FIRST Chesapeake District Championship sponsored by Booz Allen Hamilton 2017

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2849 6334 6326 2421 384 2537 235 275
3258 1793 4541 620 612 1418 271 210
1610 1111 1389 2534 3793 1522 225 305
401 2199 1895 2363 5957 623 185 306
1086 1885 619 1599 5115 3941 300 257
4514 3359 5279 1629 5338 3373 250 245
1262 5945 2377 4638 449 4464 280 200
540 1598 1123 1731 4242 5587 203 255
4456 6239 5950 1137 346 2964 243 226
1418 4472 422 1080 1389 836 326 295
6326 4514 5957 3793 1610 620 140 256
612 401 1262 619 6334 3941 240 185
4464 1522 5338 384 5115 5587 250 307
3359 2421 1599 623 2377 4541 187 259
449 3373 2534 4472 2537 1123 210 250
1080 5950 1895 1598 4638 5945 235 330
4456 1111 1885 1137 5279 2199 325 285
2849 346 2363 540 1086 1629 344 256
3258 6239 1731 836 4242 1793 305 306
422 4541 5587 2964 1262 6326 307 360
1389 4464 3359 1895 2421 1123 230 250
620 1598 3941 4472 1111 401 285 255
1599 6334 384 4456 1418 2199 347 305
836 3373 6239 2377 2849 5957 207 280
346 3258 3793 449 2964 422 311 218
5115 1629 2537 1793 5945 540 280 305
1731 1522 4514 5950 2363 1885 311 211
612 5279 623 4242 1080 2534 210 252
1086 4638 1610 619 5338 1137 355 300
2964 4464 3258 2199 1599 1389 305 237
1895 3793 5945 346 6334 3373 230 220
6239 3359 2377 1598 1731 1111 255 356
5950 384 4242 401 449 1629 370 285
836 5115 4638 422 1123 612 220 233
1793 623 6326 540 4456 4514 255 311
4541 1137 2849 2534 3941 5587 248 290
1885 1610 1080 2537 620 1086 345 280
2363 1262 1522 5338 2421 4472 255 345
619 5945 5957 1418 5279 1731 285 345
1629 612 346 401 1123 2377 289 335
1137 422 540 1895 1599 4242 216 267
6239 2534 1885 384 1086 4464 310 256
4541 4456 5338 3793 836 5950 323 324
619 2421 4514 3941 1389 2537 255 310
1418 1610 6334 5279 1598 3373 235 320
5115 4472 2849 3359 2199 6326 310 320
1080 1522 5957 449 1793 1262 285 235
2363 620 1111 623 2964 5587 345 305
1599 4638 1629 2534 2537 3258 256 189
5279 5950 3941 540 4464 2377 305 305
1895 612 4472 4242 2849 1610 310 235
2199 836 4541 346 619 1262 300 350
1137 2363 1123 3793 5115 1418 249 305
4514 5587 620 449 6239 1389 331 305
4456 3373 401 1080 3258 4638 242 235
422 384 1522 5945 3359 623 207 305
2964 1731 1885 6326 1598 2421 335 295
5338 1086 1793 6334 5957 1111 255 310
540 836 612 4464 6239 3793 214 255
1080 4456 2849 4514 4541 5115 325 256
4638 2534 1137 401 3359 620 305 236
5945 422 3258 1123 3941 1610 265 285
2377 1885 2537 1418 5338 623 370 345
1895 5587 1111 1731 619 1629 240 345
1086 1262 4242 2421 5950 3373 281 285
1599 449 6326 1389 2363 6334 187 345
384 4472 2964 5279 1793 346 255 265
612 1598 1522 2199 5957 422 285 235
401 4541 1418 6239 540 1895 285 280
1123 620 5945 1262 2849 2421 256 421
3359 619 1111 4456 3258 449 305 235
3793 4514 1086 5587 2377 5279 205 255
1599 1137 1522 1629 1080 1598 307 345
623 4464 4472 4638 1731 6334 305 345
4242 3941 3373 2363 6326 384 310 352
5957 2537 5338 2199 2964 2534 306 306
1793 1610 5115 1389 5950 346 255 315
1885 1599 5587 836 401 5945 371 258
1598 1418 3258 4464 4514 2849 260 265
6239 1123 1086 4456 6326 1522 255 320
3793 3941 2199 3359 4638 4242 350 245
620 623 3373 5115 5338 346 256 297
5950 1262 1731 612 1137 2537 305 280
1111 2964 836 1610 1895 384 349 320
4472 449 5957 4541 1885 540 305 235
2363 2534 619 2377 1080 1793 261 312
6334 1629 5279 1389 422 2421 295 288
1137 623 5950 3258 2849 1123 307 312
2964 1418 4514 1086 612 5945 305 251
5338 5587 6239 3373 1599 4472 261 306
2199 2377 449 1793 1895 3941 305 285
619 4242 540 620 1522 6334 330 325
2534 346 4456 1598 1885 1262 261 310
384 1389 4638 1610 1731 5957 365 311
1111 422 4464 4541 2537 2363 285 347
5279 6326 1080 1629 836 3359 255 349
2421 3793 2964 5115 401 619 345 281
4472 2534 6334 1123 4514 5950 348 288
1389 4242 612 5945 3373 1885 305 235
1598 2377 1137 384 4541 449 255 343
4638 6326 346 1111 1418 1522 317 255
1731 1793 2849 1599 3793 401 256 307
3258 1895 5115 1262 5279 6239 285 255
2421 2199 1610 5587 540 1080 305 297
2537 623 836 1086 2363 3359 375 335
3941 1629 4464 620 5957 4456 280 325
5338 401 5950 422 619 6326 305 280
2377 1895 6334 1885 3258 1522 296 255
4242 1123 5115 1599 1111 4514 291 256
5279 5945 2363 6239 4541 4638 337 313
449 1418 2421 612 4456 1610 305 256
2849 540 3941 2964 1080 5338 295 345
2537 346 3359 4464 5587 5957 347 302
1598 1389 1793 1137 1086 836 337 270
1731 2199 3373 422 620 2534 257 306
384 1629 623 1262 4472 3793 316 295


