Alamo Regional sponsored by Rackspace Hosting 2016

to Week 2
Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in San Antonio, TX 78205, USA - details on

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5894 5639 3103 6025 4694 1642 42 25
4332 5572 231 4597 5838 1477 44 44
2789 2158 5414 5417 3366 457 52 35
4219 4627 5681 647 6155 4639 45 46
1255 4412 5960 6028 5052 3035 29 42
4063 4091 2805 6051 3481 2969 84 45
2881 3335 2966 148 5726 418 42 80
1817 3700 5981 4696 4734 3005 35 75
5986 2721 2583 2468 4206 6126 25 27
3305 3999 624 3679 3561 5241 83 32
3735 5754 653 5445 5103 2848 37 64
6028 3481 2789 2158 1642 3335 87 70
4219 4734 647 5838 5414 5960 17 54
2805 457 4597 5726 5894 3700 47 15
3305 3679 3366 5986 5052 418 56 50
2583 3735 6155 2969 231 1817 54 60
3561 1255 5103 4063 148 5981 72 114
3035 5681 2966 6051 1477 4694 20 45
2848 4091 6025 2468 4412 2721 64 56
4696 653 5572 4639 3103 6126 39 47
2881 4332 4206 624 5754 5241 47 65
3005 5639 5445 3999 5417 4627 78 61
5103 1642 647 2805 2583 231 54 92
5981 1477 5960 4091 457 3735 68 30
5572 4694 2848 3366 148 4734 64 115
5414 4063 3335 653 3305 2721 72 57
2969 3999 5052 4696 2966 5754 59 57
5726 3103 3035 624 4332 2468 40 94
4219 3561 4639 5417 5986 6028 40 36
6025 418 5241 2789 3005 5838 32 79
5445 3481 4412 4597 6126 5681 67 30
6051 5639 6155 2881 3679 3700 28 52
4206 1255 5894 1817 4627 2158 12 61
5726 4694 2583 4063 5052 3735 78 70
5414 624 5103 3005 5572 1642 70 78
1477 2468 418 2969 5445 3561 108 47
6126 6051 231 148 3999 4332 37 138
4627 3679 4734 4597 3335 4091 62 53
3366 5894 5981 6155 6028 5241 41 43
3305 4219 2881 1255 2789 3103 45 87
3481 2848 5417 5960 1817 2966 75 49
2805 5986 5838 2158 4412 4696 82 68
4639 2721 5754 457 3035 5639 86 64
653 3700 4206 5681 647 6025 25 55
5981 5052 4627 5414 2881 231 70 87
3481 5726 3735 6028 3305 4734 87 24
1817 1255 5986 6051 5445 3103 52 64
5639 148 2789 2969 4597 5960 131 38
2721 4332 2966 3679 647 5894 37 68
457 2848 3005 3561 4206 4694 82 55
2158 624 4639 4091 3700 5103 91 45
3335 3366 6126 2805 3035 6025 37 37
5838 1642 5754 5681 5417 2468 66 85
4063 5572 4412 3999 418 6155 39 88
4696 5241 4219 653 1477 2583 19 90
457 6028 231 5445 2966 624 82 55
3103 3005 3679 148 2158 3735 76 109
4597 6051 5052 2848 5838 4639 29 52
3366 3481 4063 4206 5639 647 97 38
4694 2789 1817 2468 2805 653 62 77
2583 3305 418 5960 5681 5894 47 34
4734 2881 1477 5103 4412 5417 92 50
4696 4332 6155 4091 5414 3561 47 54
6126 2969 5754 1255 3335 3700 53 40
5726 6025 2721 5981 3999 4219 72 84
3035 5241 1642 5986 5572 4627 45 75
4639 4206 4412 3735 2789 2966 51 57
148 624 5417 3481 4696 5052 101 77
3679 6028 5414 2805 2848 1477 71 86
2158 2468 2969 647 3305 5981 95 50
5986 6155 4597 5103 5754 6025 38 89
3999 653 5838 3035 5894 2881 73 89
457 1817 1642 4219 418 6126 37 51
4694 4734 3335 5445 4332 5241 49 52
3700 3103 5960 2721 4627 4063 64 87
2583 6051 3561 5726 5572 5639 22 51
4091 1255 5681 3366 231 3005 55 105
3305 6025 148 1817 4639 1477 112 59
4597 4206 5417 418 5981 3035 30 51
624 2805 6126 5960 4734 6155 75 69
5103 2969 4627 4694 5838 6028 91 78
4696 2721 2881 1642 3735 3366 75 74
5754 231 5726 653 2158 3679 92 74
3999 3561 3700 3481 2583 3103 67 47
647 3335 457 3005 4412 6051 52 92
2468 5241 5414 2966 1255 5639 85 91
5681 2789 4063 4332 2848 5986 65 54
4091 5052 5445 5894 5572 4219 84 56


