Arkansas Rock City Regional 2015

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5568 5551 1209 4490 2200 3337 43 7
2972 3061 4213 1732 1208 4090 17 69
931 3937 5006 418 1625 4500 74 35
935 2773 1986 4745 5040 5409 22 8
1706 2386 3179 2359 401 2040 73 54
1939 16 4329 4330 5721 4849 10 9
4256 2481 3847 5153 3616 5437 70 85
3931 2451 5454 1108 1785 5259 56 18
2395 3783 3160 3612 4522 3284 68 93
1209 1732 5040 5551 3937 2386 75 78
1706 2040 5721 4745 1208 931 64 114
2481 5568 4213 4256 935 4330 118 96
4329 3847 3337 1108 3061 5006 6 58
5409 5437 2200 1785 16 5454 26 46
3783 4849 4522 2395 4500 2451 97 110
3616 3179 401 1939 3931 2773 14 38
1625 3160 3612 4090 418 2359 4 36
2972 3284 4490 1986 5259 5153 30 34
5568 5454 3847 3937 16 4745 15 59
1785 2200 931 4522 4256 2386 68 103
4329 1706 1208 2773 5437 3783 62 46
3160 2451 3179 3337 3616 1209 81 63
4090 5040 5259 1108 2395 1939 9 2
1732 3612 4500 2481 5153 1625 59 105
935 4490 5409 401 5006 4330 47 48
2359 2972 5721 3061 4849 3284 33 16
4213 3931 2040 5551 418 1986 33 91
4522 1108 16 1209 2773 4256 28 34
1625 5259 4329 3847 1208 5040 20 51
3937 4490 5153 5409 3160 1706 62 70
3179 4745 1785 2972 2395 3612 12 54
5006 3284 3616 1732 2040 4330 112 113
1986 3931 2359 1939 2451 2200 80 71
5454 5551 2481 931 4090 4849 32 22
3783 2386 418 3061 5568 935 89 62
4500 5721 3337 4213 401 5437 28 6
4745 3284 4256 4329 3179 3937 43 38
1625 4330 3616 1986 1785 2395 81 100
4522 1208 2040 4490 4849 5454 104 26
2481 3612 1706 3061 3931 5551 176 64
5153 5040 401 5437 2451 1209 60 136
4500 1108 2972 3160 5721 5568 55 9
2200 2773 2386 5259 4213 5006 81 44
1939 3783 4090 3847 5409 418 4 30
935 931 3337 2359 16 1732 71 108
4329 4256 2395 1209 2481 401 71 119
5551 4490 4745 1625 3179 5437 18 42
4849 4213 2386 3931 3160 3937 52 34
5006 418 5040 5454 3616 5721 44 36
3337 16 4090 3783 1986 1706 48 54
5259 3061 1732 5409 2359 4500 23 34
1208 5568 3284 1785 1939 4522 90 64
935 1108 2040 2200 2972 5153 26 36
2773 4330 2451 931 3847 3612 136 79
5006 1986 3160 16 3179 2481 86 173
4490 4256 3616 4329 3061 4090 62 33
401 3337 1732 5454 4522 4745 27 40
5409 1939 4213 1625 2040 2972 20 32
2451 1108 3612 1208 3937 935 72 51
5259 1209 418 4849 1785 1706 85 88
3783 4330 5568 2200 5551 5040 16 17
4500 5437 931 3931 3847 3284 64 88
5153 5721 2773 2359 2386 2395 53 86
1986 5454 1939 4522 4329 935 79 46
16 4849 1209 1625 4090 4745 30 5
4330 2481 3937 5259 2972 3337 98 75
2200 3179 4500 3616 5040 1706 114 51
2451 3847 5551 5721 5409 2386 97 80
931 2359 5153 3783 4213 1785 37 50
3284 401 1108 3612 4490 418 46 54
3160 5437 3061 5568 2040 2773 27 36
1208 3931 2395 5006 1732 4256 67 51
4330 3847 2972 1209 1706 5454 93 94
5259 4522 3616 5721 935 4213 142 72
3612 4745 1939 4490 2386 4500 76 58
5153 4090 5409 931 5568 3179 34 48
2773 5040 1625 3337 4256 3931 15 48
3061 3937 2040 2395 16 401 72 72
4849 1986 5437 1732 1108 3783 95 53
418 2200 3284 1208 2451 2481 82 206
1785 3160 2359 4329 5006 5551 16 11
5721 4090 4522 5153 4330 3931 58 94
4745 1209 3061 5259 931 1939 30 21
4213 1108 5454 3179 3783 5409 68 25
4256 1625 1706 935 3284 2451 43 83
1208 5551 2359 4500 16 3616 50 124
418 2395 3337 4329 2972 2386 77 118
4849 3612 5006 5568 5437 5040 87 73
3937 1785 2773 2040 4490 2481 122 81
1732 2200 1986 3847 401 3160 100 21