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 3793 1111 4456
Alliance 2 384 6334 5279
Alliance 3 2377 1731 1418
Alliance 4 1885 2363 449
Alliance 5 2421 2534 4638
Alliance 6 1080 1629 1610
Alliance 7 2537 4242 836
Alliance 8 346 623 1262

Playoff Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4456 3793 1111 623 346 1262 395 312
4456 3793 1111 623 346 1262 340 0
449 1885 2363 2534 2421 4638 449 255
449 1885 2363 2534 2421 4638 451 255
5279 384 6334 4242 2537 836 448 446
5279 384 6334 4242 2537 836 448 448
1418 2377 1731 1629 1080 1610 237 375
1418 2377 1731 1629 1080 1610 256 445
4456 3793 1111 2363 1885 449 255 445
4456 3793 1111 2363 1885 449 325 449
5279 384 6334 1629 1080 1610 445 470
5279 384 6334 1629 1080 1610 446 395
5279 384 6334 1629 1080 1610 396 205
449 1885 2363 6334 384 5279 399 261
449 1885 2363 6334 384 5279 309 446
449 1885 2363 6334 384 5279 212 452

Playoff Bracket



Ranking Score
Match Points
Record (W-L-T)
Total Ranking Points*
1 3793 2.00 3488 776 1800 1450 38 10-2-0 0 12 24
2 384 1.91 3713 955 1980 1450 18 8-4-0 0 12 23
3 2377 1.75 3507 780 1720 1500 12 9-2-1 0 12 21
4 6334 1.75 3486 600 1820 1450 46 7-5-0 0 12 21
5 1885 1.66 3602 787 1800 1500 12 8-4-0 0 12 20
6 2421 1.66 3556 714 1780 1500 6 8-4-0 0 12 20
7 1080 1.66 3526 656 1840 1500 6 7-5-0 0 12 20
8 1731 1.58 3726 910 1800 1650 11 8-4-0 0 12 19
9 2363 1.58 3687 857 1780 1600 87 7-5-0 0 12 19
10 2537 1.58 3609 775 1760 1500 49 7-4-1 0 12 19
11 346 1.58 3542 566 1480 1550 337 8-4-0 0 12 19
12 4456 1.58 3471 419 1680 1550 36 7-5-0 0 12 19
13 4242 1.58 3447 646 1720 1500 7 8-4-0 0 12 19
14 2964 1.50 3654 720 1660 1650 44 7-4-1 0 12 18
15 4472 1.50 3610 839 1820 1600 5 7-5-0 0 12 18
16 1598 1.50 3581 776 1640 1550 6 8-4-0 0 12 18
17 1262 1.41 3587 584 1620 1600 47 7-5-0 0 12 17
18 1629 1.41 3541 840 1820 1450 41 6-6-0 0 12 17
19 5950 1.41 3493 617 1620 1600 48 7-4-1 0 12 17