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 148 231 5726
Alliance 2 3005 624 3679
Alliance 3 2468 4063 (4627) 5572
Alliance 4 3999 3481 6155
Alliance 5 1477 (5754) 2158 2583
Alliance 6 2805 4639 418
Alliance 7 2848 457 1255
Alliance 8 2789 5414 2881

Playoff Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
231 148 5726 5414 2789 2881 159 57
231 148 5726 5414 2789 2881 164 61
3481 3999 6155 2158 1477 2583 97 141
3481 3999 6155 2158 1477 2583 77 104
624 3005 3679 457 2848 1255 161 94
624 3005 3679 457 2848 1255 109 99
4063 2468 5572 4639 2805 418 117 104
4063 2468 5572 4639 2805 418 110 81
231 148 5726 2158 5754 2583 149 95
231 148 5726 2158 5754 2583 172 58
624 3005 3679 4627 2468 5572 99 95
624 3005 3679 4627 2468 5572 100 107
624 3005 3679 4627 2468 5572 116 106
231 148 5726 624 3005 3679 160 113
231 148 5726 624 3005 3679 168 110

Playoff Bracket



Ranking Score
Record (W-L-T)
Ranking Score/Match*
1 148 26 174 145 311 370 8-0-0 0 8 3.25
2 3005 22 186 85 84 435 7-1-0 0 8 2.75
3 2468 22 142 100 125 365 6-2-0 0 8 2.75
4 624 20 190 85 154 380 6-2-0 0 8 2.50
5 3999 20 156 90 142 380 6-2-0 0 8 2.50
6 1477 20 152 90 70 380 6-1-1 0 8 2.50
7 2805 20 142 80 93 355 7-0-1 0 8 2.50
8 2848 19 150 70 56 395 6-2-0 0 8 2.38
9 4063 19 136 100 132 330 6-2-0 0 8 2.38
10 231 19 128 70 106 355 6-1-1 0 8 2.38
11 2789 18 166 90 84 370 7-1-0 0 8 2.25
12 2158 17 138 95 127 355 5-3-0 0 8 2.12
13 5754 16 168 80 62 365 5-3-0 0 8 2.00
14 4639 16 148 40 59 340 6-2-0 0 8 2.00
15 5445 16 138 75 38 360 6-2-0 0 8 2.00
16 5726 15 124 80 91 330 5-3-0 0 8 1.88
17 3481 15 120 65 147 335 5-3-0 0 8 1.88
18 418 15 106 70 76 310 6-2-0 0 8 1.88
19 5414 14 164 70 81 360 5-3-0 0 8 1.75
20 5838 14 160 80 43 380 4-3-1 0 8 1.75
21 4627 14 132 65 50 335 5-3-0 0 8 1.75
22 5639 13 152 80 101 305 5-3-0 0 8 1.62
23 3366 13 130 85 100 320 4-3-1 0 8 1.62
24 2881 13 124 105 115 290 5-3-0 0 8 1.62
25 2969 13 104 50 84 300 5-3-0 0 8 1.62
26 5981 12 156 70 117 300 4-4-0 0 8 1.50
27 4734 12 140 80 113 265 4-4-0 0 8 1.50
28 6025 12 128 70 63 315 4-3-1 0 8 1.50
29 3679 12 118 85 48 320 4-4-0 0 8 1.50
30 6028 12 118 70 70 265 4-4-0 0 8 1.50
31 3103 12 118 65 24 355 4-4-0 0 8 1.50
32 4332 12 116 90 87 270 3-4-1 0 8 1.50
33 5103 11 184 65 41 395 3-5-0 0 8 1.38
34 5417 11 136 45 87 320 3-5-0 0 8 1.38
35 2583 11 110 60 20 305 4-4-0 0 8 1.38
36 3735 11 98 60 75 325 3-5-0 0 8 1.38
37 6126 11 78 40 44 245 5-2-1 0 8 1.38
38 2721 10 94 95 36 300 3-5-0 0 8 1.25
39 5052 9 110 70 56 325 3-5-0 0 8 1.12
40 5572 9 104 60 37 290 3-4-1 0 8 1.12
41 4091 9 104 55 31 295 3-4-0 0 8 1.12
42 3305 9 90 95 89 215 4-4-0 0 8 1.12
43 3561 9 84 60 25 270 3-5-0 0 8 1.12
44 4694 8 140 50 26 345 2-6-0 0 8 1.00
45 3035 8 112 60 46 265 3-4-1 0 8 1.00
46 5241 8 110 40 33 250 3-5-0 0 8 1.00
47 6051 8 110 40 32 260 3-5-0 0 8 1.00
48 1255 8 108 70 40 300 2-6-0 0 8 1.00
49 457 8 100 70 74 265 3-5-0 0 8 1.00
50 653 8 76 100 46 270 2-6-0 0 8 1.00
51 6155 7 130 60 58 240 3-5-0 0 8 0.88
52 5986 7 106 55 26 285 2-6-0 0 8 0.88
53 5681 7 100 65 49 220 3-5-0 0 8 0.88
54 647 7 100 40 45 235 3-5-0 0 8 0.88
55 5894 7 96 50 46 235 3-5-0 0 8 0.88
56 4219 7 78 40 49 200 3-5-0 0 8 0.88
57 4696 6 160 80 57 280 2-6-0 0 8 0.75
58 5960 6 136 50 49 295 2-6-0 0 8 0.75
59 1642 6 134 55 30 335 1-7-0 0 8 0.75
60 4412 6 122 45 55 310 2-6-0 0 8 0.75
61 1817 6 92 25 38 280 2-5-0 0 8 0.75
62 3700 6 82 55 36 245 2-6-0 0 8 0.75
63 2966 5 148 70 40 275 2-6-0 0 8 0.62
64 3335 4 110 55 80 240 1-6-1 0 8 0.50
65 4206 3 70 35 25 205 1-7-0 0 8 0.38
66 4597 3 62 45 22 185 1-5-1 0 8 0.38

