NE District Southern CT Event 2018

New England District Event
to Week 3
Fairfield University in Fairfield, CT 06824, USA - details on

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
6346 69 1027 2836 195 4572 58 395
1099 230 228 1071 155 4055 474 140
5746 2064 3104 3634 5687 5856 203 357
6367 3958 467 7127 4557 3555 247 328
6811 178 3654 95 2067 7153 81 400
69 4557 3634 6346 3958 155 374 222
230 1071 178 6367 5687 6811 713 181
7153 1027 3104 2064 4055 5746 86 351
2836 3654 7127 4572 467 95 173 367
2067 228 195 5856 1099 3555 477 283
230 6811 6346 2064 155 7153 427 263
3634 5746 228 3654 5856 4557 181 420
95 4572 69 3958 4055 2067 318 275
6367 1027 2836 3104 7127 3555 303 286
1071 467 1099 178 195 5687 184 420
155 230 3654 5746 7127 69 442 188
3555 6811 3958 2064 5687 1071 321 254
3104 195 4055 228 178 467 379 294
2836 4557 95 5856 6367 6346 479 140
2067 1099 1027 3634 4572 7153 391 48
155 95 5687 228 6367 195 462 359
3555 3634 1027 178 4055 1099 218 375
7127 2064 230 3958 69 5856 408 175
2836 7153 467 4557 5746 6811 408 325
1071 3654 6346 4572 2067 3104 118 209
1027 95 228 7153 230 69 416 219
3654 2064 3958 6811 4055 2836 222 265
5687 3555 4557 467 155 3104 528 156
195 6346 1099 7127 1071 2067 436 204
5746 5856 4572 178 3634 6367 423 114
228 6811 1071 95 1099 7127 197 413
178 3104 6367 5746 2836 155 279 426
69 3958 3634 5687 6346 2067 272 409
4572 3555 4055 230 7153 4557 305 432
1027 5856 2064 3654 467 195 152 433
4557 6346 155 3555 1071 6367 202 356
467 5856 6811 3104 230 95 206 463
195 7127 3958 1099 7153 178 428 179
228 3654 4572 5687 5746 1027 164 343
4055 69 2067 2064 3634 2836 361 257
6367 7153 3958 3104 228 5856 345 416
4557 2067 5746 1027 6811 7127 421 186
4055 178 6346 467 3555 69 218 415
5687 2836 230 1099 3654 3634 465 292
4572 155 2064 195 95 1071 192 440
467 5687 7153 230 5746 6367 409 255
6811 2067 5856 6346 228 2836 330 212
155 3555 195 69 3104 3654 455 180
4055 95 3634 1071 1027 3958 381 163
7127 4572 178 4557 2064 1099 231 396
69 2836 1071 3654 467 5746 193 349
2067 6367 155 178 1027 230 194 454
3958 4572 5687 195 3634 6811 384 183
1099 3104 4557 6346 95 2064 297 422
4055 5856 7127 7153 228 3555 270 330
69 1099 5687 6811 3104 4572 439 85
5856 195 230 1027 4557 4055 444 138
3634 6346 467 95 6367 3654 84 338
7153 1071 5746 3958 2836 178 127 401
2067 3555 2064 155 7127 228 397 307


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 95 230 7127
Alliance 2 195 5687 7153
Alliance 3 2067 4557 155
Alliance 4 2836 178 5746
Alliance 5 3555 228 3654
Alliance 6 1099 2064 4055
Alliance 7 467 3958 5856
Alliance 8 4572 6367 1071

Playoff Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
230 95 7127 6367 4572 1071 436 127
230 95 7127 6367 4572 1071 454 104
178 2836 5746 228 3555 3654 239 461
178 2836 5746 228 3555 3654 308 299
178 2836 5746 228 3555 3654 332 294
5687 195 7153 3958 467 5856 357 191
5687 195 7153 3958 467 5856 414 281
4557 2067 155 2064 1099 4055 434 180
4557 2067 155 2064 1099 4055 318 321
4557 2067 155 2064 1099 4055 469 231
230 95 7127 178 2836 5746 449 215
230 95 7127 178 2836 5746 505 134
5687 195 7153 4557 2067 155 378 305
5687 195 7153 4557 2067 155 410 271
230 95 7127 5687 195 7153 334 362
230 95 7127 5687 195 7153 226 386

