Greater Kansas City Regional 2018

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2164 6976 1775 935 1997 3172 254 317
1769 1763 932 5189 937 2560 359 109
5126 6817 2357 1802 6542 1288 171 102
7064 6805 6886 3284 1723 5098 139 395
1764 1987 938 1825 5141 2345 427 267
5889 5013 2457 2874 4809 5809 399 25
5801 1827 5082 1737 2352 1986 194 415
1802 5968 6886 1825 937 3172 347 224
6976 5098 5809 1763 6542 5141 248 331
1827 1764 935 1986 7064 5889 99 365
5013 2164 2874 938 5126 2560 273 258
5801 5189 2345 5082 6805 1288 227 191
1775 2357 1737 4809 932 1987 154 416
1769 2352 1997 1723 5968 2457 143 429
5082 3284 2164 2560 1827 6817 391 97
938 2874 1737 1764 7064 6976 25 386
5126 1987 3172 6886 5809 2352 172 388
5098 1825 5889 932 1288 5189 351 220
1802 1763 6805 1769 2345 1775 230 210
1986 2457 1997 3284 937 4809 279 127
935 6817 5141 1723 5801 2357 128 373
6542 7064 5013 1775 5968 1825 263 271
5809 3284 932 5126 1763 1827 383 237
6976 5801 5141 1288 2164 937 223 236
6886 1769 1986 2874 2345 6817 430 60
5189 5013 1723 5082 1997 1764 319 186
2457 935 2352 5098 938 1802 418 134
1987 5889 1737 6805 5968 6542 356 100
3172 2560 5801 4809 2357 1763 255 277
5013 5082 932 1802 5809 7064 369 149
5098 5126 1764 1997 5889 6817 262 268
1827 1775 6886 2352 6976 2874 446 155
2164 3172 2345 1987 3284 2457 230 356
2560 1723 6542 5189 1986 2357 378 228
1825 1288 938 1737 6805 937 222 180
5968 935 4809 5141 1769 3284 307 229
1764 1723 3172 1775 932 5098 392 248
937 6886 2874 6805 5801 5809 107 399
2560 2345 2457 5141 1737 5189 429 170
6817 5082 1825 935 5889 1763 257 379
1997 6542 6976 1827 4809 1802 246 128
2357 938 2164 5968 1986 5013 44 374
1288 5126 2352 7064 1987 1769 291 283
937 932 935 6542 1827 2457 421 91
6817 1802 1723 2345 6976 5968 315 184
3284 2560 7064 5889 1775 5801 237 295
1737 4809 5098 6886 2164 1763 35 408
1986 5082 2874 1288 1987 1997 384 324
2352 5189 6805 5141 3172 5013 290 339
5809 1825 5126 2357 1764 1769 336 123
5801 4809 938 932 2345 1827 344 193
1987 6542 937 1723 2874 7064 272 245
1737 2457 1288 5013 6886 935 66 410
5082 5126 5968 5141 5098 6805 318 160
5889 3284 1764 1769 1802 2164 390 243
6817 1986 938 5189 1775 5809 251 226
2352 1825 1763 2357 2560 1997 437 166
6976 1769 5126 3172 1737 5082 201 254
5968 5141 7064 3284 1775 6817 247 358
6542 935 5189 2164 1825 5801 69 383
1987 2874 1802 1763 5013 5098 221 358
937 1986 6976 5889 2352 932 194 489
6805 2357 1827 2457 6886 1764 96 633
3172 4809 1288 1997 938 1723 61 417
2345 5809 1987 2560 6976 935 242 303
2874 5098 5968 5801 1764 932 69 439
2357 5889 5082 938 6886 3284 239 335
1288 2560 1775 2457 937 5126 224 278
1723 5141 1827 1825 5013 1802 390 512
6805 3172 1769 6817 1737 6542 220 166
2345 7064 2352 5809 1997 2164 248 327
1763 5189 5968 4809 1986 5126 132 338
6542 5801 6886 938 2457 1769 383 143
937 2357 5013 2345 5098 5082 103 333
932 1997 6805 935 1802 1986 392 220
1827 1288 5889 1775 5141 1987 369 270
6976 3172 3284 2874 5189 1825 221 169
5809 1763 1723 2164 1737 7064 411 193
4809 2352 2560 1764 6817 6805 395 268
5098 1769 5189 5968 938 1827 232 64
935 1723 2345 5126 2874 5889 397 215
1986 2164 5141 3172 932 6886 387 217
1763 1288 3284 2352 1764 6542 295 303
7064 1825 2357 2457 5082 4809 276 325
937 6817 5801 5013 1987 6976 135 311
1997 1802 1775 1737 5809 2560 176 363


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 1986 1723 5098
Alliance 2 6886 2352 5126
Alliance 3 5013 935 2560
Alliance 4 5889 932 2345
Alliance 5 2457 1764 4809
Alliance 6 1763 1987 5082
Alliance 7 5801 3284 1997
Alliance 8 5809 2164 1825