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 2481 2451 1625
Alliance 2 1208 4522 2200
Alliance 3 2386 16 3847
Alliance 4 4330 1986 4256
Alliance 5 1706 1732 2972
Alliance 6 3616 1209 931
Alliance 7 3612 418 3937
Alliance 8 2395 3284 4500

Playoff Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1986 4330 4256 1732 1706 2972 70 89
16 2386 3847 1209 3616 931 106 80
4522 1208 2200 418 3612 3937 136 80
2451 2481 1625 3284 2395 4500 138 96
1986 4330 4256 1209 3616 931 138 64
16 2386 3847 1732 1706 2972 68 86
4522 1208 2200 3284 2395 4500 118 82
2451 2481 1625 418 3612 3937 144 70
4522 1208 2200 3284 2395 4500 144 70
2451 2481 1625 1986 4330 4256 174 129
4522 1208 2200 1986 4330 4256 88 135
2451 2481 1625 3284 2395 4500 179 66
1986 4330 4256 3284 2395 4500 120 76
2451 2481 1625 4522 1208 2200 166 110
2451 2481 1625 1986 4330 4256 125 83
2451 2481 1625 1986 4330 4256 150 79

Playoff Advancement


Rank Alliance Average Score Advance to Semis
1 2481, 2451, 1625 141.00
2 1208, 4522, 2200 127.00
3 4330, 1986, 4256 104.00
4 2395, 3284, 4500 89.00
5 1706, 1732, 2972 87.50
6 2386, 16, 3847 87.00
7 3612, 418, 3937 75.00
8 3616, 1209, 931 72.00


Rank Alliance Average Score Advance to Finals
1 2481, 2451, 1625 173.00
2 4330, 1986, 4256 128.00
3 1208, 4522, 2200 114.00
4 2395, 3284, 4500 70.67



