New England District Championship 2019

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3236 2370 558 4761 88 2523 90 71
7869 716 5735 95 3958 7127 63 76
1768 173 5687 166 1474 4311 96 75
6329 176 4905 177 125 7416 86 83
1922 1073 6691 238 172 181 65 76
58 228 133 1735 509 4909 85 64
1071 237 230 3654 501 2168 99 66
195 5813 1721 178 69 7407 54 73
2877 7438 5422 78 1519 1277 71 92
3555 1058 3467 4041 1153 2067 91 79
6691 3146 5962 1729 319 3958 38 61
133 1735 125 177 1922 5687 87 86
95 3236 58 1071 181 1073 77 86
4311 195 238 2877 716 4761 80 51
7407 501 2067 7127 5735 7438 72 52
228 176 237 1721 3467 166 93 55
7416 69 1768 3654 3146 2370 60 73
173 4041 5962 5813 5422 2523 51 62
88 319 6329 178 1058 1519 85 77
7869 509 172 3555 1729 2168 74 68
4905 1153 1474 1277 4909 230 59 98
6691 5687 78 1073 7407 558 89 73
7127 177 3467 1922 1071 1768 70 71
5962 5735 1519 2370 195 237 56 79
1735 176 4041 173 3958 181 80 54
501 716 1729 6329 5422 4909 75 87
78 1474 88 1721 2168 2067 89 93
4311 2877 172 7416 95 166 77 69
7438 3555 4761 230 228 125 54 84
3146 1277 2523 178 3654 509 71 73
69 133 319 1153 58 7869 98 67
238 4905 3236 1058 558 5813 74 62
7407 7127 237 172 7416 1474 81 82
88 4909 3958 177 1071 7438 64 70
3654 2877 1735 1729 5962 4311 44 53
1519 58 2523 3467 6691 501 79 70
125 5813 238 7869 228 1277 84 65
1058 4761 6329 509 78 3146 39 88
1073 2168 176 558 1768 319 82 88
4905 5422 95 1922 178 195 69 84
716 3555 1153 3236 173 1721 82 53
166 181 5687 2067 230 69 70 86
133 4041 4909 2370 5735 238 95 83
6329 237 1735 7127 1277 6691 46 84
7869 4761 178 1474 1768 1073 58 87
2168 1058 228 1922 7416 3958 95 69
78 2523 3467 319 5687 195 51 104
177 3236 716 166 1519 509 92 95
558 133 1153 1071 5813 1729 84 62
4041 125 501 95 172 3654 88 62
58 2067 5422 3146 2877 176 58 83
7438 4311 1721 181 4905 5735 74 86
173 3555 7407 88 69 5962 81 68
230 166 1922 2370 3958 1073 74 69
2168 178 4041 1519 4909 1153 94 72
2523 2067 95 1729 133 4761 72 70
181 1474 7438 6329 558 195 81 75
1721 88 5687 5962 1277 58 86 69
3236 7416 3654 6691 7869 173 65 85
3467 4311 1071 230 238 7407 68 93
3555 2370 2877 4905 1735 7127 101 62
5735 177 319 5422 172 78 96 78
716 69 228 1058 237 3146 65 93