Playoff Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1723 1986 5098 2164 5809 1825 395 262
1723 1986 5098 2164 5809 1825 460 234
932 5889 2345 1764 2457 4809 271 342
932 5889 2345 1764 2457 4809 315 252
932 5889 2345 1764 2457 4809 259 211
2352 6886 5126 3284 5801 1997 208 334
2352 6886 5126 3284 5801 1997 361 336
2352 6886 5126 3284 5801 1997 282 336
935 5013 2560 1987 1763 5082 211 341
935 5013 2560 1987 1763 5082 176 264
1723 1986 5098 932 5889 2345 445 83
1723 1986 5098 932 5889 2345 349 303
3284 5801 1997 1987 1763 5082 284 271
3284 5801 1997 1987 1763 5082 265 327
3284 5801 1997 1987 1763 5082 286 268
1723 1986 5098 3284 5801 1997 407 263
1723 1986 5098 3284 5801 1997 458 262

Playoff Bracket



Rank Team Ranking Score Park/Climb Points Auto Ownership Vault Record (W-L-T) DQ Played Total Ranking Points*
1 1986 2.33 670 361 2750 240 9-3-0 0 12 28
2 6886 2.25 565 306 2643 345 9-3-0 0 12 27
3 1723 2.16 590 384 3256 320 10-2-0 0 12 26
4 5013 2.16 540 272 2565 295 10-2-0 0 12 26
5 5889 2.16 450 288 2935 315 10-2-0 0 12 26
6 932 2.08 415 357 2886 390 8-4-0 0 12 25
7 2457 1.91 655 291 2252 300 9-3-0 0 12 23
8 2352 1.91 615 339 2602 330 8-4-0 0 12 23
9 1763 1.83 530 300 2665 350 9-3-0 0 12 22
10 5801 1.83 415 248 2625 310 8-4-0 0 12 22
11 935 1.75 585 296 2348 315 8-4-0 0 12 21
12 1764 1.75 495 334 2478 275 7-5-0 0 12 21
13 3284 1.66 515 271 2517 365 8-4-0 0 12 20
14 5809 1.58 520 269 2323 335 7-5-0 0 12 19
15 1997 1.50 535 274 2241 230 7-5-0 0 12 18
16 2164 1.50 430 246 2144 425 7-5-0 0 12 18
17 5082 1.41 505 244 2226 305 7-5-0 0 12 17
18 1825 1.41 485 225 2245 440 7-5-0 0 12 17
19 4809 1.41 335 283 1953 195 7-5-0 0 12 17
20 6542 1.33 480 235 1624 220 6-6-0 0 12 16
21 3172 1.33 460 234 1937 255 6-6-0 0 12 16
22 5126 1.33 425 254 2073 240 6-6-0 0 12 16
23 1987 1.25 505 319 2425 310 6-6-0 0 12 15
24 5968 1.25 400 237 1823 290 6-6-0 0 12 15
25 938 1.25 340 239 1809 260 6-6-0 0 12 15
26 2560 1.08 430 233 2139 240 5-7-0 0 12 13
27 6805 1.00 530 240 1565 250 4-8-0 0 12 12
28 2345 1.00 460 252 1915 335 4-8-0 0 12 12
29 1769 1.00 455 248 1856 280 4-8-0 0 12 12
30 6817 1.00 435 235 1534 245 5-7-0 0 12 12
31 5189 1.00 315 289 1537 205 3-9-0 0 12 12
32 5098 0.91 460 189 1801 310 5-7-0 0 12 11
33 1775 0.91 445 213 2007 295 4-8-0 0 12 11
34 937 0.91 410 231 1457 245 4-8-0 0 12 11
35 1737 0.83 425 221 1482 225 4-8-0 0 12 10
36 1802 0.83 395 223 1627 205 4-8-0 0 12 10
37 6976 0.83 375 185 1957 210 5-7-0 0 12 10
38 5141 0.75 470 248 2116 280 3-9-0 0 12 9
39 1288 0.75 460 221 1561 290 4-8-0 0 12 9
40 2357 0.66 295 190 1440 175 3-9-0 0 12 8
41 7064 0.58 390 258 2011 225 2-10-0 0 12 7
42 2874 0.50 370 197 1108 225 2-10-0 0 12 6
43 1827 0.50 265 223 1494 180 2-10-0 0 12 6