20 5279 1.41 3377 776 1640 1450 12 7-4-1 0 12 17
21 2849 1.33 3526 717 1700 1500 51 6-6-0 0 12 16
22 5587 1.33 3521 839 1820 1450 16 6-6-0 0 12 16
23 1111 1.33 3506 710 1780 1500 6 6-6-0 0 12 16
24 836 1.33 3467 905 1880 1300 22 5-7-0 0 12 16
25 3359 1.33 3364 657 1720 1350 54 6-6-0 0 12 16
26 1895 1.33 3183 513 1720 1250 3 6-6-0 0 12 16
27 2534 1.33 3154 710 1500 1450 44 7-3-1 1 12 16
28 1389 1.25 3557 583 1700 1600 42 6-6-0 0 12 15
29 1418 1.25 3481 715 1700 1600 1 6-6-0 0 12 15
30 620 1.25 3411 650 1680 1500 6 6-6-0 0 12 15
31 5957 1.25 3390 599 1620 1550 5 6-5-1 0 12 15
32 1599 1.25 3029 589 1580 1250 19 6-5-0 1 12 15
33 6326 1.16 3316 665 1720 1250 16 5-7-0 0 12 14
34 1123 1.16 3207 597 1540 1450 22 7-5-0 0 12 14
35 4638 1.16 3121 769 1560 1300 11 6-5-0 1 12 14
36 5338 1.08 3577 705 1740 1650 12 4-7-1 0 12 13
37 623 1.08 3544 962 1780 1550 9 5-7-0 0 12 13
38 4541 1.08 3487 649 1680 1600 22 5-7-0 0 12 13
39 3941 1.08 3437 607 1660 1550 7 5-6-1 0 12 13
40 619 1.00 3477 712 1660 1550 52 5-7-0 0 12 12
41 1610 1.00 3383 651 1680 1450 3 5-7-0 0 12 12
42 1522 1.00 3360 773 1680 1450 5 5-7-0 0 12 12
43 1793 1.00 3337 730 1580 1500 12 6-6-0 0 12 12
44 5945 1.00 3337 707 1580 1500 12 6-6-0 0 12 12
45 401 1.00 3214 466 1500 1500 14 6-6-0 0 12 12
46 4514 1.00 3173 770 1560 1400 8 6-6-0 0 12 12
47 2199 0.91 3390 649 1680 1500 5 4-7-1 0 12 11
48 5115 0.83 3344 668 1560 1550 14 5-7-0 0 12 10
49 3258 0.83 3228 476 1460 1500 38 5-7-0 0 12 10
50 612 0.83 3083 680 1460 1400 43 5-7-0 0 12 10
51 540 0.75 3247 836 1700 1300 12 3-8-1 0 12 9
52 449 0.75 3133 652 1560 1400 8 4-8-0 0 12 9
53 4464 0.66 3238 702 1620 1400 3 3-8-1 0 12 8
54 3373 0.66 3093 591 1420 1350 43 4-8-0 0 12 8
55 422 0.58 3166 599 1500 1450 16 3-9-0 0 12 7
56 6239 0.50 3244 778 1600 1400 9 3-9-0 0 12 6
57 1086 0.41 3299 827 1700 1300 9 2-10-0 0 12 5
58 1137 0.25 3248 649 1520 1500 43 1-11-0 0 12 3