501 5813 509 176 1768 125 68 105
4909 1073 4311 2067 3958 1277 45 65
5687 7407 2370 95 2168 6329 66 49
58 166 558 5735 3555 195 70 107
1519 7127 133 3654 1058 88 86 82
1474 716 319 5813 3236 1922 82 83
78 7869 1071 173 178 1735 70 74
4041 1729 237 4905 1768 177 96 83
4761 228 501 1153 6691 69 66 86
230 7438 176 172 2523 5962 76 64
7416 1721 181 5422 238 509 35 78
3146 125 558 2877 3467 173 82 76
5813 177 1277 58 2370 1058 68 80
716 3654 166 319 78 4905 65 89
1768 2067 6329 172 3236 228 83 85
69 1721 5422 4311 133 2168 41 93
1153 2523 3958 237 181 125 98 80
7416 238 1073 1474 501 3555 83 89
230 2877 6691 88 7869 4041 72 74
509 95 1071 5962 7438 3467 84 41
1735 1922 1519 7407 4761 5735 75 74
5687 178 3146 176 7127 1729 70 75
195 172 166 4909 173 1058 94 99
3958 6329 78 133 1768 238 88 84
1277 558 509 319 95 230 71 75
2067 1735 5813 1519 237 7416 78 102
228 1071 3555 5422 4311 2370 76 80
5735 176 178 3236 125 69 68 81
4761 7127 181 5962 1721 177 68 61
4909 6691 4905 3467 5687 7869 74 77
195 3146 1729 501 88 1922 88 70
2168 58 1474 4041 7438 716 104 74
2523 3654 7407 1073 1153 2877 82 88
1058 230 1768 5422 1735 5735 95 48
3958 4761 5813 3555 5687 172 44 87
1729 177 95 228 2067 173 62 57
178 58 4909 558 4311 7416 71 64
238 6691 3654 166 2168 7438 78 110
319 1721 1922 1071 6329 2877 58 65
195 509 88 237 1073 7869 106 75
69 7127 78 2523 4041 3236 78 53
125 5962 1153 1474 1519 3146 89 79
7407 1277 4905 133 501 176 70 71
2370 3467 172 181 716 178 73 61
3958 3654 230 1721 6329 58 60 69
2168 319 7127 228 195 1735 98 88
4311 5735 6691 509 1474 177 58 86
1073 173 69 7438 4905 1519 100 83
1153 88 3146 176 238 95 67 81
5687 5422 133 237 3236 2877 101 79
2523 166 1071 4761 4041 7416 83 79
1277 181 501 1768 78 3555 54 90
558 5962 7869 2067 1922 716 69 76
4909 1729 2370 125 7407 1058 90 78
3467 1073 88 5813 6329 4311 73 71
238 4761 173 237 319 58 72 83
3958 166 5422 509 1153 7127 61 85
7438 7416 178 716 5962 133 69 78
125 4905 195 6691 1071 2067 113 83
181 230 177 3146 7407 5813 85 85
2877 95 1768 69 4909 3555 86 92
1735 7869 1058 501 2523 1721 78 55
5735 1729 3236 1277 3467 2168 58 95
2370 1922 1474 176 78 3654 82 80
172 1519 4041 5687 558 228 84 89