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Team Location Image
Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA
Newton, Kansas, USA
Overland Park, Kansas, USA
Richmond, Kansas, USA
Saint Charles, Missouri, USA
Independence, Missouri, USA
Excelsior Springs, Missouri, USA
Kansas City, Missouri, USA
Liberty, Missouri, USA
Kansas City, Kansas, USA
Kansas City, Missouri, USA
Kansas City, Kansas, USA
Kansas City, Missouri, USA
Kansas City, Missouri, USA
Lees Summit, Missouri, USA
Lees Summit, Missouri, USA
Roeland Park, Kansas, USA
Harrisonville, Missouri, USA
Kearney, Missouri, USA
Ada, Oklahoma, USA
Peculiar, Missouri, USA
Lawson, Missouri, USA
Team Location Image
Grandview, Missouri, USA
Grain Valley, Missouri, USA
Salina, Kansas, USA
Camdenton, Missouri, USA
Marceline, Missouri, USA
Kansas City, Missouri, USA
Kansas City, Missouri, USA
Kansas City, Missouri, USA
Riverside, Missouri, USA
Kansas City, Missouri, USA
Kansas City, Kansas, USA
Independence, Missouri, USA
Kansas City, Missouri, USA
Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA
Manhattan, Kansas, USA
Pittsburg, Kansas, USA
Omaha, Nebraska, USA
Rolla, Missouri, USA
Warsaw, Missouri, USA
Kansas City, Missouri, USA
Lansing, Kansas, USA
Award Winner
Regional Chairman's Award 3284
Regional Engineering Inspiration Award 1775
Rookie All Star Award 6817
Woodie Flowers Finalist Award Nancy Spatz (1986)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Chayanne Sandoval-Williams (2560)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Sarah Ahern (1987)
Regional Winners 1986
Regional Winners 1723
Regional Winners 5098
Regional Finalists 5801
Regional Finalists 3284
Regional Finalists 1997
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 5809
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 932
Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi 935
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 5889
Highest Rookie Seed 6886
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 2357
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 2352
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 1986
Judges' Award 1764
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola Solutions Foundation 1987
Rookie Inspiration Award sponsored by National Instruments 6805
Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 6817
Team Spirit Award sponsored by FCA Foundation 5126
Wildcard 5801

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
1723 233.66
6886 182.94
1986 171.77
1825 165.15
932 162.77
5889 156.74
1987 152.65
5013 149.58
2352 147.05
1764 142.01
1763 134.22
5801 126.25
2560 125.82
2457 121.04
2164 120.34
5082 117.36
3284 114.11
5126 95.15
935 93.38
5809 91.88
1775 91.12
5141 83.41
6805 77.41
1997 74.80
2345 72.76
4809 68.96
6976 68.47
5968 58.22
1802 54.32
1737 48.93
1769 47.98
5098 47.30
7064 47.08
938 40.01
6542 39.59
1288 35.38
6817 30.36
3172 26.96
937 19.21
5189 17.25
1827 5.49
2357 -4.72
2874 -34.10


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Auto Run 446 516 86.43%
Auto Switch Owned 85 172 49.42%
Auto Quest * 54 172 31.40%
Force Played 68 172 39.53%
Levitate Played 121 172 70.35%
Boost Played 99 172 57.56%
Climbs (does not include Levitate) 66 516 12.79%
Face the Boss * 4 172 2.33%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + Auto Quest + Face the Boss)
2 172 1.16%

Match Statistics

High Score 633 in Q63
Average Match Score 266.52
Average Winning Score 351.17
Average Win Margin 169.31
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Auto Run Points 12.97 -- --
Average Scale Ownership Points 0.74 54.57 55.31
Average Switch Ownership Points 8.00 104.09 112.09
Scale Neutral % 95.04% 19.16% 26.74%
Winner Scale Ownership % 4.50% 70.82% 64.19%
Winner Switch Ownership % 34.88% 90.56% 84.99%
Winner Opponent Switch Denial % -- 22.39% --
Average # Force Played -- 1.88 --
Average # Boost Played -- 2.05 --
Average Vault Points -- 23.40 --
Average Endgame Points -- 38.46 --
Average Foul Points -- -- 17.38
Average Score 21.71 227.44 266.52


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Auto Run 94 102 92.16%
Auto Switch Owned 21 34 61.76%
Auto Quest * 17 34 50.00%
Force Played 23 34 67.65%
Levitate Played 27 34 79.41%
Boost Played 24 34 70.59%
Climbs (does not include Levitate) 23 102 22.55%
Face the Boss * 2 34 5.88%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + Auto Quest + Face the Boss)
2 34 5.88%

Match Statistics

High Score 460 in QF1-2
Average Match Score 297.68
Average Winning Score 350.76
Average Win Margin 106.18
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Auto Run Points 13.82 -- --
Average Scale Ownership Points 3.65 62.76 66.41
Average Switch Ownership Points 9.24 104.68 113.91
Scale Neutral % 75.69% 7.02% 13.88%
Winner Scale Ownership % 17.25% 64.14% 59.45%
Winner Switch Ownership % 25.88% 88.98% 82.67%
Winner Opponent Switch Denial % -- 18.69% --
Average # Force Played -- 1.96 --
Average # Boost Played -- 1.92 --
Average Vault Points -- 28.38 --
Average Endgame Points -- 49.26 --
Average Foul Points -- -- 18.97
Average Score 26.71 252.03 297.68
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