Minnesota North Star Regional 2017

to Week 6
Mariucci Arena - University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA
http://www.mnfirst.org - details on firstinspires.org

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3633 2501 3292 2227 3610 5278 206 135
6480 3277 2525 4239 2883 5826 147 324
2129 3848 2654 2450 2225 4225 190 51
2177 2491 2667 3926 4687 2957 330 215
4632 3206 5541 4663 5801 5275 235 255
3042 4215 5290 4277 2549 4648 249 95
3691 2606 3130 4693 2574 3883 307 206
5340 4778 5464 2472 4665 1710 140 230
4626 5576 2169 6749 3018 1806 150 212
3055 2207 2175 3928 3197 5626 186 255
2654 2883 5275 2957 4663 3610 185 180
2501 2574 5541 3277 4693 2667 305 165
2549 3848 2606 3206 2177 2472 135 160
4225 1710 4687 3292 3883 4215 170 192
3926 5278 2450 5340 3042 3197 190 191
4277 2169 3130 6480 2207 5626 335 105
4239 2491 3691 4632 2175 5576 215 315
4665 2227 2525 2129 3928 1806 210 277
2225 4648 5801 5464 3055 4626 310 230
6749 5826 4778 3018 3633 5290 155 145
1710 3277 3610 3926 3197 4277 285 240
2175 2654 4663 3292 2169 2606 250 235
5576 2227 2549 2574 2207 5275 220 225
5340 3691 6480 3206 2129 4648 110 255
4687 3928 2501 4239 5541 3018 240 210
4626 5626 2883 4778 3848 5278 186 160
1806 4225 3055 2491 5290 2472 175 255
2957 6749 2525 3042 5801 3130 135 329
4693 4632 4665 4215 2225 2177 195 245
2667 2450 3883 3633 5826 5464 205 235
2129 3691 2883 3197 2549 3292 244 149
4239 4648 2574 5626 3018 3610 285 140
4225 5541 2227 3042 4626 2957 185 235
4687 1806 3130 2654 5340 4632 338 140
2667 2472 3633 5576 2525 4215 180 180
3883 4277 2177 3055 4778 4663 260 255
2207 2225 5464 2501 2606 5290 260 160
5801 3926 4693 4665 5826 3848 185 290
5275 6480 2175 1710 6749 2450 120 238
2491 3928 3277 2169 5278 3206 315 285
3633 4277 5576 2129 3130 5541 215 270
2525 3883 3197 2177 4626 2501 282 205
4663 1806 2667 2549 5626 2225 310 145
3926 5290 3848 4632 3292 6480 185 95
4778 2450 3610 3691 2169 4687 165 310
4215 3055 5275 5340 2606 3277 200 212
2175 2957 5826 4648 2472 5278 235 255
2207 3206 4665 2654 4239 3042 260 201
3018 2491 5801 1710 2227 4693 360 233
3928 2574 4225 6749 5464 2883 305 335
3633 5275 5626 3926 3691 2501 145 330
3277 3292 4648 2225 5576 3883 220 334
2606 4778 4632 6480 2129 3042 190 153
2549 2957 3055 3018 4665 2450 260 235
3130 5278 1710 2177 4225 4239 400 15
3610 4626 2472 2207 4693 3928 205 235
5826 4277 4687 2175 3206 2227 245 255
2169 5340 5290 2883 2667 5801 90 271
5464 2525 5541 6749 2654 2491 235 185
2574 3197 4663 1806 4215 3848 270 309
2472 3926 2129 3018 3883 3130 185 325
3928 3042 4277 3691 5275 2225 342 165
4778 2177 2207 4225 5801 3277 220 264
5626 4665 5278 5576 4687 6480 255 195
2175 4693 5340 2549 5290 2525 135 115
2654 1710 4626 2667 4632 2574 255 255
4648 4663 4215 2491 2501 2450 240 340
2883 3292 1806 3206 3633 3055 242 280
3197 3610 5826 2606 5541 6749 250 305
2227 4239 2957 3848 5464 2169 240 380
5801 2654 3883 3928 6480 2549 269 280
2129 3277 5275 4626 4687 5290 248 60
3691 3018 2207 5278 4663 2525 210 245
5541 3926 2225 4778 2175 2883 255 186
6749 4632 5626 2450 2472 2227 185 235
3292 2177 2574 2491 5340 5826 330 195
3206 3130 3610 4215 2667 5464 182 305
3055 2501 3042 3848 5576 1710 312 188
4693 4239 2606 2957 1806 4277 230 339
2169 3633 3197 4648 4225 4665 345 200