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 319 195 3467
Alliance 2 125 2168 558
Alliance 3 133 5687 1153
Alliance 4 230 176 4311
Alliance 5 1768 78 177
Alliance 6 3555 237 3146
Alliance 7 2370 1519 1922
Alliance 8 509 (172) 238 95

Playoff Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
195 319 3467 238 509 95 99 60
195 319 3467 238 172 95 72 64
176 230 4311 78 1768 177 88 71
176 230 4311 78 1768 177 92 76
2168 125 558 1519 2370 1922 113 90
2168 125 558 1519 2370 1922 101 78
5687 133 1153 237 3555 3146 107 93
5687 133 1153 237 3555 3146 80 47
195 319 3467 176 230 4311 73 93
195 319 3467 176 230 4311 89 92
2168 125 558 5687 133 1153 101 78
2168 125 558 5687 133 1153 112 104
176 230 4311 2168 125 558 94 100
176 230 4311 2168 125 558 90 53
176 230 4311 2168 125 558 86 92

Playoff Bracket



Ranking Score
Hatch Panel
HAB Climb
Sandstorm Bonus
Record (W-L-T)
Total Ranking Points*
1 319 3.25 411 240 204 144 10-2-0 0 12 39
2 125 3.08 426 234 228 141 9-3-0 0 12 37
3 133 3.08 396 230 210 171 10-2-0 0 12 37
4 230 3.08 321 240 231 165 9-2-1 0 12 37
5 5687 2.91 396 244 210 156 9-3-0 0 12 35
6 2168 2.83 423 204 204 165 8-4-0 0 12 34
7 176 2.83 369 228 213 126 9-3-0 0 12 34
8 195 2.75 492 262 180 135 8-4-0 0 12 33
9 1768 2.66 414 232 213 147 7-5-0 0 12 32
10 3555 2.66 387 198 237 168 9-3-0 0 12 32
11 2370 2.66 378 210 228 150 10-2-0 0 12 32
12 509 2.58 372 198 204 177 9-3-0 0 12 31
13 172 2.58 339 186 240 153 7-5-0 0 12 31
14 1058 2.50 369 222 222 144 7-5-0 0 12 30
15 237 2.41 423 234 195 132 7-5-0 0 12 29
16 4041 2.41 345 212 228 147 6-6-0 0 12 29
17 7127 2.41 342 186 234 141 8-4-0 0 12 29
18 1519 2.33 339 242 219 165 6-6-0 0 12 28
19 69 2.33 324 180 213 162 8-4-0 0 12 28
20 78 2.25 417 202 195 147 7-5-0 0 12 27
21 238 2.25 402 210 189 141 7-5-0 0 12 27
22 1474 2.25 363 200 252 171 7-5-0 0 12 27
23 3146 2.25 348 200 183 162 6-5-1 0 12 27
24 228 2.25 348 184 225 165 6-6-0 0 12 27
25 4909 2.25 336 208 210 168 7-5-0 0 12 27
26 1153 2.16 354 188 225 180 7-5-0 0 12 26
27 58 2.16 324 176 225 165 7-5-0 0 12 26
28 2067 2.16 306 188 219 159 6-6-0 0 12 26
29 1922 2.16 273 212 234 165 7-5-0 0 12 26
30 1729 2.08 306 234 168 150 7-5-0 0 12 25
31 4905 2.00 396 186 228 138 5-7-0 0 12 24
32 1071 2.00 369 200 165 165 7-5-0 0 12 24
33 95 2.00 288 208 174 171 6-6-0 0 12 24
34 2877 1.91 333 218 174 147 5-7-0 0 12 23
35 7407 1.91 333 190 219 144 5-6-1 0 12 23
36 1073 1.91 327 194 222 171 5-7-0 0 12 23
37 1277 1.91 327 160 216 174 5-7-0 0 12 23
38 173 1.91 309 208 186 165 6-6-0 0 12 23
39 5422 1.91 273 212 195 132 5-7-0 0 12 23
40 181 1.91 249 212 201 165 5-6-1 0 12 23
41 177 1.83 360 198 204 171 4-7-1 0 12 22
42 6329 1.83 357 198 126 138 6-6-0 0 12 22
43 7869 1.83 330 162 177 177 5-7-0 0 12 22
44 178 1.83 297 166 195 153 6-6-0 0 12 22
45 88 1.75 372 194 189 168 5-7-0 0 12 21
46 1735 1.75 294 160 183 141 5-7-0 0 12 21
47 2523 1.75 291 184 204 153 5-7-0 0 12 21
48 3958 1.75 210 236 189 171 5-7-0 0 12 21
49 3236 1.58 333 176 201 165 5-7-0 0 12 19
50 558 1.58 330 206 195 171 5-7-0 0 12 19
51 3467 1.58 327 144 183 168 5-7-0 0 12 19
52 7438 1.58 309 182 192 138 4-8-0 0 12 19
53 716 1.58 309 180 204 156 3-9-0 0 12 19
54 6691 1.50 318 198 201 150 4-8-0 0 12 18
55 166 1.50 315 258 159 171 4-8-0 0 12 18
56 4311 1.50 282 208 180 165 5-7-0 0 12 18
57 501 1.41 300 184 183 168 4-8-0 0 12 17
58 5735 1.33 306 158 210 159 3-9-0 0 12 16
59 5813 1.33 303 200 153 150 3-8-1 0 12 16
60 7416 1.25 270 244 174 150 2-10-0 0 12 15
61 5962 1.00 201 122 186 150 2-9-0 1 12 12
62 3654 0.91 291 170 183 171 2-10-0 0 12 11
63 1721 0.91 261 194 111 141 3-9-0 0 12 11
64 4761 0.75 231 200 141 159 1-11-0 0 12 9