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Team Location Image
Richmond, Virginia, USA
Henrico, Virginia, USA
Blacksburg, Virginia, USA
Richmond, Virginia, USA
Silver Spring, Maryland, USA
Henrico, Virginia, USA
Chantilly, Virginia, USA
Charlottesville, Virginia, USA
Vienna, Virginia, USA
Vienna, Virginia, USA
Hollywood, Maryland, USA
Henrico, Virginia, USA
Glen Allen, Virginia, USA
Edgewater, Maryland, USA
Fairfax, Virginia, USA
Mathews, Virginia, USA
Martinsville, Virginia, USA
Bethesda, Maryland, USA
Falls Church, Virginia, USA
Mechanicsville, Virginia, USA
Danville, Virginia, USA
Mechanicsville, Virginia, USA
Franklin, Virginia, USA
Accident, Maryland, USA
Warrenton, Virginia, USA
Norfolk, Virginia, USA
Haymarket, Virginia, USA
Manassas, Virginia, USA
Finksburg, Maryland, USA
Team Location Image
Newport News, Virginia, USA
Pasadena, Maryland, USA
Burke, Virginia, USA
Baltimore , Maryland, USA
Columbia, Maryland, USA
Columbia, Maryland, USA
Washington, District of Columbia, USA
Martinsville, Virginia, USA
Portsmouth, Virginia, USA
Warrenton, Virginia, USA
Frederick, Maryland, USA
Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, USA
Washington, District of Columbia, USA
Washington, District of Columbia, USA
Laurel, Maryland, USA
Woodbridge, Virginia, USA
Huntingtown, Maryland, USA
Severn, Maryland, USA
Germantown, Maryland, USA
Silver Spring, Maryland, USA
Altavista, Virginia, USA
Leesburg, Virginia, USA
Alexandria, Virginia, USA
Fulton, Maryland, USA
Dry Fork, Virginia, USA
Newport News, Virginia, USA
Capitol Heights, Maryland, USA
Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Midlothian, Virginia, USA
Award Winner
Regional Chairman's Award 1885
Regional Chairman's Award 1629
Regional Engineering Inspiration Award 401
Regional Engineering Inspiration Award 5243
District Championship Rookie All Star Award 6334
Woodie Flowers Finalist Award Anne Kuntz
Volunteer of the Year Rick Smith
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Ojas Amberkar (540)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Emily Mendelson (5804)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Alexander Taber (2537)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award John Ulbrich (2988)
District Championship Winner 384
District Championship Winner 6334
District Championship Winner 5279
District Championship Finalist 1885
District Championship Finalist 2363
District Championship Finalist 449
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 4541
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 836
Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi 346
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 2363
Highest Rookie Seed 6334
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 1262
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 1080
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 1418
Judges' Award 2199
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola Solutions Foundation 384
Rookie Inspiration Award sponsored by National Instruments 6326
Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 346
Team Spirit Award sponsored by FCA Foundation 1111
Rank Team Qual Points Playoff Points Alliance Points Award Points Total Points
1 6334 60 90 45 24 219
2 384 63 90 45 15 213
3 1885 60 60 39 30 189
4 2363 54 60 39 15 168
5 3793 66 30 48 0 144
6 5279 45 90 6 0 141
7 1629 45 30 33 30 138
8 1111 42 30 48 15 135
9 1080 57 30 33 15 135
10 346 51 0 27 30 108
11 2377 63 0 42 0 105
12 1731 54 0 42 0 96
13 449 21 60 12 0 93
14 2421 57 0 36 0 93
15 4456 51 30 3 0 84
16 2537 54 0 30 0 84
17 1262 45 0 24 15 84
18 4242 51 0 30 0 81
19 1610 30 30 18 0 78
20 836 42 0 21 15 78
21 2534 39 0 36 0 75
22 1418 39 0 9 15 63
23 623 33 0 27 0 60
24 6326 36 0 0 15 51
25 401 27 0 0 24 51
26 4638 33 0 15 0 48
27 2964 48 0 0 0 48
28 1598 48 0 0 0 48
29 4472 48 0 0 0 48
30 4541 33 0 0 15 48
31 2849 45 0 0 0 45
32 5950 45 0 0 0 45
33 5587 42 0 0 0 42
34 3359 42 0 0 0 42
35 1389 39 0 0 0 39
36 1895 39 0 0 0 39
37 2199 24 0 0 15 39
38 1599 36 0 0 0 36
39 620 36 0 0 0 36
40 1123 36 0 0 0 36
41 5957 36 0 0 0 36
42 5338 33 0 0 0 33
43 619 30 0 0 0 30
44 3941 30 0 0 0 30
45 1793 30 0 0 0 30
46 1522 30 0 0 0 30
47 5945 27 0 0 0 27
48 4514 27 0 0 0 27
49 3258 24 0 0 0 24
50 5115 24 0 0 0 24
51 5243 0 0 0 24 24
52 540 21 0 0 0 21
53 612 21 0 0 0 21
54 3373 18 0 0 0 18
55 4464 18 0 0 0 18
56 422 15 0 0 0 15
57 6239 15 0 0 0 15
58 1086 12 0 0 0 12
59 1137 12 0 0 0 12