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 3130 1710 3277
Alliance 2 3928 2883 2472
Alliance 3 5801 2169 6749
Alliance 4 3042 2175 4663
Alliance 5 1806 3883 2227
Alliance 6 5464 2491 2574
Alliance 7 2501 3197 3206
Alliance 8 2129 3691 3633

Playoff Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3277 3130 1710 3691 2129 3633 504 245
3277 3130 1710 3691 2129 3633 452 145
4663 3042 2175 3883 1806 2227 299 290
4663 3042 2175 3883 1806 2227 220 335
4663 3042 2175 3883 1806 2227 237 351
2472 3928 2883 3197 2501 3206 451 235
2472 3928 2883 3197 2501 3206 305 303
6749 5801 2169 2491 5464 2574 235 345
6749 5801 2169 2491 5464 2574 395 255
6749 5801 2169 2491 5464 2574 280 445
3277 3130 1710 3883 1806 2227 362 328
3277 3130 1710 3883 1806 2227 333 307
2472 3928 2883 2491 5464 2574 305 310
2472 3928 2883 2491 5464 2574 341 235
2472 3928 2883 2491 5464 2574 277 405
3277 3130 1710 2491 5464 2574 386 305
3277 3130 1710 2491 5464 2574 361 185

Playoff Bracket



Ranking Score
Match Points
Record (W-L-T)
Total Ranking Points*
1 3130 2.00 2486 483 1120 1000 26 7-1-0 0 8 16
2 3928 1.75 2249 359 1000 1000 29 7-1-0 0 8 14
3 5801 1.62 2243 373 1040 750 53 6-2-0 0 8 13
4 3042 1.62 2012 207 940 850 37 6-2-0 0 8 13
5 1806 1.50 2202 512 1000 850 52 6-2-0 0 8 12
6 5464 1.50 2120 290 980 850 0 6-2-0 0 8 12
7 2501 1.50 2098 543 1060 850 13 6-2-0 0 8 12
8 2883 1.50 1973 423 1060 650 48 6-2-0 0 8 12
9 2129 1.50 1822 363 840 700 62 6-2-0 0 8 12
10 1710 1.37 1999 246 1040 650 49 4-3-1 0 8 11
11 4215 1.37 1920 366 920 800 15 5-2-1 0 8 11
12 2472 1.37 1705 345 1000 600 0 5-2-1 0 8 11
13 2491 1.25 2195 415 980 900 15 5-3-0 0 8 10
14 3883 1.25 2073 562 1020 750 38 5-3-0 0 8 10
15 2667 1.25 2021 427 980 850 56 4-2-2 0 8 10
16 5541 1.25 2000 360 1000 800 0 5-3-0 0 8 10
17 3206 1.25 1912 410 1020 700 2 5-3-0 0 8 10
18 3277 1.25 1856 367 800 700 211 5-3-0 0 8 10
19 3848 1.25 1837 292 940 700 7 5-3-0 0 8 10
20 2177 1.25 1765 480 840 700 5 5-3-0 0 8 10
21 2225 1.25 1765 296 820 750 5 5-3-0 0 8 10
22 3633 1.25 1751 355 960 650 1 4-3-1 0 8 10
23 6749 1.25 1750 365 1040 550 10 5-3-0 0 8 10
24 2574 1.12 2181 531 1060 900 1 4-3-1 0 8 9
25 2169 1.12 2130 470 1080 750 0 4-4-0 0 8 9
26 3197 1.12 1982 366 960 850 17 4-4-0 0 8 9
27 5278 1.12 1925 400 940 800 0 4-4-0 0 8 9
28 4663 1.00 2005 415 940 900 5 4-4-0 0 8 8
29 5826 1.00 1929 236 880 850 9 4-4-0 0 8 8
30 3691 1.00 1891 465 880 800 11 4-4-0 0 8 8
31 4665 1.00 1875 230 880 850 0 4-4-0 0 8 8
32 4648 1.00 1860 244 880 800 30 4-4-0 0 8 8
33 4277 1.00 1826 356 840 750 11 4-3-0 1 8 8
34 2606 1.00 1774 474 960 600 24 4-4-0 0 8 8
35 2207 1.00 1701 350 880 600 1 4-4-0 0 8 8
36 2175 1.00 1682 355 960 450 2 4-4-0 0 8 8
37 5275 1.00 1543 413 860 450 38 4-4-0 0 8 8
38 2654 0.87 1675 222 840 600 10 3-4-1 0 8 7
39 2525 0.87 1549 282 860 550 19 3-4-1 0 8 7
40 3055 0.75 1898 422 980 650 13 3-5-0 0 8 6
41 2957 0.75 1839 164 940 650 4 3-5-0 0 8 6
42 3018 0.75 1837 304 900 650 17 3-5-0 0 8 6
43 3292 0.75 1669 433 900 450 49 3-5-0 0 8 6
44 2450 0.75 1659 238 800 700 9 3-5-0 0 8 6
45 5626 0.75 1416 230 800 500 6 3-5-0 0 8 6
46 5290 0.75 1259 297 780 350 9 3-5-0 0 8 6
47 5340 0.75 1213 104 680 350 23 3-5-0 0 8 6
48 5576 0.62 1797 354 920 700 7 2-5-1 0 8 5
49 2227 0.62 1713 233 920 650 8 2-6-0 0 8 5
50 4632 0.62 1610 295 860 600 0 2-5-1 0 8 5
51 4693 0.62 1584 249 960 450 39 2-6-0 0 8 5
52 4626 0.62 1526 280 940 450 6 2-5-1 0 8 5
53 4239 0.50 1720 306 820 700 10 2-6-0 0 8 4
54 3926 0.50 1600 215 800 650 0 2-5-0 1 8 4
55 4778 0.50 1471 470 880 400 1 2-6-0 0 8 4
56 4687 0.50 1463 170 620 550 13 2-5-0 1 8 4
57 2549 0.50 1399 243 800 400 4 2-6-0 0 8 4
58 4225 0.25 1365 238 640 400 35 1-7-0 0 8 2
59 3610 0.25 1127 187 680 350 37 1-5-0 2 8 2
60 6480 0.25 1110 163 540 400 20 1-6-0 1 8 2

