PNW District - Mount Vernon Event 2015

Pacific Northwest District Event
to Week 3
Mount Vernon High School in Mount Vernon, WA, USA - details on

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4911 3070 3663 4180 2928 4918 110 44
2930 4683 2903 4205 2907 2976 52 67
4173 2811 4654 2660 3575 4060 0 18
3826 2605 1318 2980 4980 3968 92 18
4542 3218 1258 2046 5748 1983 40 121
2930 2660 3826 4205 3663 4683 44 94
2046 4180 2907 3070 1318 4060 78 15
2811 4911 4542 4980 1258 4654 73 13
2976 1983 3218 2903 4173 2928 106 10
4918 5748 3968 2980 2605 3575 34 34
4654 2928 2046 2976 4060 1983 48 99
4180 2980 2811 4205 5748 2930 69 107
4911 3968 3575 2907 3663 2660 91 83
3070 4980 4542 2903 1318 3218 59 126
1258 3826 4683 4918 4173 2605 27 85
3663 2976 4180 1318 4542 2660 90 52
4205 4980 3826 2928 4911 4060 95 117
5748 2903 1258 2811 3070 2930 66 100
2907 4918 2605 4173 1983 2980 94 127
4654 3968 3575 2046 3218 4683 25 36
2903 3070 2980 4980 4173 4911 12 16
4180 2976 3575 1318 2930 1258 56 76
2605 3663 4542 1983 4205 2660 122 94
4060 2046 4918 2811 3968 4683 56 8
5748 3218 2928 4654 3826 2907 18 34
4173 3663 1318 1258 2046 3968 120 45
4060 2930 4180 4918 1983 3826 48 123
2980 3218 4683 2907 4542 2928 54 86
2660 2605 2811 4980 2976 2903 98 49
4205 3575 3070 4911 5748 4654 20 76
2928 3663 3826 1318 2903 2811 118 77
3070 4980 4918 3968 2976 2660 68 36
1983 4654 2605 3218 4911 2930 123 86
4173 2046 2907 4180 4205 1258 67 25
4683 3575 5748 4542 2980 4060 16 30
3968 4180 1983 2660 4980 2928 154 81
2907 1258 4060 2605 2811 4683 113 97
4918 4205 4654 3575 2903 3663 108 145
2930 2980 2046 3070 3826 3218 36 49
1318 4911 2976 4542 5748 4173 113 45
1258 2928 2980 4654 3070 4180 48 44
2660 4918 4911 2811 4205 3218 52 49
2046 4173 2903 4060 5748 3663 69 95
1983 4683 1318 2605 3968 2930 89 101
4980 2907 3575 4542 2976 3826 65 33
1318 4205 2928 1258 3070 4918 114 20
4911 1983 2605 4980 4683 4180 174 85
4654 2980 2660 3826 2976 2046 6 90
4060 3968 2903 2930 3575 4542 79 29
3218 3663 4173 2811 5748 2907 64 68
2903 4542 4205 2928 2605 2976 6 34
2907 3968 3218 4180 4911 3826 96 121
1983 2930 2980 2811 4918 3663 136 82
5748 2660 3070 4060 4683 4654 11 35
1318 2046 4980 3575 4173 1258 79 27
3968 4060 3826 3663 1983 2980 23 106
2660 4683 4173 3218 4654 4542 43 0
4180 5748 1318 2903 2907 4980 78 66
2811 2928 3575 2046 2605 3070 39 59
2930 2976 4918 4911 1258 4205 72 95


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 1983 1318 4654
Alliance 2 3663 4911 5748
Alliance 3 2605 2930 4683
Alliance 4 2907 2046 4060
Alliance 5 4180 2976 3218
Alliance 6 4205 4918 3968
Alliance 7 3826 4980 2903
Alliance 8 2811 4542 2928

Playoff Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2046 2907 4060 2976 4180 3218 124 74
2930 2605 4683 4918 4205 3968 97 96
4911 3663 5748 4980 3826 2903 130 61
1318 1983 4654 4542 2811 2928 126 72
2046 2907 4060 4918 4205 3968 58 98
2930 2605 4683 2976 4180 3218 70 86
4911 3663 5748 4542 2811 2928 137 92
1318 1983 4654 4980 3826 2903 158 50
4911 3663 5748 2046 2907 4060 149 72
1318 1983 4654 4918 4205 3968 149 82
4911 3663 5748 4918 4205 3968 60 65
1318 1983 4654 2046 2907 4060 180 80
4918 4205 3968 2046 2907 4060 92 92
1318 1983 4654 4911 3663 5748 119 132
1318 1983 4654 4911 3663 5748 162 64
1318 1983 4654 4911 3663 5748 128 45

Playoff Advancement


Rank Alliance Average Score Advance to Semis
1 1983, 1318, 4654 142.00
2 3663, 4911, 5748 133.50
3 4205, 4918, 3968 97.00
4 2907, 2046, 4060 91.00
5 2605, 2930, 4683 83.50
6 2811, 4542, 2928 82.00
7 4180, 2976, 3218 80.00
8 3826, 4980, 2903 55.50


Rank Alliance Average Score Advance to Finals
1 1983, 1318, 4654 149.33
2 3663, 4911, 5748 113.67
3 2907, 2046, 4060 81.33
4 4205, 4918, 3968 79.67