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

South Portland, Maine, USA
Quincy, Massachusetts, USA
Newport, Rhode Island, USA
Bridgewater, Massachusetts, USA
White River Junction, Vermont, USA
Revere, Massachusetts, USA
Standish, Maine, USA
Merrimack, New Hampshire, USA
Falmouth/Gorham, Maine, USA
Tolland, Connecticut, USA
Windsor Locks, Connecticut, USA
South Windsor, Connecticut, USA
Farmington, Connecticut, USA
Hartford, Connecticut, USA
Southington, Connecticut, USA
Meriden, Connecticut, USA
Shelton, Connecticut, USA
Watertown, Connecticut, USA
Manchester, New Hampshire, USA
Alton, New Hampshire, USA
Manchester/Goffstown, New Hampshire, USA
Bedford, New Hampshire, USA
New Haven, Connecticut, USA
Falls Village, Connecticut, USA
Londonderry, New Hampshire, USA
Wolcott, Connecticut, USA
Hollis, New Hampshire, USA
Walpole, Massachusetts, USA
Groton, Massachusetts, USA
Tewksbury, Massachusetts, USA
Milford, New Hampshire, USA
Concord, New Hampshire, USA
Peterborough, New Hampshire, USA
Worcester, Massachusetts, USA
Bolton, Massachusetts, USA
Contoocook, New Hampshire, USA
Guilford, Connecticut, USA
Groton, Connecticut, USA
Rutland, Vermont, USA
Saint Johnsbury, Vermont, USA
Newtonville, Massachusetts, USA
Granby, Connecticut, USA
Franklin, Massachusetts, USA
Windham, New Hampshire, USA
Storrs Mansfield, Connecticut, USA
Middletown, Connecticut, USA
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Gardiner, Maine, USA
Swampscott, Massachusetts, USA
Reading, Massachusetts, USA
Ayer, Massachusetts, USA
Billerica, Massachusetts, USA
Westford, Massachusetts, USA
Portland, Maine, USA
Wayland, Massachusetts, USA
Concord, New Hampshire, USA
Lowell, Massachusetts, USA
Bucksport, Maine, USA
Wolfeboro, New Hampshire, USA
Longmeadow, Massachusetts, USA
Wallingford, Connecticut, USA
Bethlehem, New Hampshire, USA
Sherborn, Massachusetts, USA
New Haven, Connecticut, USA
Award Winner
Regional Chairman's Award 5422
Regional Chairman's Award 3654
Regional Chairman's Award 125
Regional Chairman's Award 195
Regional Engineering Inspiration Award 6328
Regional Engineering Inspiration Award 1729
District Championship Rookie All Star Award 7462
Woodie Flowers Finalist Award Lisa Nollman (178)
Volunteer of the Year Chris Deslandes
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award G Edward Bell (7462)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Kaitlyn Cassidy (125)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Jack Foster (6329)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Cameron Hallett (1073)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Isabella Hefferman (78)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Samantha Rosenberg (2877)
District Championship Winner 125
District Championship Winner 2168
District Championship Winner 558
District Championship Finalist 230
District Championship Finalist 176
District Championship Finalist 4311
Autonomous Award sponsored by Ford 230
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 1721
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 1073
Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi 1922
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 7127
Highest Rookie Seed 7407
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 172
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 319
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 2168
Judges' Award 1735
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola Solutions Foundation 5687
Rookie Inspiration Award sponsored by National Instruments 7416
Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 1073
Team Spirit Award sponsored by FCA Foundation 558
Rank Team Qual Points Playoff Points Alliance Points Award Points Total Points
1 125 66 90 45 30 231
2 2168 57 90 45 15 207
3 230 60 60 39 15 174
4 195 54 30 48 30 162
5 319 66 30 48 15 159
6 176 57 60 39 0 156
7 5687 60 30 42 15 147
8 558 27 90 6 15 138
9 133 63 30 42 0 135
10 4311 21 60 12 0 93
11 1768 54 0 36 0 90
12 3555 54 0 33 0 87
13 2370 51 0 30 0 81
14 237 48 0 33 0 81
15 78 45 0 36 0 81
16 1153 42 30 9 0 81
17 509 51 0 27 0 78
18 1519 48 0 30 0 78
19 1922 39 0 21 15 75
20 238 45 0 27 0 72
21 172 51 0 0 15 66
22 1073 36 0 0 30 66
23 5422 33 0 0 30 63
24 1729 39 0 0 24 63
25 7127 48 0 0 15 63
26 3146 45 0 18 0 63
27 95 36 0 24 0 60
28 3467 27 30 3 0 60
29 1058 51 0 0 0 51
30 177 33 0 15 0 48
31 4041 48 0 0 0 48
32 1735 30 0 0 15 45
33 69 45 0 0 0 45
34 1474 45 0 0 0 45
35 3654 15 0 0 30 45
36 4909 42 0 0 0 42
37 228 42 0 0 0 42
38 58 42 0 0 0 42
39 4905 39 0 0 0 39
40 2067 39 0 0 0 39
41 1071 39 0 0 0 39
42 173 36 0 0 0 36
43 2877 36 0 0 0 36
44 7407 36 0 0 0 36
45 1277 36 0 0 0 36
46 7416 18 0 0 15 33
47 6329 33 0 0 0 33
48 181 33 0 0 0 33
49 7869 30 0 0 0 30
50 178 30 0 0 0 30
51 2523 30 0 0 0 30
52 88 30 0 0 0 30
53 3958 27 0 0 0 27
54 3236 27 0 0 0 27
55 1721 12 0 0 15 27
56 6328 0 0 0 24 24
57 716 24 0 0 0 24
58 7462 0 0 0 24 24
59 166 24 0 0 0 24
60 6691 24 0 0 0 24
61 7438 24 0 0 0 24
62 501 21 0 0 0 21
63 5735 21 0 0 0 21
64 5813 18 0 0 0 18
65 5962 15 0 0 0 15
66 4761 9 0 0 0 9