Qual Avg.
1 2481 117.8 320 80 400 296 94 0 10
2 2451 104.8 240 20 396 310 82 0 10
3 1208 86.4 80 20 372 252 146 0 10
4 2386 81.8 340 12 180 174 130 0 10
5 4330 78.4 260 18 168 222 116 0 10
6 1706 77.5 280 20 156 174 157 0 10
7 4522 77.5 160 10 340 220 57 0 10
8 3616 77.0 240 0 168 172 196 0 10
9 3612 75.4 200 42 256 194 62 0 10
10 1986 74.1 100 40 284 214 109 0 10
11 1209 70.9 240 20 152 188 109 0 10
12 2395 70.7 240 16 204 164 89 0 10
13 16 69.8 80 0 300 206 142 0 10
14 3937 68.8 160 20 168 172 186 0 10
15 3284 68.3 160 4 220 216 95 0 10
16 4500 68.1 160 28 244 188 79 0 10
17 1732 67.8 140 16 232 164 126 0 10
18 418 62.3 160 28 184 172 91 0 10
19 4256 62.1 160 6 160 190 117 0 10
20 3179 62.0 160 14 200 154 92 0 10
21 5006 61.5 160 20 172 170 99 0 10
22 2040 61.5 160 8 148 172 133 0 10
23 2200 60.2 160 0 176 174 92 0 10
24 3931 60.2 80 10 168 200 144 0 10
25 5153 60.0 180 10 160 162 94 0 10
26 5437 60.0 160 20 172 170 78 0 10
27 931 59.8 220 30 104 178 78 0 10
28 1785 58.4 180 0 148 166 96 0 10
29 2773 58.3 140 0 132 164 147 0 10
30 935 57.6 180 0 108 192 102 0 10
31 3847 55.0 220 4 124 166 48 0 10
32 2972 54.3 120 6 200 200 47 0 10
33 2359 53.4 140 6 156 168 82 0 10
34 4849 52.2 120 20 116 192 74 0 10
35 5568 51.0 120 14 144 160 78 0 10
36 3783 50.2 140 4 104 154 112 0 10
37 5551 50.1 120 20 128 150 89 0 10
38 5454 49.2 40 44 156 156 114 0 10
39 4213 48.0 120 0 116 164 80 0 10
40 5259 47.1 140 0 100 150 87 0 10
41 401 46.7 160 20 92 136 71 0 10
42 3337 45.0 160 4 84 110 98 0 10
43 4490 44.5 140 4 64 134 115 0 10
44 5721 44.2 160 0 104 112 84 0 10
45 1108 42.6 0 0 200 162 82 0 10
46 3160 41.6 180 0 60 110 78 0 10
47 4329 41.5 80 0 124 146 83 0 10
48 4745 40.5 80 0 140 124 73 0 10
49 5040 40.3 160 0 84 94 77 0 10
50 3061 40.2 80 0 88 134 100 0 10
51 1939 38.5 40 20 120 170 65 0 10
52 1625 38.2 40 20 120 120 94 0 10
53 5409 37.4 100 4 96 108 84 0 10
54 4090 31.8 0 0 140 124 66 0 10
Mountain Home, Arkansas, USA
Blacksburg, Virginia, USA
Austin, Texas, USA
Saint Louis, Missouri, USA
Newton, Kansas, USA
Paola, Kansas, USA
O Fallon, Illinois, USA
Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA
Winnebago, Illinois, USA
Wentzville, Missouri, USA
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Blue Springs, Missouri, USA
Kansas City, Missouri, USA
Lees Summit, Missouri, USA
Dunlap, Illinois, USA
Burlington, Ontario, Canada
Ada, Oklahoma, USA
Edmond, Oklahoma, USA
Burlington, Ontario, Canada
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA
Saint Charles, Illinois, USA
Tremont, Illinois, USA
Edmond, Oklahoma, USA
Lafayette, Colorado, USA
Naperville, Illinois, USA
Grove, Oklahoma, USA
Adair, Oklahoma, USA
Camdenton, Missouri, USA
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA
Springdale, Arkansas, USA
Lafayette, Louisiana, USA
Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Houston, Texas, USA
Chickasha, Oklahoma, USA
Searcy, Arkansas, USA
Fort Smith, Arkansas, USA
Bloomington, Illinois, USA
Town and Country, Missouri, USA
Saint Peters, Missouri, USA
Saint Louis, Missouri, USA
Searcy, Arkansas, USA
Clayton, Missouri, USA
Sedalia, Missouri, USA
little rock, Arkansas, USA
Little Rock, AR, USA
Prairie Grove, Arkansas, USA
Arlington, Tennessee, USA
Huntsville, Arkansas, USA
Farmington, Arkansas, USA
Wynne, Arkansas, USA
Jacksonville, Arkansas, USA
Oakville, Ontario, Canada
Booneville, Arkansas, USA
Bentonville, Arkansas, USA
Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Bentonville, Arkansas, USA
Newark, Arkansas, USA
De Witt, Arkansas, USA
Jacksonville, Arkansas, USA
Award Winner
Regional Chairman's Award 3284
Regional Engineering Inspiration Award 4329
Rookie All Star Award 5437
Woodie Flowers Finalist Award Andy Marts (16)
Volunteer of the Year Ben Carrigan
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Jonathan White (16)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Matthew King (4849)
Regional Winners 2481
Regional Winners 2451
Regional Winners 1625
Regional Finalists 4330
Regional Finalists 1986
Regional Finalists 4256
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 4522
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 4256
Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi 1208
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 1108
Highest Rookie Seed 5437
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 3160
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 2481
Industrial Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 3284
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 2451
Judges' Award 418
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola 1986
Rookie Inspiration Award 5454
Team Spirit Award sponsored by Chrysler 5006

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
2481 78.67
2451 63.07
2386 49.54
4522 44.04
3616 41.98
1986 40.50
1208 38.89
1706 36.50
4330 34.77
1732 32.30
16 31.84
3612 29.28
418 29.20
2395 28.97
1209 27.93
3284 27.35
5006 26.78
931 26.78
5437 24.77
1785 24.64
4500 24.61
3937 23.96
2972 22.41
5153 21.88
3931 21.49
2040 20.42
935 17.05
2200 16.40
2773 16.24
3179 13.98
4213 13.47
3847 12.41
5568 12.31
4256 11.06
2359 10.14
3061 9.95
5259 9.92
3783 8.59
3337 8.56
4745 8.41
5409 7.58
4849 5.65
5721 4.84
5040 4.02
4329 3.17
5454 2.47
5551 2.21
3160 2.10
4090 1.89
401 0.57
4490 -0.37
1108 -1.04
1939 -1.27
1625 -5.33
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