* Although points are calculated for all teams at this event, not all teams may receive points in the District Ranking System for this event.

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
1731 121.28
384 118.60
4472 118.17
2363 114.72
4456 110.84
2964 110.82
1598 110.50
5338 108.49
2377 108.35
1629 107.87
2421 107.31
1885 107.20
1389 106.79
346 106.28
3793 105.38
2537 105.24
1262 104.15
836 104.07
623 103.42
2849 103.37
4638 103.07
5587 102.85
4242 101.45
620 101.07
619 100.71
4541 100.68
3941 100.28
1418 99.74
1080 99.67
1111 98.50
2199 97.16
5950 95.89
5945 94.55
6334 94.26
5279 92.17
1522 89.73
5957 87.50
3359 87.26
1610 86.66
1599 86.37
2534 85.75
1793 85.21
1086 85.14
540 84.37
5115 84.12
1123 83.13
6239 82.01
6326 81.73
401 78.74
3258 77.99
422 77.33
1895 77.27
1137 77.21
4464 77.17
4514 72.99
449 71.73
612 64.76
3373 58.84


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Auto Mobility 645 696 92.67%
Teleop Takeoff (Climb) 573 696 82.33%
Pressure (kPa) Achieved 3 232 1.29%
Rotor 1 Engaged (Auto) 169 232 72.84%
Rotor 2 Engaged (Auto) 1 232 0.43%
Rotor 1 Engaged 232 232 100.00%
Rotor 2 Engaged 232 232 100.00%
Rotor 3 Engaged 214 232 92.24%
Rotor 4 Engaged 48 232 20.69%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + kPa & Rotor Bonuses)
0 232 0.00%

Match Statistics

Highest Pressure (kPa) 45 in Q52
High Score 421 in Q70
Average Match Score 284.89
Average Winning Score 310.44
Average Win Margin 51.09
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Mobility Points 13.90 -- --
Average Rotor Points 43.97 95.86 139.83
Average Fuel Points 0.78 1.51 2.28
Average High Goals 0.48 4.69 5.17
Average Low Goals 1.00 0.63 1.64
Average Takeoff (Climb) Points -- 123.49 --
Average Foul Points -- -- 5.39
Average Score 58.64 220.86 284.89


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Auto Mobility 96 96 100.00%
Teleop Takeoff (Climb) 78 96 81.25%
Pressure (kPa) Achieved 0 32 0.00%
Rotor 1 Engaged (Auto) 29 32 90.62%
Rotor 2 Engaged (Auto) 0 32 0.00%
Rotor 1 Engaged 32 32 100.00%
Rotor 2 Engaged 32 32 100.00%
Rotor 3 Engaged 32 32 100.00%
Rotor 4 Engaged 20 32 62.50%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + kPa & Rotor Bonuses)
0 32 0.00%

Match Statistics

Highest Pressure (kPa) 7 in F3
High Score 470 in SF2-1
Average Match Score 358.44
Average Winning Score 428.38
Average Win Margin 139.88
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Mobility Points 15.00 -- --
Average Rotor Points 54.38 108.75 163.12
Average Fuel Points 0.91 1.03 1.94
Average High Goals 0.91 3.31 4.22
Average Low Goals 0.00 1.34 1.34
Average Takeoff (Climb) Points -- 121.88 --
Average Foul Points -- -- 2.34
Average Score 70.28 294.16 358.44
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