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Team Location Image
Greenville, Texas, USA
Houston, Texas, USA
Austin, Texas, USA
San Antonio, Texas, USA
Katy, Texas, USA
Killeen, Texas, USA
San Antonio, Texas, USA
Baytown, Texas, USA
Conroe, Texas, USA
Ft. Worth, Texas, USA
Lubbock, Texas, USA
Austin, Texas, USA
Austin, Texas, USA
Austin, Texas, USA
Lasara, Texas, USA
Manor, Texas, USA
Waxahachie, Texas, USA
Dallas, Texas, USA
Austin, Texas, USA
Pharr, Texas, USA
San Antonio, Texas, USA
Dallas, Texas, USA
Corpus Christi, Texas, USA
Houston, Texas, USA
El Paso, Texas, USA
Cypress, Texas, USA
Roscoe, Texas, USA
San Antonio, Texas, USA
San Antonio, Texas, USA
San Marcos, Texas, USA
Rio Hondo, Texas, USA
Spring, Texas, USA
Killeen, Texas, USA
Team Location Image
Del Rio, Texas, USA
Santo Domingo, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Fort Worth, Texas, USA
San Antonio, Texas, USA
Edinburg, Texas, USA
San Antonio, Texas, USA
Edinburg, Texas, USA
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Katy, Texas, USA
Amarillo, Texas, USA
el paso, Texas, USA
Lubbock, Texas, USA
Cedar Park, Texas, USA
New Braunfels, Texas, USA
San Antonio, Texas, USA
Pearland, Texas, USA
Allen, Texas, USA
Kunming, Yunnan, China
San Antonio, Texas, USA
Pharr, Texas, USA
San Antonio, Texas, USA
San Antonio, Texas, USA
San Antonio, Texas, USA
Kunming , Yunnan, China
Edinburg, Texas, USA
Mission, Texas, USA
San Antonio, Texas, USA
San Antonio, Texas, USA
Istanbul, Istanbul, Türkiye
Wuhan, Hubei, China
Converse, Texas, USA
San Antonio, Texas, USA
San Antonio, Texas, USA
Award Winner
Regional Chairman's Award 1477
Regional Engineering Inspiration Award 2881
Rookie All Star Award 6025
Woodie Flowers Finalist Award Juan Ortiz (2158)
Volunteer of the Year Rio Grande Valley Executive Advisory Board
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Madison Cox (5052)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Stephanie Waugh (2881)
Regional Winners 148
Regional Winners 231
Regional Winners 5726
Regional Finalists 3005
Regional Finalists 624
Regional Finalists 3679
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 2158
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 2583
Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi 2468
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 4063
Highest Rookie Seed 5838
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 1255
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 148
Industrial Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 1477
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 2848
Judges' Award 5414
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola Solutions Foundation 3481
Rookie Inspiration Award sponsored by National Instruments 5986
Team Spirit Award sponsored by FCA Foundation 4063
Wildcard 3005