* Although points are calculated for all teams at this event, not all teams may receive points in the District Ranking System for this event.

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
195 38.91
2168 38.57
125 36.06
133 35.32
5687 33.10
3555 31.79
319 31.53
237 31.39
230 30.80
1519 30.77
509 30.48
176 30.45
78 30.14
177 29.92
1768 29.90
88 29.89
1058 29.74
2370 29.71
1474 29.24
238 29.03
173 28.01
4041 27.99
4909 27.78
172 27.34
2067 27.34
1153 27.19
166 27.17
1071 26.75
2877 26.14
4905 26.14
7407 25.81
1277 25.49
7127 25.33
69 25.20
58 25.02
1073 24.95
3236 24.77
6691 24.44
2523 24.44
716 23.87
228 23.74
558 23.29
7416 23.14
7438 22.54
3146 22.51
1922 22.49
5735 21.84
7869 21.74
178 21.44
5813 20.56
4311 20.12
5422 20.06
501 19.78
1729 19.72
95 19.39
6329 19.30
181 19.14
3958 18.76
3467 18.38
3654 17.24
1735 15.31
4761 13.08
5962 11.23
1721 11.12


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Cross HAB Line 765 768 99.61%
Cross HAB Line in Sandstorm 755 768 98.31%
Complete 1 Rocket 70 256 27.34%
Complete 2 Rockets 3 256 1.17%
Complete Rocket RP * 78 256 30.47%
Level 1 HAB Climb 292 768 38.02%
Level 2 HAB Climb 194 768 25.26%
Level 3 HAB Climb 185 768 24.09%
HAB Docking RP * 190 256 74.22%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + Complete Rocket + HAB Docking)
47 256 18.36%