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Team Location Image
Olathe, Kansas, USA
Smithville, Missouri, USA
Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Savage, Minnesota, USA
Woodbury, Minnesota, USA
Mendota Heights, Minnesota, USA
White Bear Lake, Minnesota, USA
Champlin, Minnesota, USA
Fridley, Minnesota, USA
Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA
Circle Pines, Minnesota, USA
Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA
North St. Paul, Minnesota, USA
Plymouth, Minnesota, USA
Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
St. Anthony, Minnesota, USA
Rosemount, Minnesota, USA
Roseau, Minnesota, USA
Apple Valley, Minnesota, USA
Warroad, Minnesota, USA
Alden, Minnesota, USA
Saint Peter, Minnesota, USA
Apple Valley, Minnesota, USA
Austin, Minnesota, USA
Woodbury, Minnesota, USA
Cedarburg, Wisconsin, USA
Woodbury , Minnesota, USA
Thief River Falls, Minnesota, USA
Benson, Minnesota, USA
Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Team Location Image
Albert Lea, Minnesota, USA
Northfield, Minnesota, USA
Kenyon, Minnesota, USA
Cottage Grove, Minnesota, USA
Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA
Ames, Iowa, USA
Eagan, Minnesota, USA
Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA
Willmar, Minnesota, USA
Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Brooklyn Center, Minnesota, USA
Monticello, Minnesota, USA
Jordan, Minnesota, USA
Belle Plaine, Minnesota, USA
Glencoe, Minnesota, USA
Orono, Minnesota, USA
Rockford , Minnesota, USA
Chanhassen, Minnesota, USA
New Prague, Minnesota, USA
Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Forest Lake, Minnesota, USA
Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Cambridge, Minnesota, USA
Shakopee, Minnesota, USA
Spirit Lake, Iowa, USA
Norwood Young America, Minnesota, USA
Independence, Missouri, USA
Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin, USA
Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Hopkins, Minnesota, USA
Award Winner
Regional Chairman's Award 3928
Regional Engineering Inspiration Award 2177
Woodie Flowers Finalist Award John Almos (5464)
Volunteer of the Year Walt LaRoche (2177)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Kate Sawyer (3130)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Abby Wamsted (3883)
Regional Winners 3130
Regional Winners 1710
Regional Winners 3277
Regional Finalists 5464
Regional Finalists 2491
Regional Finalists 2574
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 2175
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 2169
Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi 3883
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 1806
Highest Rookie Seed 6749
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 2491
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 3277
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 3197
Judges' Award 1710
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola Solutions Foundation 3130
Rookie Inspiration Award sponsored by National Instruments 6749
Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 1710
Team Spirit Award sponsored by FCA Foundation 3633
Wildcard 5464
Wildcard 2491
Wildcard 2574