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
148 70.21
3005 46.23
2468 45.71
3999 43.44
3481 37.35
231 36.08
2881 36.00
1477 34.10
5754 32.81
4627 31.21
4063 30.86
2158 30.51
2805 30.48
5103 29.63
624 29.07
2789 26.32
4694 26.08
5639 25.07
1255 24.67
5445 24.58
3366 24.41
4639 23.75
3679 22.42
4091 21.97
5960 21.68
2848 21.60
6028 21.06
2721 19.22
5052 18.90
418 18.76
3103 18.55
5981 18.49
5726 18.20
5414 17.94
6155 17.50
4696 16.48
647 16.42
1642 16.01
5838 15.90
2583 15.84
5986 15.63
6025 15.44
653 15.35
3335 15.15
3735 14.96
4332 13.64
3561 13.34
5572 13.06
457 12.73
3035 12.67
2969 12.35
5681 11.58
3305 11.05
4734 10.50
5894 10.20
4412 9.86
2966 9.37
1817 9.12
4219 9.00
4597 8.35
5417 7.63
5241 5.82
6126 4.90
3700 3.09
6051 1.62
4206 0.12


Defense Statistics

Defense # Damaged # Opportunities % Success
Low Bar 157 176 89.20%
A Cheval De Frise 53 114 46.49%
Portcullis 31 62 50.00%
B Ramparts 58 91 63.74%
Moat 58 85 68.24%
C Sally Port 16 111 14.41%
Drawbridge 6 65 9.23%
D Rough Terrain 57 62 91.94%
Rock Wall 74 114 64.91%
Total Breaches 73 176 41.48%

Tower Statistics

Item Count # Opportunities % Success
Challenges 270 528 51.14%
Scales 11 528 2.08%
Captures 9 176 5.11%

Match Statistics

Average Low Goals 1.69
Average High Goals 0.96
High Score 138 in Q37
Average Match Score 61.00
Average Winning Score 74.28
Average Win Margin 26.57
Average Auto Score 15.57
Average Teleop Crossing Score 25.00
Average Teleop Boulder Score 7.65
Average Teleop Tower Score 8.61
Average Foul Score 4.12


Defense Statistics

Defense # Damaged # Opportunities % Success
Low Bar 29 30 96.67%
A Cheval De Frise 23 29 79.31%
Portcullis 1 1 100.00%
B Ramparts 27 27 100.00%
Moat 3 3 100.00%
C Sally Port 3 15 20.00%
Drawbridge 1 15 6.67%
D Rough Terrain 7 7 100.00%
Rock Wall 22 23 95.65%
Total Breaches 26 30 86.67%

Tower Statistics

Item Count # Opportunities % Success
Challenges 65 90 72.22%
Scales 8 90 8.89%
Captures 7 30 23.33%

Match Statistics

Average Low Goals 2.80
Average High Goals 2.63
High Score 172 in SF1-2
Average Match Score 112.77
Average Winning Score 135.73
Average Win Margin 45.93
Average Auto Score 26.00
Average Teleop Crossing Score 28.33
Average Teleop Boulder Score 17.43
Average Teleop Tower Score 14.83
Average Foul Score 3.00
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