Playoff Bracket



Ranking Score
Park/Climb Points
Record (W-L-T)
Total Ranking Points*
1 95 2.83 570 316 3279 390 12-0-0 0 12 34
2 195 2.75 545 464 3370 440 10-2-0 0 12 33
3 230 2.66 795 444 3336 450 10-2-0 0 12 32
4 5687 2.50 650 374 2961 350 10-2-0 0 12 30
5 2067 2.41 665 362 2628 345 9-3-0 0 12 29
6 2836 2.16 585 359 2617 390 8-4-0 0 12 26
7 3555 2.08 665 394 2577 485 8-4-0 0 12 25
8 1099 2.00 620 351 2654 455 7-5-0 0 12 24
9 4557 1.91 695 337 2665 470 8-4-0 0 12 23
10 467 1.66 605 263 2232 235 6-6-0 0 12 20
11 4572 1.66 465 293 1931 275 6-6-0 0 12 20
12 228 1.58 570 343 2397 400 5-7-0 0 12 19
13 5746 1.50 515 316 2337 310 6-6-0 0 12 18
14 7153 1.50 510 307 1961 310 5-7-0 0 12 18
15 178 1.41 670 271 2229 315 5-7-0 0 12 17
16 4055 1.41 630 269 1868 295 5-6-0 1 12 17
17 5856 1.41 585 277 2236 330 6-6-0 0 12 17
18 155 1.41 550 324 2011 360 4-8-0 0 12 17
19 2064 1.41 525 280 2307 320 5-7-0 0 12 17
20 3654 1.41 505 281 2062 245 5-7-0 0 12 17
21 3958 1.33 485 305 2185 280 4-8-0 0 12 16
22 3104 1.25 440 286 1800 290 4-8-0 0 12 15
23 7127 1.16 480 300 2137 395 4-8-0 0 12 14
24 6811 1.16 465 304 1612 260 4-8-0 0 12 14
25 69 1.16 455 257 2122 280 5-7-0 0 12 14
26 6346 1.16 415 237 1863 205 4-8-0 0 12 14
27 1071 0.91 555 243 1639 365 3-9-0 0 12 11
28 6367 0.91 450 282 1951 280 3-9-0 0 12 11
29 1027 0.91 410 223 1835 260 5-6-0 1 12 11
30 3634 0.83 385 250 1781 265 3-9-0 0 12 10

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Team Location Image
Quincy, Massachusetts, USA
White River Junction, Vermont, USA
Berlin, Connecticut, USA
Farmington, Connecticut, USA
Southington, Connecticut, USA
Meriden, Connecticut, USA
Shelton, Connecticut, USA
Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, USA
West Springfield, Massachusetts, USA
Wolcott, Connecticut, USA
Brookfield, Connecticut, USA
Southbury / Middlebury, Connecticut, USA
Guilford, Connecticut, USA
Woodbury, Connecticut, USA
Stamford, Connecticut, USA
Team Location Image
Storrs Mansfield, Connecticut, USA
Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA
Middletown, Connecticut, USA
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Winchester, Connecticut, USA
Middletown, Connecticut, USA
Redding, Connecticut, USA
Portland, Maine, USA
Deep River, Connecticut, USA
Waterbury, Connecticut, USA
Norwalk, Connecticut, USA
Dorchester Center, Massachusetts, USA
Washington, Connecticut, USA
Longmeadow, Massachusetts, USA
Manchester, Connecticut, USA
Award Winner
District Chairman's Award 4557
District Engineering Inspiration Award 2067
Rookie All Star Award 7153
District Event Winner 195
District Event Winner 5687
District Event Winner 7153
District Event Finalist 95
District Event Finalist 230
District Event Finalist 7127
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 467
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 228
Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi 95
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 3654
Highest Rookie Seed 7153
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 155
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 5687
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 230
Judges' Award 3555
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola Solutions Foundation 195
Rookie Inspiration Award sponsored by National Instruments 7127
Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 7127
Team Spirit Award sponsored by FCA Foundation 6367
Rank Team Qual Points Playoff Points Alliance Points Award Points Total Points
1 195 21 30 15 5 71
2 5687 19 30 15 5 69
3 95 22 20 16 5 63
4 230 20 20 16 5 61
5 7153 13 30 2 8 53
6 2067 18 10 14 8 50
7 4557 16 10 14 10 50
8 7127 9 20 1 10 40
9 2836 17 10 13 0 40
10 178 13 10 13 0 36
11 3555 17 0 12 5 34
12 228 14 0 12 5 31
13 155 12 10 3 5 30
14 467 15 0 10 5 30
15 5746 14 10 4 0 28
16 1099 16 0 11 0 27
17 4572 15 0 9 0 24
18 2064 11 0 11 0 22
19 3654 11 0 5 5 21
20 3958 10 0 10 0 20
21 6367 6 0 9 5 20
22 5856 12 0 7 0 19
23 4055 12 0 6 0 18
24 1071 7 0 8 0 15
25 3104 10 0 0 0 10
26 6811 9 0 0 0 9
27 69 8 0 0 0 8
28 6346 8 0 0 0 8
29 1027 5 0 0 0 5
30 3634 4 0 0 0 4