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
3928 137.01
2574 134.97
5464 131.17
1806 130.75
3130 129.81
2169 129.57
2491 129.56
5801 125.54
1710 123.19
3277 117.08
2883 114.29
3883 109.00
3042 108.43
4665 108.28
3197 101.64
5541 100.95
3055 97.82
2501 97.76
2606 95.19
5826 95.15
4663 92.89
2957 90.35
2177 90.00
3691 89.61
4215 88.50
2227 88.49
4648 87.86
5278 87.25
2175 83.27
4632 82.09
5576 80.32
3926 76.60
3633 73.84
2225 73.51
3206 67.67
3018 67.02
4277 66.65
2472 66.10
3848 62.13
2450 61.61
4687 61.26
2207 59.85
2654 57.37
2667 56.84
2129 53.13
4239 47.43
6749 46.36
5626 40.16
2549 36.20
3610 32.29
4778 31.48
2525 28.82
5275 27.12
6480 24.16
4626 23.76
3292 19.51
4693 18.92
5290 15.81
5340 -12.19
4225 -27.59


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Auto Mobility 436 480 90.83%
Teleop Takeoff (Climb) 271 480 56.46%
Pressure (kPa) Achieved 0 160 0.00%
Rotor 1 Engaged (Auto) 74 160 46.25%
Rotor 2 Engaged (Auto) 0 160 0.00%
Rotor 1 Engaged 159 160 99.38%
Rotor 2 Engaged 155 160 96.88%
Rotor 3 Engaged 102 160 63.75%
Rotor 4 Engaged 4 160 2.50%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + kPa & Rotor Bonuses)
-- -- --

Match Statistics

Highest Pressure (kPa) 38 in Q72
High Score 400 in Q55
Average Match Score 226.68
Average Winning Score 268.82
Average Win Margin 84.29
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Mobility Points 13.62 -- --
Average Rotor Points 27.75 86.50 114.25
Average Fuel Points 1.11 1.44 2.56
Average High Goals 1.11 4.42 5.53
Average Low Goals 0.00 0.62 0.62
Average Takeoff (Climb) Points -- 84.69 --
Average Foul Points -- -- 11.56
Average Score 42.49 172.63 226.68


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Auto Mobility 95 102 93.14%
Teleop Takeoff (Climb) 83 102 81.37%
Pressure (kPa) Achieved 3 34 8.82%
Rotor 1 Engaged (Auto) 26 34 76.47%
Rotor 2 Engaged (Auto) 3 34 8.82%
Rotor 1 Engaged 34 34 100.00%
Rotor 2 Engaged 34 34 100.00%
Rotor 3 Engaged 30 34 88.24%
Rotor 4 Engaged 7 34 20.59%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + kPa & Rotor Bonuses)
-- -- --

Match Statistics

Highest Pressure (kPa) 42 in SF1-1
High Score 504 in QF1-1
Average Match Score 316.68
Average Winning Score 375.29
Average Win Margin 117.24
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Mobility Points 13.97 -- --
Average Rotor Points 51.18 89.41 140.59
Average Fuel Points 3.32 4.53 7.85
Average High Goals 3.32 13.91 17.24
Average Low Goals 0.06 0.06 0.12
Average Takeoff (Climb) Points -- 122.06 --
Average Foul Points -- -- 9.85
Average Score 68.47 238.35 316.68
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