Rank Team Qual Avg. Coopertition Auto Container Tote Litter DQ Played
1 1983 121.0 120 0 568 456 332 0 12
2 3663 102.4 80 4 496 388 261 0 12
3 4911 93.7 160 8 384 290 288 0 12
4 2605 92.8 120 24 356 346 267 0 12
5 1318 85.9 40 60 376 336 237 0 12
6 2907 76.4 200 0 252 246 225 0 12
7 4180 74.3 160 4 288 244 202 0 12
8 2930 73.9 40 4 380 288 199 0 12
9 4205 72.8 120 4 304 270 200 0 12
10 3826 70.8 80 24 320 302 153 0 12
11 2976 70.4 0 0 384 310 181 0 12
12 4918 69.8 80 0 300 294 176 0 12
13 2046 65.3 0 20 328 260 194 0 12
14 2811 63.3 80 4 268 248 168 0 12
15 2928 63.1 120 0 232 264 153 0 12
16 2903 63.1 80 20 260 190 207 0 12
17 5748 61.2 40 0 248 248 211 0 12
18 4060 60.7 80 0 260 198 196 0 12
19 3218 60.3 120 28 220 210 166 0 12
20 3968 59.2 120 0 232 214 150 0 12
21 4980 57.8 160 32 168 168 166 0 12
22 2980 56.3 120 0 192 162 202 0 12
23 4173 56.1 40 0 204 232 199 0 12
24 4683 53.0 120 0 172 188 180 0 12
25 2660 51.5 80 0 164 210 182 0 12
26 1258 49.6 40 0 208 176 171 0 12
27 4542 47.9 80 16 200 198 113 0 12
28 3070 47.2 40 12 192 156 167 0 12
29 3575 47.1 80 0 160 150 181 0 12
30 4654 42.7 40 0 176 180 126 0 12
Team Location Image
Seattle, Washington, USA
Issaquah, Washington, USA
Seattle, Washington, USA
Maple Valley, Washington, USA
Bellingham, Washington, USA
Tulalip, Washington, USA
Vancouver, Washington, USA
Arlington, Washington, USA
Auburn, Washington, USA
Seattle, Washington, USA
Snohomish, Washington, USA
Sammamish, Washington, USA
Oak Harbor, Washington, USA
Shoreline, Washington, USA
Bonney Lake, Washington, USA
Team Location Image
Okanogan, Washington, USA
Bothell, Washington, USA
Sequim, Washington, USA
Renton, WA, USA
Chehalis, Washington, USA
Mount Vernon, Washington, USA
Seattle, Washington, USA
Sedro Woolley, Washington, USA
Woodinville, WA, USA
Deming, Washington, USA
Marysville , Washington, USA
Seattle, Washington, USA
Port Townsend, Washington, USA
Kettle Falls, Washington, USA
Adna, Washington, USA
Award Winner
District Chairman's Award 2980
District Engineering Inspiration Award 2930
District Event Winner 1983
District Event Winner 1318
District Event Winner 4654
District Event Finalist 3663
District Event Finalist 4911
District Event Finalist 5748
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 3218
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 2907
Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi 3826
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 3663
Highest Rookie Seed 5748
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 4911
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 1983
Industrial Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 2930
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 1318
Judges' Award 1258
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola 2046
Rookie Inspiration Award 5748
Team Spirit Award sponsored by Chrysler 2903
Rank Team Qual Points Playoff Points Alliance Points Award Points Total Points
1 1983 22 30.0 16 5 73.0
2 1318 18 30.0 16 5 69.0
3 3663 21 20 15 5 61
4 4911 20 20 15 5 60
5 2907 17 10 13 5 45
6 2930 16 0 14 13 43
7 2046 14 10 13 5 42
8 5748 12 20 2 5 39
9 4205 16 10 11 0 37
10 4654 4 30.0 1 0 35.0
11 4918 14 10 11 0 35
12 2605 19 0 14 0 33
13 3826 15 0 10 5 30
14 4180 17 0 12 0 29
15 3968 11 10 6 0 27
16 2976 15 0 12 0 27
17 4060 12 10 4 0 26
18 2903 12 0 7 5 24
19 2811 13 0 9 0 22
20 2928 13 0 8 0 21
21 3218 11 0 5 5 21
22 4980 10 0 10 0 20
23 2980 10 0 0 10 20
24 4542 7 0 9 0 16
25 1258 8 0 0 5 13
26 4683 9 0 3 0 12
27 4173 9 0 0 0 9
28 2660 8 0 0 0 8
29 3070 6 0 0 0 6
30 3575 5 0 0 0 5

* Although points are calculated for all teams at this event, not all teams may receive points in the District Ranking System for this event.

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
1983 79.34
3663 59.89
4911 49.92
2605 44.02
1318 38.33
2907 37.79
2930 32.67
4180 28.41
4205 27.27
2903 24.69
2046 22.38
3826 22.20
4980 22.09
2928 20.42
4918 20.37
2811 20.16
3218 16.76
4060 16.10
3968 15.98
5748 15.14
1258 10.52
2976 9.92
3575 7.13
4683 6.90
4542 5.61
4173 4.67
2660 4.62
2980 3.24
3070 2.70
4654 0.69
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