* Although points are calculated for all teams at this event, not all teams may receive points in the District Ranking System for this event.

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
230 245.93
95 226.30
195 198.46
5687 179.99
3555 174.92
4557 151.99
2067 150.46
2836 140.30
1099 127.62
178 124.87
3958 122.44
5746 119.65
228 116.02
467 110.85
5856 108.58
2064 87.05
4055 85.35
155 73.42
3654 65.69
69 60.69
7127 57.14
3104 44.55
4572 43.18
6367 39.72
1071 38.37
7153 37.80
1027 32.71
6346 28.36
3634 24.58
6811 22.86


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Auto Run 315 360 87.50%
Auto Switch Owned 90 120 75.00%
Auto Quest * 66 120 55.00%
Force Played 60 120 50.00%
Levitate Played 96 120 80.00%
Boost Played 76 120 63.33%
Climbs (does not include Levitate) 64 360 17.78%
Face the Boss * 9 120 7.50%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + Auto Quest + Face the Boss)
4 120 3.33%

Match Statistics

High Score 713 in Q7
Average Match Score 303.98
Average Winning Score 403.60
Average Win Margin 199.23
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Auto Run Points 13.12 -- --
Average Scale Ownership Points 1.30 57.77 59.07
Average Switch Ownership Points 11.48 112.34 123.83
Scale Neutral % 91.33% 14.42% 22.11%
Winner Scale Ownership % 8.00% 73.91% 67.32%
Winner Switch Ownership % 50.56% 98.63% 93.82%
Winner Opponent Switch Denial % -- 18.22% --
Average # Force Played -- 2.28 --
Average # Boost Played -- 2.14 --
Average Vault Points -- 28.00 --
Average Endgame Points -- 45.92 --
Average Foul Points -- -- 25.62
Average Score 25.91 252.46 303.98


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Auto Run 91 96 94.79%
Auto Switch Owned 25 32 78.12%
Auto Quest * 22 32 68.75%
Force Played 19 32 59.38%
Levitate Played 26 32 81.25%
Boost Played 22 32 68.75%
Climbs (does not include Levitate) 25 96 26.04%
Face the Boss * 1 32 3.12%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + Auto Quest + Face the Boss)
1 32 3.12%

Match Statistics

High Score 505 in SF1-2
Average Match Score 319.53
Average Winning Score 404.75
Average Win Margin 170.44
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Auto Run Points 14.22 -- --
Average Scale Ownership Points 5.69 65.75 71.44
Average Switch Ownership Points 11.31 112.03 123.34
Scale Neutral % 62.08% 2.59% 8.54%
Winner Scale Ownership % 37.50% 84.63% 79.92%
Winner Switch Ownership % 42.92% 90.28% 85.54%
Winner Opponent Switch Denial % -- 8.10% --
Average # Force Played -- 2.11 --
Average # Boost Played -- 2.23 --
Average Vault Points -- 27.19 --
Average Endgame Points -- 52.81 --
Average Foul Points -- -- 22.66
Average Score 31.22 265.66 319.53
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