Match Statistics

High Score 113 in Q122
Average Match Score 76.12
Average Winning Score 84.55
Average Win Margin 16.88
Sandstorm Teleop Overall
Average Sandstorm Bonus Points 13.09 -- --
Average Hatch Panel Points -- -- 16.80
Average Cargo Points -- -- 27.96
Average HAB Climb Points -- 16.62 --
Average Foul Points -- -- 1.64
Average Score 13.09 61.38 76.12

Detailed Scoring Location Breakdown

Cargo Ship % Preloaded

Left Side Right Side
Hatch Panel % Cargo % Hatch Panel % Cargo %
Far 94.92% 5.08% 94.14% 5.86%
Mid 89.45% 10.55% 85.94% 14.06%
Near 74.61% 25.39% 68.36% 31.64%

Cargo Ship % Scored

Left Side Right Side
Hatch Panel % Cargo % Hatch Panel % Cargo %
Far 98.05% 55.08% 98.44% 58.98%
Mid 96.88% 67.58% 96.09% 70.31%
Near 93.36% 72.27% 91.80% 73.05%
Front 68.75% 62.11% 64.84% 57.42%

Rocket % Scored

Left Rocket Right Rocket
Hatch Panel % Cargo % Hatch Panel % Cargo %
Top Far 37.50% 19.92% 28.91% 17.97%
Mid Far 47.66% 32.81% 42.97% 30.08%
Low Far 73.05% 56.25% 69.14% 47.66%
Top Near 37.89% 19.53% 33.98% 17.19%
Mid Near 53.52% 36.72% 53.12% 32.42%
Low Near 79.69% 55.47% 82.03% 49.22%


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Cross HAB Line 90 90 100.00%
Cross HAB Line in Sandstorm 90 90 100.00%
Complete 1 Rocket 0 30 0.00%
Complete 2 Rockets 0 30 0.00%
Complete Rocket RP * 0 30 0.00%
Level 1 HAB Climb 36 90 40.00%
Level 2 HAB Climb 16 90 17.78%
Level 3 HAB Climb 33 90 36.67%
HAB Docking RP * 28 30 93.33%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + Complete Rocket + HAB Docking)
0 30 0.00%

Match Statistics

High Score 113 in QF3-1
Average Match Score 86.27
Average Winning Score 95.47
Average Win Margin 18.40
Sandstorm Teleop Overall
Average Sandstorm Bonus Points 14.70 -- --
Average Hatch Panel Points -- -- 16.47
Average Cargo Points -- -- 31.70
Average HAB Climb Points -- 20.00 --
Average Foul Points -- -- 3.40
Average Score 14.70 68.17 86.27

Detailed Scoring Location Breakdown

Cargo Ship % Preloaded

Left Side Right Side
Hatch Panel % Cargo % Hatch Panel % Cargo %
Far 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0.00%
Mid 93.33% 6.67% 100.00% 0.00%
Near 43.33% 56.67% 50.00% 50.00%

Cargo Ship % Scored

Left Side Right Side
Hatch Panel % Cargo % Hatch Panel % Cargo %
Far 100.00% 86.67% 100.00% 63.33%
Mid 100.00% 86.67% 100.00% 86.67%
Near 90.00% 80.00% 96.67% 93.33%
Front 63.33% 56.67% 76.67% 63.33%

Rocket % Scored

Left Rocket Right Rocket
Hatch Panel % Cargo % Hatch Panel % Cargo %
Top Far 3.33% 3.33% 16.67% 10.00%
Mid Far 53.33% 43.33% 60.00% 36.67%
Low Far 83.33% 70.00% 63.33% 56.67%
Top Near 3.33% 0.00% 23.33% 13.33%
Mid Near 53.33% 46.67% 66.67% 40.00%
Low Near 83.33% 66.67% 73.33% 53.33%
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