
Wildcard 4122
Wildcard 2791
Wildcard 4571

COPRs (?)

# Team OPR


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Mobility 325 480 67.71%
Auto Docked 117 160 73.12%
Auto Engaged 99 160 61.88%
Coopertition Criteria Met 131 160 81.88%
Sustainability Bonus RP Achieved * 39 160 24.38%
Activation Bonus RP Achieved * 103 160 64.38%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + Sustainability Bonus + Activation Bonus)
22 160 13.75%

Match Statistics

High Score 156 in Q54
Average Match Score 95.12
Average Winning Score 109.75
Average Win Margin 29.25
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Mobility Points 6.09 -- --
Average Game Piece Points 11.86 32.86 --
Average Park Points -- 1.36 --
Average Charge Station Points 8.32 17.34 --
Average Link Points -- -- 13.19
Average Foul Points -- -- 4.10
Average Score 26.28 51.56 95.12


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Mobility 64 96 66.67%
Auto Docked 28 32 87.50%
Auto Engaged 22 32 68.75%
Coopertition Criteria Met 0 32 0.00%
Sustainability Bonus RP Achieved * 0 32 0.00%
Activation Bonus RP Achieved * 0 32 0.00%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + Sustainability Bonus + Activation Bonus)
0 32 0.00%

Match Statistics

High Score 170 in SF11-1
Average Match Score 126.34
Average Winning Score 139.94
Average Win Margin 27.19
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Mobility Points 6.00 -- --
Average Game Piece Points 16.41 46.53 --
Average Park Points -- 0.81 --
Average Charge Station Points 9.75 23.12 --
Average Link Points -- -- 19.69
Average Foul Points -- -- 4.03
Average Score 32.16 70.47 126.34
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